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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 921

921. Verse 20. And the wine-press was trodden without the city; and blood went out from the wine-press even to the horses' bridles, from a thousand six hundred furlongs.

"And the wine-press was trodden without the city," signifies the production of falsities from evil from hell; "and blood went out from the wine-press even to the horses' bridles," signifies falsifications of the Word, even to dominion over the understanding, flowing forth from evil; "from a thousand six hundred furlongs," signifies evils in their whole extent.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 921

921. Verse 20. And the wine-press was trodden without the city; and there went out blood from the wine-press even unto the bridles of the horses, for a thousand six hundred stadia. 1

20. "And the wine-press was trodden without the city," signifies the bringing forth of falsity from evil out of hell n. 922; "and there went out blood from the wine-press even to the bridles of the horses," signifies falsifications of the Word flowing forth from evil, even to dominion over the understanding n. 923; "for a thousand six hundred stadia," signifies evils in the whole complex (n. 924). 2


1. A stadium (plural stadia) is an ancient Greek measure of distance equal to about 607 feet. Thus 1600 stadia is about 180 miles or 300 meters.

2. MARGINAL NOTE. - See chap. 19., where the Lord as the Word is treated of.

Apocalypsis Explicata 921 (original Latin 1759)

921. VERSUS 20.

"Et calcatum est torcular extra urbem, et exivit sanguis e torculari usque ad frena equorum, a stadiis mille sexcentis."

20. "Et calcatum est torcular extra urbem", significat productionem falsi ex malo ab inferno [n. 922] ; "et exivit sanguis e torculari usque ad frena equorum", significat falsificationes Verbi usque ad dominium super intellectum profluentes ex malo [n. 923] ; "a stadiis mille sexcentis", significat mala in omni complexu [n. 924] .* [* NOTA AUCTORIS: Vide caput] 19; ubi Dominus ut Verbum.

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