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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 833

833. And cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. That this signifies threats of eternal death against those who do not believe everything generally and particularly so established, is evident from the signification of worshipping, as denoting to acknowledge and believe (see above, n. 790, 805, 821); and from the signification of the image of the beast, as denoting the doctrine of faith separate, and an ordinance that every thing generally and particularly which is therein established should be taught and believed (concerning which see above, n. 827); and from the signification of being killed as denoting to be spiritually killed, that is, to perish in eternal death (concerning which see above, n. 315, 589). It is therefore clear, that by causing that as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed, are signified the threats of eternal death to those who do not believe everything generally and particularly which is thus established. That this is the case is well known; for salvation, and consequently life eternal, is declared to all those who believe in that doctrine, and damnation and eternal death is denounced against those who do not believe.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 833

833. And may cause that as many as do not worship the image of the beast be killed, signifies threats of eternal death to those who do not believe everything and all things that are so established. This is evident from the signification of "to worship," as being to acknowledge and believe (See above, n. 790, 805, 821); also from the signification of " the image of the beast," as being the doctrine of faith separate, and a decree that all things and each thing therein established should be taught and believed (See just above, n. 827; also from the signification of "to be killed," as being to be killed spiritually, that is, to perish in eternal death (See above, n. 315, 589). From this it is clear that "to cause that as many as do not worship the image of the beast be killed" signifies threats of eternal death to those who do not believe everything and all things that are so established. It is well known that this is so, for salvation, thus life eternal, is declared to all those who believe in that doctrine, and damnation and eternal death are denounced against those who do not believe.

Apocalypsis Explicata 833 (original Latin 1759)

833. "Et faciat ut quicunque non adorant imaginem bestiae, occidantur." Quod significet minas mortis aeternae pro illis qui non omnia et singula, quae sic stabilita sunt, credunt, constat ex significatione "adorare", quod sit agnoscere et credere (ut supra, n. 790 [a] 805 [a] 821 [a]); ex significatione "imaginis bestiae", quod sit doctrina fidei separatae, et ordinatio, ut omnia et singula, quae ibi stabilita sunt, doceantur et credantur (de qua mox supra, n. 827 [a]); et ex significatione "occidi", quod sit spiritualiter occidi, hoc est, perire morte aeterna (de qua supra, n. 315, 589): exinde patet quod per "facere ut quicunque non adorant imaginem bestiae, occidantur", significentur minae mortis aeternae pro illis qui non omnia et singula, quae ita stabilita sunt, credunt. Quod ita sit, notum est, nam annuntiatur cuique salvatio, ita vita aeterna, illis [qui] credunt doctrinae, et denuntiatur damnatio et mors aeterna illis qui non credunt.

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