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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 877

877. Verse 8. And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

"And there followed another angel," signifies manifestation from the Lord; "saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen," signifies the condemnation and destruction of those who have transferred to themselves the Divine Power of the Lord; "that great city," signifies devastation and destruction as to all things of doctrine among them; "because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication" signifies the adulteration of all things of the good of heaven and the church by dire falsities of evil.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 877

877. Verse 8. And another angel followed, saying, Fallen, fallen is Babylon, that great city, for she hath given all nations to drink of the wine of the anger of her whoredom.

8. "And another angel followed," signifies manifestation by the Lord. n. 878; "saying, Fallen, fallen is Babylon," signifies the condemnation and destruction of those who have transferred to themselves the Lord's Divine authority n. 879; "that great city," signifies the devastation and destruction as to all things of doctrine with them n. 880; "for she hath given all nations to drink of the wine of the anger of her whoredom," signifies the adulteration of all things of the good of heaven and the church by direful falsities of evil (n. 881).

Apocalypsis Explicata 877 (original Latin 1759)

877. VERSUS 8.

"Et alius angelus secutus est, dicens, Cecidit, cecidit Babylon, urbs illa magna, quia ex vino irae scortationis suae potavit omnes gentes."

8. "Et alius angelus secutus est", significat manifestationem a Domino [n. 878] ; "dicens, Cecidit, cecidit, Babylon", significat damnationem et destructionem illorum qui Divinam Domini potestatem in se transtulerunt [n. 879] ; "urbs illa magna", significat devastationem et destructionem quoad omnia doctrinae apud illos [n. 880] ; "quia ex vino irae scortationis suae potavit omnes gentes", significat adulterationem omnium boni caeli et ecclesiae per dira falsa mali [n. 881] .

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