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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 699

699. And the temple of God was opened in heaven.- That this signifies the manifestation of a new heaven and a new church, where is the worship of the Lord, is evident from the signification of the temple, as denoting heaven and the church, here, a new heaven and a new church; the manifestation of these is signified by the temple being opened. That temple, in the highest sense, signifies the Lord as to His Divine Human, and the Divine Truth proceeding from Him, and, in a relative sense, heaven and the church, may be seen above (n. 220, 391, 630). The temple here signifies a new heaven and a new church, where there is worship of the Lord, because this chapter treats of the changes of state which precede a last judgment, namely, the separation of the evil from the good, and the removal of them from the places where they were before. When this is accomplished, then a new heaven and a new church appear to those who are in the higher heavens. These could not be made manifest so long as they were conjoined with the evil, because their interiors were closed, lest they might suffer injury from the evil, with whom they had communication as to externals. But when the evil had been separated and removed, then the interiors in the good, which in themselves were heavenly, were opened, and these being opened, heaven and the church became manifest. For in the measure that the interiors, which are celestial and spiritual, are opened, so far the nature of heaven in regard to the church with those in whom heaven and the church are, becomes manifest.

[2] No one from [his] own intelligence could know that these things are so because they are arcana of heaven, which must be learned from revelation. For who could possibly know how the Last Judgment was accomplished, and also what changes preceded it in the spiritual world, and what followed? In order, however, that these things might be known, they have been disclosed to me, therefore I am allowed to describe them here from revelation. It is said, a new heaven and a new church, where the worship of the Lord is, because in the new heaven and in the New Church the Lord alone is worshipped; for the Divine is not there distinguished into three persons, but into a Trine in one person. Concerning this Trinity see what is written in the 220, 391, 630); also because the New Jerusalem means the church as to doctrine, or the doctrine of the New Jerusalem. Nevertheless there are temples in heaven, in which the Lord is preached, and Divine truth taught.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 699

699. Verse 19. And the temple of God was opened in heaven, signifies the appearing of the new heaven and the New Church, where there is worship of the Lord. This is evident from the signification of "temple" as being heaven and the church, here the new heaven and the New Church; the appearing of these is signified by "the temple was opened." (That "temple" signifies in the highest sense the Lord in relation to His Divine Human and Divine truth proceeding from Him, and in a relative sense heaven and the church, may be seen above, n. 220, 391, 630.)

The "temple" signifies here the new heaven and the New Church where there is worship of the Lord, because this chapter treats of the changes of state that precede the Last Judgment, namely, the separation of the evil from the good, and their removal from the places where they had been previously. When this is done, the new heaven and the New Church appear to those who are in the higher heavens. These could not appear so long as the good were conjoined with the evil, because their interiors were closed that they might not be harmed by the evil with whom they had communication in respect to externals. But when the evil had been separated and removed, then the interiors with the good, which were in themselves heavenly, were opened, and when these had been opened, heaven and the church lay open; for so far as the interiors which are heavenly and celestial are opened, what heaven is in relation to the church with those who have heaven and the church in them, becomes manifest.

[2] From self-intelligence no one can know that these things are so, for they are arcana of heaven, that must be learned from revelation. For who can know how the Last Judgment was accomplished, or what changes in the spiritual world preceded it and what followed it? But that these things might be known they have been manifested to me, wherefore it is permitted me to describe them here from revelation. It is said, the new heaven and the New Church, where there is worship of the Lord, because in the new heaven and the New Church the Lord alone is worshipped; for there the Divine is not distinguished into three persons, but into a Trine in one person. (Respecting this Trinity see what has been said in the New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine, n. 280-310). This also is what is meant in Revelation where the New Jerusalem is treated of:

I saw heaven 1and no temple therein, for the Lord God the Almighty, and the Lamb, are the temple thereof (220, 391, 630), also because "the New Jerusalem" means the church in respect to doctrine, or the doctrine of the New Jerusalem. Nevertheless there are temples in heaven, in which the Lord is preached and Divine truth is taught.


1. The photolithograph has "Caelum," "Heaven;" the Latin Editor has "Ceterum," "as for the rest" or "otherwise."

Apocalypsis Explicata 699 (original Latin 1759)

699. [Vers. 19.] "Et apertum est templum Dei in caelo." - Quod significet apparitionem novi caeli et novae ecclesia, ubi cultus Domini, constat ex significatione "templi", quod sit caelum et ecclesia, hic novum caelum et nova ecclesia; apparitio illorum significatur per quod "templum apertum sit."

(Quod "templum" in supremo sensu significet Dominum quoad Divinum Humanum Ipsius, ac Divinum Verum procedens ab Ipso, et in sensu respectivo caelum et ecclesiam, videatur supra, n. 220, 391 [b, c, e] , 630.) Quod "templum" hic significet novum caelum et novam ecclesiam, ubi cultus Domini, est quia in hoc capite actum est de mutationibus status quae praecedunt ultimum judicium, nempe de malorum separatione a bonis ac de illorum remotione e locis ubi prius fuerunt; quando hoc fit, tunc apparet illis qui in superioribus caelis sunt novum caelum et nova ecclesia; haec, quamdiu conjuncti fuerunt cum malis, non potuerunt apparere, quia interiora eorum occlusa fuerunt, ne laederentur a malis, cum quibus quoad externa communicatio fuit: at cum separati et remoti fuerunt, tunc aperta sunt interiora apud bonos, quae in se caelestia fuerunt; quibus apertis, patuit caelum et ecclesia; nam quantum interiora, quae caelestia et spiritualia sunt, aperiuntur, tantum patet caelum quale est quoad ecclesiam apud illos in quibus caelum et ecclesia est.

[2] Quod ita sit, nemo potest ex propria intelligentia scire, quia sunt arcana caeli, quae ex revelatione discenda sunt: quis enim scire potest quomodo ultimum judicium peractum est, tum quales mutationes in mundo spirituali praecesserunt, et quaenam secutae sunt? Ut vero scirentur, manifestata sunt mihi; quare illa ex revelatione hic describere licet. Quod dicatur novum caelum et nova ecclesia, ubi cultus Domini, est quia in novo caelo et in nova ecclesia colitur solus Dominus; non enim ibi distinguitur Divinum in tres Personas, sed in Trinum in una Persona, de qua Trinitate videantur quae in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae (a n. 280 ad 310) scripta sunt: hoc quoque est quod intelligitur in Apocalypsi, ubi agitur de Nova Hierosolyma,

" 1

Ceterum et templum non vidi in illa, quia Dominus Deus omnipotens Templum ejus est et Agnus" (cap. 21:22):

per "Dominum Deum omnipotentem et Agnum" intelligitur Dominus quoad Ipsum Divinum ac Divinum Humanum; quod ibi "non templum visum sit, est quia per templum" in supremo sensu significatur Dominus quoad Divinum Verum et quoad cultum (ut supra, n. 220, 391 [b, c, e] , 630, ostensum est), et quia per "Novam Hierosolymam" intelligitur ecclesia quoad doctrinam, seu doctrina Novae Hierosolymae. At usque sunt templa in caelo, in quibus praedicatur Dominus, ac docetur Divinum Verum.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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