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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 878

878. (Verse 8) And there followed another angel. That this signifies manifestation from the Lord, is evident from those things which are said above concerning the angel flying in the midst of heaven; where also by angel is signified manifestation from the Lord. The reason why another angel is now seen is, that manifestation was made by the former concerning the Advent of the Lord, and the separation of the good from the evil; and manifestation is made by the latter concerning the Last Judgment as being at hand.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 878

878. Verse 8. And another angel followed, signifies manifestation by the Lord. This is evident from what has been said above respecting "the angel flying in the midst of heaven," where also "angel" signifies manifestation by the Lord. Another angel was now seen because by the former angel manifestation was made in reference to the Lord's coming and the separation of the good from the evil, and by this angel manifestation was made in reference to the Last Judgment as impending.

Apocalypsis Explicata 878 (original Latin 1759)

878. [Vers. 8.] "Et alius angelus secutus est." Quod significet manifestationem a Domino, constare potest ex illis quae supra de "angelo volante in medio caeli" dicta sunt; ubi etiam per "angelum" significatur manifestatio a Domino. Quod alius angelus nunc visus sit, est quia per priorem manifestatio facta est de adventu Domini, ac de separatione bonorum a malis, et per hunc manifestatio facta est de instante ultimo judicio.

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