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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 906

906. And on the cloud one sitting like to the Son of man. That this signifies the Lord [in the heavens] in Divine truth, or the Word which is from Him, is evident from the signification of a white cloud, as denoting Divine truth in ultimates, such as the Word is in the sense of the letter, which contains the spiritual sense (concerning which see above). And from the signification of sitting on it, as denoting in the heavens where Divine truth is in its light, such as the Word is in the spiritual sense. And from the signification of the Son of man, as denoting the doctrine of truth, and, in the highest sense, the Lord as to the Word; concerning which see above (n. 63, 151).

That the Word is signified by a cloud, and the Lord as to the Word by the one sitting thereon, may seem wonderful to many, because those who comprehend all things according to the sense of the letter of the Word, only see that cloud signifies cloud, and nothing of a spiritual nature pertaining to the Word, because this does not appear to have any relation to a cloud. But still it is Divine truth in ultimates, such as the Word is in the letter, which is here signified. The reason is, that in the spiritual world, Divine truth flowing down from the higher heavens into the lower, appears as a cloud. It has been seen also by me in this way; and from it and its variegation I was enabled to form a conclusion concerning the quality of the truth which the angels of the higher heaven spoke one with another.

[2] The signification of the cloud which appeared upon mount Sinai, when the law was promulgated, which was Divine truth; and of the cloud which was seen every day upon the tent of the assembly, and which sometimes filled it is similar. The same also was signified by

"The bright cloud which overshadowed Peter, James, and John, when Jesus appeared transfigured, out of which cloud was heard a voice, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him" (Matthew 17:5; Luke 9:34, 35).

Also in the following passages in the Evangelists:

"Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man; and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and glory" (Matthew 24:30; Luke 21:27).

And Jesus said, "Now shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven" (Matthew 26:64; Mark 14:61, 62).

By coming in the clouds of heaven, in these passages also, is meant the manifestation of the Lord in the Word; for, after His Advent, they clearly saw the predictions concerning the Lord in the prophetical parts of the Word, which they had not seen before; and still more clearly at this day, now that the spiritual sense of the Word has been opened, in which, in the highest sense, the Lord is everywhere treated of; also the subjugation of the hells by Him, and the glorification of His Human. This sense is what is meant by the glory, in which He would come. That glory signifies spiritual Divine truth, such as it is in the heavens, may be seen above (34, 874).

From these things it is evident what is signified by John seeing a white cloud, and on the cloud one sitting like unto the Son of man; for in what now follows, the subject treated of is the separation of the good from the evil, before the Last Judgment, and afterwards that Judgment; as was also predicted by the Lord, in the Evangelists, that He would come in the clouds of heaven; and also in the first chapter of the Apocalypse in these words:

Jesus Christ, "who is the faithful Witness, the first-begotten from the dead, and the Prince of the kings of the earth. Behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him" (vers. 5, 7).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 906

906. And upon the cloud One sitting like unto the Son of man, signifies the Lord in the Divine truth or the Word which is from Him. This is evident from the signification of a "white cloud," as being the Divine truth in ultimates, such as the Word is in the sense of the letter, within which is the spiritual sense (See above); also from the signification of "sitting upon it," as being in the heavens where the Divine truth is in its light, such as the Word is in the spiritual sense; also from the signification of "the Son of man," as being the doctrine of truth, and in the highest sense the Lord as to the Word (See above, n. 63, 151). One may wonder that a "cloud" signifies the Word, and "One sitting upon the cloud" signifies the Lord as to the Word, since to those who comprehend all things according to the sense of the letter of the Word, it must needs seem that a "cloud" means a cloud, and not anything spiritual such as the Word is, for the Word does not appear to have any affinity or agreement with a cloud; nevertheless it is the Divine truth in ultimates, such as the Word is in the letter, that is here signified. The reason is, that in the spiritual world the Divine truth flowing down from the higher heavens into the lower appears like a cloud; and this has been seen by me, and from it and its varied hues I was able to conclude what kind of truth the angels of the higher heaven were talking about with one another.

[2] The "cloud" that appeared upon Mount Sinai when the Law, which was the Divine truth, was promulgated, had a similar signification, also the "cloud" that was seen every day upon the Tent of meeting, and that sometimes filled it; also:

The bright cloud that overshadowed Peter, James, and John, when Jesus appeared transfigured; out of which cloud a voice was heard saying, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him (Matthew 17:5; Luke 9:34, 35).

