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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 920

920. And cast into the great wine-press of the wrath of God. That this signifies the falsification of the Word as to all spiritual truth, and thence damnation, because there is no spiritual good, which is charity, is evident from the signification of wine-press, as denoting the production of truth from good. For by clusters and grapes, that were put into the wine-press, is signified spiritual good; and by the wine, which is produced, is signified truth from that good; see above (n. 219, 376). Because the production of truth from spiritual good is signified by a wine-press, therefore, in the opposite sense, the production of falsity from evil, is signified by it. For just as good produces truth, so evil, which is opposite to good, produces falsity.

The reason why wine-press here signifies the falsification of the Word as to all spiritual truth is, that it is called the great wine-press of the wrath of God; and by the wrath of God, is signified the contempt for and rejection of truth and good by man. And the chief form of rejection is the falsification of the sense of the letter of the Word even to the destruction of spiritual truth, or of the Divine truth in heaven. That this falsification closes heaven may be seen (n. 888). Those also who are in evil, as is the case with all those who are not in the good of charity, cannot do otherwise than produce falsities. For as good produces truths, so evil produces falsities. The reason why the great wine-press of the wrath of God also signifies damnation is, that this is a result, and because it is said the wrath of God, and a great wine-press. That the things now mentioned are signified by the wine-press, shall be proved from the Word in the next article.

[2] A few things shall be said here concerning the production of truth from good, and also of falsity from evil, which is signified by a wine-press in the spiritual sense. The origin and cause of such production is, that all good is of love; and what is loved, this is delightful; and because delight is grateful, and also cheers, therefore that which is from the love, a man thinks of from delight, and also confirms. Now since love and its delight constitute a man's life, therefore when man thinks from love and its delight, he thinks from himself and from his own life. That this is the case is quite clear from men after death, when they become spirits; for then, when they think [from themselves], they cannot but think from their own love, because their whole life is their love. Since, therefore, as good pertains to love, and truth to thought, it is evident how truth is produced from good.

[3] What has been said of good and truth may also be said of the will and understanding. For all good, because it is of the love belongs to the will; and all truth from good, because it is of the thought, belongs to the understanding; for the will loves, and the understanding thinks.

What has been said of good and truth may also be said of heat and light. For spiritual heat is love, which enkindles the will; and spiritual light is truth, which enlightens the understanding. For all love which belongs to the will presents an image of itself in the light of the understanding, where it knows itself; and because it loves itself, it desires to see itself; consequently it is that man thinks what he loves.

What has been said of the production of truth from good may also be said of the production of the falsity from evil. For all evil pertains to the love, and thence loves falsity; and evil therefrom belongs to the will, and falsity to thought.

These things are mentioned because wine-press, in the spiritual sense, signifies the production of truth from good, also the production of falsity from evil. The reason why, by the great wine-press of the wrath of God, is also signified the falsification of the Word is, that the falsification of the Word also produces falsity from evil. For evil falsifies, since evil loves the idea of itself in the thought; and the thought desires to have the same confirmed in the Word, for the purpose of persuasion.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 920

920. And cast it into the great wine-press of the anger of God, signifies the falsification of the Word as to all spiritual truth, and consequent damnation, because there is no spiritual good, which is charity. This is evident from the signification of "wine-press" as being the bringing forth of truth from good; for "clusters" and "grapes," which were put into the wine-press, signify spiritual good, and "wine" which is produced, signifies truth from that good (See above, n. 220, 376). As "the wine-press" signifies the bringing forth of truth from spiritual good, so in the contrary sense it signifies the bringing forth of falsity from evil. For in like manner as good brings forth truth, so evil opposite to good, brings forth falsity. "Wine-press" signifies here the falsification of the Word as to all spiritual truth, because it is called "the great wine-press of the anger of God," and "the anger of God" signifies man's contempt for truth and good and his rejection of it, and the full rejection of it is the falsification of the sense of the letter of the Word even to the destruction of spiritual truth, that is, of the Divine truth which is in heaven. That this falsification closes heaven may be seen n. 888. Moreover, those who are in evil (and all are in evil who are not in the good of charity) cannot do otherwise than bring forth falsities; for as good brings forth truths so evil brings forth falsities. "The great wine-press of the anger of God" signifies also damnation, because this is a consequence, and because the terms "anger of God" and "great wine-press" are used. That this is what a "wine-press" signifies will be confirmed from the Word in the next article.

[2] Here a few words shall be said about the bringing forth of truth from good, and also of falsity from evil, which is signified by "wine-press" in the spiritual sense. The origin and cause of such bringing forth is that all good is from love, and that which is loved gives delight; and as delight is grateful and pleasing, that which is of the love man thinks about with delight and also confirms. And since love with its delight constitutes the life of man, when man thinks from love and its delight he thinks from self and from his life. That this is so can be clearly seen from men after death, when they have become spirits; for then, when they think from self, they can think in no other way than from their love, since their whole life is their love. Since, therefore, good is from love and truth is from thought, it is clear how truth is brought forth from good.

