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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 757

757. And when the dragon saw that he was cast out unto the earth.- That this signifies when the religion of faith alone separated from the life of charity was not acknowledged but accounted as vile, is evident from the signification of seeing, as denoting to consider and perceive; from the signification of the dragon, as denoting those in the church who make no account of life; and as this is especially done by those who hold the doctrine that it is faith alone that justifies and not at all a life of faith which is charity (concerning which see above, n. 714:8, 715, 716, 718, 737), therefore the dragon here signifies the religion of faith alone separated from the life of charity; and from the signification of being cast out unto the earth, as denoting to be separated from heaven and condemned to hell (concerning which see above, n. 739, 742, 746). To be cast out unto the earth here signifies that that religion was not acknowledged but accounted as vile, because when anything pertaining to religion or to doctrine does not agree with truth and good, it is then separated from heaven, and is no longer acknowledged but accounted as vile.

This takes place first in the spiritual world, and afterwards in the natural world; for in those things that pertain to heaven and the church both worlds act in unison (unum agit). For a man living in the natural world can think about spiritual things only as the spirits and angels that are with him think, because spiritual things are above man's natural thought, and those things that are above are determined by influx; this influx, however, is received only by those who are interiorly spiritual, that is, who are in the affection for truth for the sake of truth, and who also live according to truths. By such the religion of faith separated from a life of charity is not acknowledged, but is accounted as vile. It is different with those who are not influenced by truths, except for the sake of reputation, honour, and gain, and who consequently make no account of a life of charity; these receive no influx out of heaven, therefore they make one with hell. These are signified by the dragon.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 757

757. Verse 13. And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, signifies when the religion of faith alone separated from the life of charity was not acknowledged but was accounted as vile. This is evident from the signification of "seeing," as being to consider and to perceive; also from the signification of "the dragon," as being those in the church who make no account of the life; and as this is especially done by those who have the doctrine that faith alone is what justifies, and not at all a life of faith, which is charity (of which above, n. 714, 715, 716, 718, 737), therefore "the dragon" here signifies the religion of faith alone separated from the life of charity. Also from the signification of "cast unto the earth," as being that he was separated from heaven and condemned to hell (of which see above, n. 739, 742, 746). "To be cast unto the earth" here signifies that that religion was not acknowledged, but was accounted as vile, because whenever anything of religion or doctrine is not in accord with truth and good it is separated from heaven, and is no longer acknowledged, but is accounted as vile. This takes place first in the spiritual world, and afterward in the natural world; for in things pertaining to heaven and the church both worlds act as one; since a man who is living in the natural world can think about spiritual things no otherwise than the spirits and angels that are with him think, because spiritual things are above man's natural thought, and the things that are above are dependent on influx; yet this influx is received only by those who are inwardly spiritual, that is, who are in the affection of truth for the sake of truth, and who are living according to truths. By such the religion of faith separated from the life of charity is not acknowledged, but is accounted as vile. It is otherwise with those who have no affection for truths except for the sake of fame, honor, and gain, consequently who make no account of the life of charity. These receive no influx out of heaven, therefore they make one with hell. These are signified by "the dragon. "

Apocalypsis Explicata 757 (original Latin 1759)

757. "Et cum vidit draco quod projectus in terram." - Quod significat cum religio solius fidei separatae a vita charitatis non agnosceretur, sed pro vili haberetur, constat ex significatione "videre", quod sit animadvertere et percipere; ex significatione "draconis", quod sint qui vitam nihili faciunt in ecclesia; et quia id praecipue faciunt illi quibus doctrina est quod sola fides justificet, et prorsus non vita fidei, quae est charitas (de qua supra, n. 714 [b] , 715, 716, 718, 737), inde per "draconem" hic significatur religio solius fidei separatae a vita charitatis: et ex significatione "projecti in terram", quod sit quod separatus a caelo ac damnatus inferno (de qua supra, n. 739 [a] , 742, 746 [a]); quod hic per "projectus esse in terram" significetur quod religio illa non agnosceretur, sed pro vili haberetur, est quia dum aliquid religionis aut doctrinae non concordat cum vero et bono, tunc separatur a caelo, et non amplius agnoscitur, sed pro vili habetur. Hoc fit primum in mundo spirituali, et postea in mundo naturali; nam in talibus quae caeli et ecclesiae sunt, uterque mundus unum agit; homo enim qui in mundo naturali vivit, de spiritualibus non aliter potest cogitare quam sicut angeli et spiritus apud illum cogitant, quoniam spiritualia sunt supra cogitationem naturalem hominis, et quae supra sunt, dependent ex influxu, tametsi eum modo recipiunt illi qui interius spirituales sunt, qui sunt qui in affectione veri propter verum sunt, qui etiam sunt qui vivunt secundum vera; ab his religio fidei separatae a vita charitatis non agnoscitur, sed pro vili habetur. Aliter ab illis qui non afficiuntur veris nisi propter famam, honores et lucra, proinde qui vitam charitatis nihili faciunt; hi non aliquem influxum e caelo recipiunt, quare unum faciunt cum inferno; hi sunt qui per "draconem" significantur.

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