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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 760

760. That she might fly into the wilderness unto her place.- That this signifies as yet among a few, because among those who are not in the life of charity, in order that the church in the meantime might be provided for among many, is evident from the explanations above (n. 730, 731), where similar things are said, only with this difference, that there the woman is said to have fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared by God, but here, that she might fly into the wilderness unto her place.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 760

760. That she might fly into the wilderness into her place, signifies as yet among a few, because it is among those who are not in the life of charity, that in the meantime provision may be made for the church among many. This is evident from the explanations above (n. 730, 731), where like things are said, only with the difference that there the woman is said "to have fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared by God," but here, that "she might fly into the wilderness into her place."

Apocalypsis Explicata 760 (original Latin 1759)

760. "Ut volaret in desertum in locum suum." - Quod significet adhuc inter paucos, quia inter illos qui non in vita charitatis sunt, ut ecclesia interea provideatur inter plures, constat ex illis quae supra (n. 730 [a] , 731) explicata sunt, ubi simile dicitur; cum differentia solum, quod ibi de muliere dicatur, quod "fugerit in desertum, ubi habet locum praeparatum a Deo", hic autem quod "volaverit in desertum in locum suum."

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