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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 905

905. Behold a white cloud. That this signifies Divine truth in ultimates, such as the Word is in the sense of the letter, which contains the spiritual sense, is evident from the signification of a cloud, as denoting Divine truth in ultimates, and thence also the Word in the sense of the letter, concerning which see above (n. 36, 594). And this cloud appeared white from the translucence of Divine truth in the heavens, such as the Word is in the spiritual sense. For all whiteness appearing in the heavens exists from the light of heaven, which in its essence is Divine truth. This is why the angels, because they are in Divine truth, are clothed in white and shining garments.

That Divine truth proceeding from the Lord as a Sun is the light of heaven, may be seen in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 126-140); and that hence white in the Word is stated of truths (see above, n. 196).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 905

905. Behold a white cloud, signifies the Divine truth in ultimates, such as the Word is in the sense of the letter, within which is the spiritual sense. This is evident from the signification of a " cloud," as being the Divine truth in ultimates, and thus the Word in the sense of the letter (of which above, n. 36, 594); and this cloud appeared "white" because of the shining through it of the Divine truth in the heavens, such as the Word is in the spiritual sense, for all whiteness that appears in the heavens exists from the light of heaven, which in its essence is the Divine truth. This is why the angels, who are in the Divine truth, are clothed in white and shining garments. (That Divine truth proceeding from the Lord as a sun is the light of heaven, may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell 126-140; and that white for this reason is predicated in the Word of truths, see above, n. 196).

Apocalypsis Explicata 905 (original Latin 1759)

905. "[Et] ecce nubes alba." Quod significet Divinum Verum in ultimis, quale est Verbum in sensu litterae, cui sensus spiritualis inest, constat ex significatione "nubis", quod sit Divinum Verum in ultimis, et inde quoque Verbum in sensu litterae (de qua supra, n. 36, 594); quae nubes visa est "alba" ex translucentia Divini Veri in caelis, quale est Verbum in sensu spirituali; omnis enim albedo, quae in caelis apparet, existit ex luce caeli, quae in sua essentia est Divinum Verum; inde est quod angeli, quia in Divino Vero sunt, induti sint vestibus albis et candidis. (Quod Divinum Verum procedens a Domino ut Sole sit Lux caeli, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 126-140: et quod "album" inde in Verbo dicatur de veris, supra, n. 196.)

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