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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 728

728. And her child was caught up unto God and His throne.- That this signifies the protection of the doctrine by the Lord, because it is for the New Church, is evident from the signification of the child or male child, which was brought forth by the woman who was encompassed with the sun, under whose feet was the moon, and on whose head was a crown of twelve stars, as denoting doctrine from the Word, and in fact the doctrine of truth, that is, the doctrine of love to the Lord and of charity towards the neighbour, and lastly of faith; and from the signification of being caught up unto God and His throne, as denoting protection by the Lord from the dragon, that stood before the woman who was about to bring forth, with the intention and desire of devouring that which should be brought forth. Such protection by the Lord against those who are meant by the dragon is signified here by these words. And as that doctrine is to be the doctrine of the church which is called the New Jerusalem, therefore it is said to be protected because it is for the New Church. It is said, "Caught up unto God and His throne," God meaning the Lord, and His throne heaven; it is caught up unto the Lord and to heaven, because that doctrine is from the Lord, and heaven is in that doctrine.

[2] An expression is also used of Enoch, the son of Jared, similar to that applied here to the child born of the woman, which it is said "was caught up unto God," but in these words "Enoch walked with God, and was no more, because God took him" (Genesis 5:24). Who are meant by this Enoch, and what Enoch signifies has been disclosed to me from heaven, namely, that they were those of the Most Ancient Church who collected together the representatives and correspondences of natural things with spiritual. For the men of the Most Ancient Church had a spiritual understanding and perception of all things which they saw with their eyes, and thus from the objects in the world they clearly perceived the spiritual things to which they corresponded. And because the Lord foresaw that this spiritual perception would perish with their posterity, and with this perception also the knowledge of correspondences, through which the human race has conjunction with heaven, therefore the Lord provided that some of those who lived among the most ancient people should make a compilation of correspondences and reduce them to book form (in codicem conferrent); these are meant by Enoch, and it is this book that is here signified. Because this book was to furnish the coming churches, to be established by the Lord after the deluge, with a knowledge (scientia) and cognition of what is spiritual in natural things, therefore it was preserved by the Lord for their use, and also guarded lest the final posterity of the Most Ancient Church, who were evil, should do injury to it. This therefore is the signification, in the spiritual sense, of Enoch being no more, because God took him. From these things it is evident what is signified by the child of the woman being caught up unto God and His throne.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 728

728. And her offspring was caught up unto God and His throne, signifies the protection of the doctrine by the Lord, because it is for the New Church. This is evident from the signification of "the offspring" (or the son, a male) brought forth by "the woman arrayed with the sun, under whose feet was the moon, and upon whose head was a crown of twelve stars," as being doctrine from the Word, and indeed, the doctrine of truth, that is, the doctrine of love to the Lord and of charity towards the neighbor, and finally of faith. Also from the signification of "caught up unto God and His throne," as being protection by the Lord from "the dragon" that stood before the woman about to bring forth, with the intent and desire of devouring what was brought forth. That protection by the Lord from those who are meant by "the dragon" is here signified by these words. And as that doctrine was to be the doctrine of the church that is called the New Jerusalem, therefore it is said protection because it is for the New Church. It is said "caught up unto God and His throne," "God" meaning the Lord, and "His throne" heaven; it is caught up to the Lord and to heaven because this doctrine is from the Lord, and heaven is in this doctrine.

[2] What is here said of the offspring born of the woman, who "was caught up unto God," is also said of Enoch, the son of Jared, but in these words:

Enoch walked with God, and was no more; because God took him (Genesis 5:24).

Who are here meant by "Enoch," and what "Enoch" signifies, has been disclosed to me from heaven, namely, those of the men of the Most Ancient Church who collected together the representatives and correspondences of natural things with spiritual; for the men of the Most Ancient Church were in the spiritual understanding and perception of all things they saw with their eyes, and thence from the objects in the world they saw through to the spiritual things corresponding to the objects. Because the Lord foresaw that this spiritual perception would perish with their posterity, and with that perception also the knowledge of correspondences through which the human race has conjunction with heaven, therefore the Lord provided that some of those who lived with the most ancient people should collect together the correspondences, and gather them into a manuscript; these are here meant by "Enoch," and that manuscript is what is here signified. Because that manuscript was to serve the coming churches that were to be established by the Lord after the deluge with the knowledge and cognition of the spiritual things that are in natural things, it was preserved by the Lord for their use, and was also guarded, lest the last posterity of the Most Ancient Church, who were evil, should offer injury to it. This, therefore, is what is signified in the spiritual sense by "Enoch was no more, because God took Him." From this it can be seen what is signified by "the offspring of the woman was caught up unto God and His throne."

Apocalypsis Explicata 728 (original Latin 1759)

728. "Et raptus est fetus ejus ad Deum et thronum Ipsius." - Quod significet tutationem doctrinae a Domino, quia pro Nova Ecclesia, constat ex significatione "fetus" seu "filii masculi", quem "peperit mulier circumdata sole, sub cujus pedibus luna, et super cujus capite corona stellarum duodecim", quod sit doctrina ex Verbo, et quidem doctrina veri, id est, doctrina amoris in Dominum et charitatis erga proximum, et denique fidei; et ex significatione "rapi ad Deum et ad thronum Ipsius", quod sit tutatio a Domino pro "dracone", qui adstitit parienti, animo et cupiditate devorandi illum; illa tutatio a Domino pro illis qui per "draconem" intelliguntur, hic per illa verba significatur; et quia doctrina illa futura est doctrina ecclesiae, quae Nova Hierosolyma vocatur, ideo dicitur tutatio quia pro Nova Ecclesia: "raptus ad Deum et thronum Ipsius" dicitur; et per "Deum" intelligitur Dominus, et per "thronum Ipsius" caelum; quod ad Dominum et ad caelum, est quia doctrina illa est a Domino, et caelum in illa doctrina est.

[2] Similiter ut hic de "fetu a muliere genito", quod "raptus sit ad Deum", etiam dicitur de Chanocho Jaredis filio, sed his verbis,

"Ambulavit Chanoch cum Deo, et non amplius, quia sumpsit illum Deus" (Genesis 5:24):

quinam per "Chanochum" hunc intellecti sunt, et quid significatum est, mihi e caelo detectum est; nempe quod illi qui ex hominibus Antiquissimae Ecclesiae in unum collegerunt repraesentativa et correspondentias naturalium cum spiritualibus; homines enim Antiquissimae Ecclesiae fuerunt in spirituali intellectu et perceptione omnium quae viderunt oculis; et inde ex objectis in mundo perspexerunt spiritualia, quae objectis correspondebant; et quia Dominus praevidit quod spiritualis illa perceptio apud posteros illorum periret, et cum perceptione illa quoque cognitio correspondentiarum per quas generi humano est conjunctio cum caelo, ideo providit Dominus ut quidam qui apud antiquissimos vixerunt, in unum colligerent correspondentias, ac in codicem conferrent; hi erant qui per "Chanochum" intelliguntur, et ille codex qui significatur: is codex, quia inserviturus erat ecclesiis venturis, quae post diluvium a Domino instaurandae erant, pro scientia et pro cognitione spiritualium in naturalibus, in usum illarum conservatus est a Domino, et quoque tutatus, ne ultima posteritas Antiquissimae Ecclesiae, quae mala fuit, illi codici damnum inferret: hoc itaque est quod in sensu spirituali significatur per quod "Chanoch non amplius, quia sumpsit illum Deus." Ex his constare potest quid significatur per quod "fetus mulieris raptus sit ad Deum et ad thronum Ipsius."

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