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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 729

729. Verse 6. 11 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared by God, that there they may nourish her a thousand two hundred and sixty days."

"And the woman fled into the wilderness," signifies the church among a few, because with those who are not in good, and therefore not in truths; "where she hath a place prepared by God," signifies its state, that in the meantime provision may be made for it among many; "that there they may nourish her a thousand two hundred and sixty days," signifies until it grows to fulness.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 729

729. Verse 6. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared by God, that there they may nourish her a thousand two hundred and sixty days.

6. "And the woman fled into the wilderness," signifies the church among a few, because with those who are not in good, and consequently not in truths n. 739; "where she hath a place prepared by God," signifies its state, that in the meantime provision may be made for it among more n. 731; "that there they may nourish her a thousand two hundred and sixty days," signifies until it grows to fullness n. 732.

Apocalypsis Explicata 729 (original Latin 1759)

729. VERSUS 6.

"Et mulier fugit in desertum, ubi habet locum praeparatum a Deo, ut ibi alant eam diebus mille ducentis sexaginta."

6. "Et mulier fugit in desertum", significat ecclesiam inter paucos, quia apud illos qui non in bono sunt et inde nec in veris [n. 730] ; "ubi habet locum praeparatum a Deo", significat statum ejus ut interea provideatur inter plures [n. 731] ; "ut ibi alant eam diebus mille ducentis sexaginta", significat usque dum crescit in plenum [n. 732] .

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