[3] The same that has been said of good and truth can be said of the will and understanding; for as all good is from the love it is from the will, and as all truth from good is from the thought it is from the understanding; for the will loves, and the understanding thinks. The same that has been said of good and truth can be said of heat and light; for spiritual heat is the love that enkindles the will, and the spiritual light is the truth that enlightens the understanding. For all love, which is from the will, presents an effigy of itself in the light of the understanding, where it recognizes itself and wishes to see itself, because it loves itself; and this is why man thinks what he loves.

[4] The same that has been said of the bringing forth of truth from good can be said of the bringing forth of falsity from evil. For all evil is from the love, and therefore it loves falsity; and evil is from the will, and falsity is from the thought from evil. This has been said because "wine-press" signifies in the spiritual sense the bringing forth of truth from good, also the bringing forth of falsity from evil. "The great wine-press of the anger of God" signifies also the falsification of the word, because the falsification of the Word is the bringing forth of falsity from evil; for evil is what falsifies, since evil loves the idea of itself in the thought, and the thought, that it may persuade, wishes to find confirmation of the evil in the Word.

Apocalypsis Explicata 920 (original Latin 1759)

920. "Et conjecit in torcular irae Dei magnum." Quod significet ex non bono spirituali, quod est charitas, falsificationem Verbi quoad omne verum spirituale, ac inde damnationem, constat ex significatione "torcularis", quod sit productio veri ex bono, nam per "botros" et "uvas", quae mittebantur in torcular, significatur bonum spirituale, ac per "vinum" quod producebatur significatur verum ex bono illo (videatur supra, n. 1

220 [b] , 376). Quia productio veri ex bono spirituali per "torcular" significatur, ideo in opposito sensu productio falsi ex malo per illud significatur; nam similiter ut bonum producit verum, ita malum bono oppositum producit falsum.

Quod "torcular" hic significet falsificationem Verbi quoad omne verum spirituale, est quia vocatur "torcular irae Dei magnum", ac per "iram Dei" significatur contemptus et rejectio veri ac boni ab homine, et summa rejectio ab illo est falsificatio sensus litterae Verbi usque ad destructionem veri spiritualis, seu Divini Veri quod est in caelo; quod haec falsificatio claudat caelum, videatur [supra] (n. 888). Etiam illi qui in malo sunt, in quo sunt omnes qui non in bono charitatis sunt, non possunt aliter quam producere falsa; nam sicut bonum producit vera, ita malum producit falsa.

Quod "torcular irae Dei magnum" etiam significet damnationem, est quia id est consequens, et quia dicitur "ira Dei", et "torcular magnum." Quod "torcular" illa quae nunc dicta sunt significet, in sequente articulo ex Verbo confirmabitur.

[2] Paucis hic dicetur de productione veri ex bono, et quoque falsi ex malo, quae per "torcular" in spirituali sensu significatur. Productionis origo et causa est, quia omne bonum est amoris, et quod amatur hoc jucundum est; et quia jucundum est gratum ac permulcet, ideo quod amoris est hoc homo ex jucundo cogitat et quoque confirmat; nunc quia amor et ejus jucundum facit vitam hominis, ideo dum homo ex amore et ejus jucundo cogitat, tunc ex se et ex sua vita cogitat: quod ita sit, manifeste constare potest ex hominibus post mortem, dum fiunt spiritus; illi tunc nullatenus possunt cogitare, dum ex se, nisi ex suo amore, quia tota illorum vita est illorum amor. Quoniam itaque bonum est amoris, et verum est cogitationis, patet quomodo verum producitur ex bono.

[3] Simile quod dictum est de bono et vero, dicendum est de voluntate et intellectu; omne enim bonum quia est amoris est voluntatis, et omne verum ex bono quia est cogitationis est intellectus; nam voluntas amat, ac intellectus cogitat. Simile quod dictum est de bono et vero, etiam dicendum est de calore et luce; calor enim spiritualis est amor qui accendit voluntatem, ac lux spiritualis est verum quod illustrat intellectum; omnis enim amor, qui est voluntatis, sistit effigiem sui in luce intellectus, ibi cognoscit se, et quia amat se vult semet videre; inde quoque est quod homo cogitet quod amat.

[4] Simile quod dictum est de productione veri ex bono, dicendum etiam est de productione falsi ex malo; nam omne malum est amoris, et inde amat falsum, ac malum est voluntatis et falsum est cogitationis inde. Haec dicta sunt, quia per "torcular" in spirituali sensu significatur productio veri ex bono, tum productio falsi ex malo. Quod etiam per "torcular irae Dei magnum" significetur falsificatio Verbi, est quia falsificatio Verbi est quoque productio falsi ex malo; malum enim falsificat, nam malum amat ideam sui in cogitatione, et cogitatio vult id confirmatum habere in Verbo, ut persuadeat.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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