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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 761

761. Where she is nourished a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.- That this signifies until the church grows and comes to its fulness, is evident from the signification of being nourished, as denoting to be sustained, and in the meantime to grow; and from the signification of a time, and times, and half a time, as denoting the state of the increase of the church, even to its fulness, for this has a similar signification to that of a thousand two hundred and sixty days in the sixth verse, for it is there also said of the woman that she "fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared by God, that there they may nourish her a thousand two hundred and sixty days." That this number has a similar signification to that of the number three and a half, also of the number seven, namely, until it grows to its fulness, may be seen above (n. 12:7).

It is evident that these times signify consummation, for it is said, "Until all these things shall be consummated," and consummation means fulfilment, thus even to fulness.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 761

761. Where she is nourished a time and times and half a time, from the face of the serpent, signifies until the church grows and comes to its fullness. This is evident from the signification of "to be nourished," as being to be sustained, and in the meantime to grow; from the signification of "a time and times and half a time," as being a state of increase of the church, even to its fullness, for this has a similar signification as "a thousand two hundred and sixty days," in the sixth verse above, for it is there, too, said of the woman that "she fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared by God, that there they may nourish her a thousand two hundred and sixty days." That this number has a similar signification as the number "three and a half," as also the number "seven," namely, until it grows to its full, may be seen above n. Daniel 12:7).

From this it is clear that these times signify a consummation, for it is said "until all these things shall be consummated," and consummation means fulfillment, thus even to fullness.

Apocalypsis Explicata 761 (original Latin 1759)

761. "Ut aleretur ibi tempus et tempora et dimidium temporis a facie serpentis." - Quod significet usque dum ecclesia crescit et venit ad suum plenum, constat ex significatione "ali", quod sit sustentari et interea crescere; a significatione "temporis et temporum et dimidii temporis", quod sit status incrementi ecclesiae usque ad suum plenum, simile enim per illa significatur quod supra (vers. 6) per "dies mille ducentos sexaginta", nam simile de muliere ibi dicitur, nempe quod "fugerit in desertum, ubi habet locum praeparatum a Deo, ut ibi alant eam diebus mille ducentis sexaginta"; quod per hunc numerum simile significetur quod per numerum "tria et dimidium", tum quod per numerum "septem", nempe usque dum crescit in plenum, videatur supra (n. 732): quod autem hic "tempus, tempora ac dimidium temporis" dicatur, est quia numeri illi praedicti in suis locis etiam significant tempora, et per "tempora" significantur status vitae qui procedunt (videatur supra, n. 571, 610, 664, 673, 747), hic itaque qui procedunt et crescunt usque ad plenum: quod dicatur "tempus, tempora et dimidium temporis", est quia "tempus" in singulari significat statum boni, "tempora" in plurali significant statum veri, utrumque quoad implantationem eorum, et "dimidium temporis" significat sanctum ecclesiae: causa quod talia significentur, est quia res in singulari involvit bonum, in plurali vera, et dimidium sanctum; quod dimidium involvit sanctum, est quia "tria" significant plenum, similiter "tria et dimidium" ac "septem"; at "septem" significant plenum dum agitur de sanctis, ac dimidium illud post tria, implet et facit numerum septem, nam tria et dimidium duplicata sunt septem, ac numerus duplicatus et multiplicatus simile significat cum numero qui duplicatur aut multiplicatur, ut hic "septem" simile cum "tribus et dimidio": quod "septem" significent plenum et totum, et dicantur de sanctis, videatur supra (n. 20, 24, 257). Quod per "tempus, tempora et dimidium temporis" talia significentur, constare potest ex his apud Danielem,

"Vir indutus linteis "sustulit dextram suam et sinistram suam ad caelos, et juravit per Viventem in aeternum, quod ad tempus statum temporum statorum et dimidium, et cum consumpturi essent dispergere manum populi sanctitatis, consummanda essent omnia haec" (12:7):

ex quibus patet quod per illa "tempora" significetur consummatio; nam dicitur, "usque dum consummanda essent omnia haec"; per consummationem intelligitur impletio, ita usque ad plenum.

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