Also in the following passages in the Gospels:

Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man; and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and glory (Matthew 24:30; Luke 21:27).

And Jesus said, Now shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven (Matthew 26:64; Mark 14:61, 62).

In these passages also "to come in the clouds of heaven" means the manifestation of the Lord in the Word; for after His coming predictions respecting the Lord were clearly seen in the prophecies of the Word that were not seen before; and they are still more clearly seen at this day, when the spiritual sense of the Word has been opened, in which, in the highest sense, the Lord and the subjugation of the hells by Him and the glorification of His Human are everywhere treated of. This sense is what is meant by the "glory" in which He would come. That "glory" signifies spiritual Divine truth such as it is in the heavens may be seen above (n. Revelation 1:5, 7).

Apocalypsis Explicata 906 (original Latin 1759)

906. "Et super nube sedens similis Filio hominis." Quod significet Dominum [in caelis] , in Divino Vero seu Verbo, quod ab Ipso, constat ex significatione "nubis albae", quod sit Divinum Verum in ultimis quale est Verbum in sensu litterae, cui sensus spiritualis inest (de qua mox supra); ex significatione "sedere super illa", quod sit in caelis, ubi Divinum Verum est in sua luce, quale est Verbum in sensu spirituali; ex significatione "Filii hominis", quod sit doctrina veri, et in sensu supremo Dominus quoad Verbum (de qua supra, n. 63, 151). Quod per "nubem" significetur Verbum, et per "sedentem super nube" Dominus quoad Verbum, quisque mirari potest, quoniam coram illis, qui omnia secundum sensum litterae Verbi comprehendunt, non videri aliud potest quam quod "nubes" significet nubem, et non tale spirituale quale est Verbum, quia hoc non apparet affine aut concordans cum nube; sed usque est Divinum Verum in ultimis, quale est Verbum in littera, quod significatur: causa est, quia in mundo spirituali Divinum Verum defluens ex superioribus caelis in inferiora apparet sicut nubes; visa etiam est mihi, et ex illa, et ejus variegatione concludere potui de quali veri quod inter se locuti sunt angeli caeli superioris.

[2] Simile significatum est per "nubem" quae super Monte Sinai, cum promulgabatur Lex, quae erat Divinum Verum, apparuit; et per "nubem" quae super Tentorio conventus quovis die visa est, et quae quandoque implevit illud; tum per

Nubem lucidam, quae obumbravit Petrum, Jacobum et Johannem, cum transformatus apparuit Jesus; e qua nube vox audita est, dicens, "Hic est Filius meus dilectus, in quo Mihi complacuit; Ipsum audite" (Matthaeus 17:5; Luca 9:34, 35);

tum in sequentibus locis apud Evangelistas,

"Tunc apparebit signum Filii hominis, .... et videbunt Filium hominis venientem in nubibus caeli cum virtute et gloria" (Matthaeus 24:30; Luca 21:27):

Et Jesus dixit, "Nunc videbitis Filium hominis sedentem a dextris potentiae, et venientem in nubibus caeli" (Matthaeus 26:64; Marcus 14:61, 62):

per "venire in nubibus caeli", etiam in his locis intelligitur manifestatio Domini in Verbo; nam post adventum Ipsius manifeste viderunt praedictiones de Domino in propheticis Verbi, quas non prius; et adhuc manifestius hodie, cum sensus spiritualis Verbi apertus est, in quo in supremo sensu ubivis agitur de Domino, de subjugatione infernorum ab Ipso, et de glorificatione Humani Ipsius; hic sensus est qui intelligitur per "gloriam", in qua venturus; quod "gloria" significet Divinum Verum spirituale, quale est in caelis, videatur supra (n. 1

33, 874). Ex his constare potest quid significat quod Johanni visa sit "nubes alba, et super nube sedens similis Filio hominis"; nam agitur in nunc sequentibus de separatione bonorum a, malis ante ultimum judicium, ac dein de illo judicio; similiter ac praedictum est a Domino quod "venturus in nubibus caeli", apud Evangelistas, et quoque in primo capite Apocalypseos his verbis,

Jesus Christus, "qui est Testis fidelis, primogenitus ex mortuis, et Princeps regum terrae;.... ecce venit cum nubibus, et videbit Ipsum omnis oculus" (vers. 5, 7).


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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