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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 771

771. Verse 18. [English Bible, chapter 13:1.] And I stood upon the sand of the sea.- That this signifies the continuation of the state of those who are signified by the dragon, is evident from the signification of standing upon the sand of the sea, as denoting to continue to see what those are who are meant by the dragon, for it is added that he saw a beast coming up out of the sea, to which the dragon gave his power, and his throne, and his authority; and afterwards that he saw a beast coming up out of the earth, which spake like a dragon, besides other things that follow. And as by means of those beasts the state of those who are dragons is further described, therefore this is what is signified by standing upon the sand of the sea. Moreover, the sand of the sea signifies sterility, such as exists in those who think indeed about faith, but do not give any thought to the life of faith, which is charity; for where such dwell, in the spiritual world, nothing is seen but heaps of stones, and also sand, rarely any grass or shrub; this, too, is why the sand of the sea signifies the state of those who are meant by the dragon.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 771

771. Verse 18. 1And I stood upon the sand of the sea, signifies continuation of the state of those who are signified by "the dragon." This is evident from the signification of "standing upon the sand of the sea," as being to continue to see of what quality those are who are meant by "the dragon," for it follows that "he saw a beast coming up out of the sea, to which the dragon gave his power and his throne, and his authority;" and afterwards that "he saw a beast coming up out of the earth that spake as a dragon," and other things that follow. And as by means of these beasts the state of those who are dragons is further described, therefore this is what is signified by "standing upon the sand of the sea." Moreover, "the sand of the sea" signifies sterility, such as is with those who think indeed about faith, but not at all about the life of faith, which is charity, for where such dwell in the spiritual world nothing is seen but heaps of stones and also sand, and rarely any grass or shrub; this, too, is why "the sand of the sea" signifies the state of those who are meant by "the dragon. "


1. English Bible, Chapter Revelation 13:1.

Apocalypsis Explicata 771 (original Latin 1759)

771. VERSUS 18 [B.A. 13:1]

"Et steti supra arenam maris." - Quod significet continuationem status illorum qui per "draconem" significantur, constat ex significatione "stare super arena maris", quod sit adhuc videre quales illi sunt qui per "draconem" intelliguntur; nam sequitur quod "viderit ex mari bestiam ascendentem, cui dedit draco virtutem suam et thronum suum et potestatem suam"; et postea, quod "viderit bestiam e terra ascendentem, quae locuta est sicut draco"; praeter plura quae sequuntur: et quia per illas bestias continuatur descriptio status eorum qui dracones sunt, quare id est quod [per] "stare super arena maris" significatur. Praeterea per "arenam maris" significatur sterile, quale est apud illos, qui quidem de fide, sed nihil de vita fidei, quae est charitas, cogitant; ubi enim tales in mundo spirituali habitant, ibi non apparet aliud quam congeries lapidum, et quoque arena, ac raro aliquod gramen ac virgultum; inde quoque est, quod per "arenam maris" status illorum, qui per "draconem" intelliguntur, significetur.

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