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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 967

967. And every living soul in the sea died. That this signifies that there was no longer anything from the Word in the natural man from the spiritual, is evident from the signification of the living soul in the sea, as denoting what has in itself spiritual life, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of the sea, as denoting the generals of truth in the natural man; and thence also the knowledges of truth from the Word; of which we have treated just above (n. 965). These knowledges, when they have not any life from the spiritual world or from heaven, are called dead.

By the living soul in the sea are meant fishes of various kinds, by which are signified the scientifics of the natural man, as may be seen above (n. 531); and the knowledges of truth from the Word with natural men are also meant. For with such these knowledges of truth from the Word are like scientifics of the world. The reason is, that with such they have no life in themselves from the spiritual; and yet knowledges from the Word, unless the spiritual from heaven flows into them, are not alive but dead.

[2] The knowledges of truth from the Word do not live with a man before the internal spiritual man is opened; and this is opened by the Lord when a man is being regenerated; and then by means of the spiritual man opened, the spiritual from heaven flows into the knowledges of truth and good from the Word in the natural man, and vivifies them. It vivifies them in such a way, that the knowledges of truth and good in the natural man become correspondences of the spiritual things in the internal spiritual man. And when they are correspondences, they are alive; for then, in the particular knowledges or truths, the spiritual is included, just as the soul in its body. Hence it is, that man after death comes into these spiritual things, and that the knowledges to which they corresponded serve them for a basis. But it is otherwise with those with whom the knowledges from the Word are not vivified.

The spiritual which flows from heaven into knowledges is the affection of truth, the affection of good, and the affection of bearing fruit. For it is spiritual heat, which is the love or affection of good; and spiritual light, which is the affection of truth. These are the spiritual things that flow into and vivify the knowledges of truth from the Word with those who are in a life of charity, and in faith therefrom. But these very knowledges with those who are in faith separated from a life of charity are dead. This, therefore, is the signification of every living soul in the sea dying.

Concerning the Fifth Precept, "Thou shalt not steal."

[3] By thefts are not only meant manifest thefts, but also thefts not manifest; as unlawful usury and gains effected by fraud and craft under various pretences, so as either to appear lawful, or else done clandestinely, so as not to appear at all. Such gains are generally made by higher and lower administrators, of the goods of others, by merchants, also by judges who sell judgments, and thus make justice a purchaseable thing. These and many others are thefts, to be abstained from and to be shunned, and at length to be held in aversion, as sins against God, because contrary to the Divine laws contained in the Word; and contrary to this law, which is one amongst the fundamental laws of all the religions in the whole world. For these Ten Precepts are universals. They were given for the end, that while a man lives from them, he may live from religion. For by a life from religion man is conjoined with heaven, whereas by a life according to these precepts from obedience to civil and moral law, he is conjoined with the world, and not with heaven. And to be conjoined with the world and not with heaven is to be conjoined with hell.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 967

967. And every living soul in the sea died, signifies that there was no longer anything from the Word from the spiritual man in the natural man. This is evident from the signification of "living soul in the sea," as being what has in itself spiritual life (of which presently); also from the signification of "sea," as being the generals of truth in the natural man, and thus also the knowledges of truth from the Word (of which just above, n. 965. When these have no life from the spiritual world or from heaven they are called dead. "Living soul in the sea" means fishes of various kinds, and these signify knowledges [scientifica] of the natural man (See above, n. 531); they also signify the knowledges of truth from the Word with natural men, for with natural men the knowledges [cognitiones] of truth from the Word do not differ from the knowledges [scientifica] of the world, and for the reason that with such these knowledges have in them no life from the spiritual, and unless the spiritual flows in out of heaven into the knowledges from the Word they are not living but dead.

[2] Knowledges of truth from the Word are not living with man until the internal spiritual man has been opened; and this is opened by the Lord while man is being regenerated; and then through the opened spiritual man the spiritual out of heaven flows into the knowledges of truth and good that are from the Word in the natural man and vivifies them. It vivifies them in such a way that the knowledges of truth and good in the natural man become correspondences of the spiritual things that are in the internal spiritual man; and when they are correspondences they are living, for then the spiritual is enclosed in the particular knowledges or truths as the soul is in its body. For this reason man after death comes into these spiritual things, and the knowledges to which they corresponded serve them for a basis. But it is otherwise with those in whom the knowledges from the Word have not been vivified. The spiritual that flows into the knowledges out of heaven is the affection of truth, the affection of good, and the affection of bearing fruit; for it is spiritual heat which is the love or the affection of good, and spiritual light which is the affection of truth. These are the spiritual things that flow in and vivify the knowledges of truth from the Word with those who are in the life of charity and in faith therefrom. But these same knowledges with those who are in faith separated from a life of charity are dead. This, therefore, is what is signified by the words "every living soul in the sea died."

[3] The fifth commandment is, "Thou shalt not steal." By "thefts" are meant thefts that are manifest and those not manifest, such as unlawful usury and gains, which are effected by fraud and craft under various pretenses to make them appear lawful, or so done clandestinely as not to appear at all. Such gains are commonly made by higher and lower managers of the goods of others, by merchants, also by judges who sell judgments and thus make justice purchasable. These and many other things are thefts that must be abstained from and shunned, and finally renounced as sins against God, because they are against the Divine laws that are in the Word and against this law, which is one among the fundamental laws of all religions in the whole globe. For these ten commandments are universals, given to the end that in living from these a man may live from religion, since by a life from religion man is conjoined with heaven, while a life according to these from obedience to civil and moral law conjoins man with the world and not with heaven, and to be conjoined with the world and not with heaven is to be conjoined with hell.

Apocalypsis Explicata 967 (original Latin 1759)

967. "Et omnis anima vivens mortua est in mari." - Quod significet quod nihil ex spirituali sit in naturali homine ex Verbo amplius, constat ex significatione "animae viventis in mari", quod sit quod in se vitam spiritualem habet (de qua sequitur); ex significatione "maris", quod sint communia veri in naturali homine, et inde quoque cognitiones veri ex Verbo (de qua mox supra, n. 965): hae cum non aliquam vitam ex spirituali mundo, seu ex caelo habent, dicuntur mortuae. Per "animam viventem in mari" intelliguntur pisces varii generis, per quas significantur scientifica naturalis hominis (videatur supra, n. 531); et quoque significantur cognitiones veri ex Verbo apud naturales homines; nam apud hos cognitiones veri ex Verbo non aliter insunt quam sicut scientifica mundi; causa est, quia apud illos non aliquam vitam ex spirituali in se habent; et tamen cognitiones ex Verbo, nisi in illas influat spirituale e caelo, non sunt vivae, sed sunt mortuae.

[2] Cognitiones veri ex Verbo non prius vivunt apud hominem, quam dum internus spiritualis homo apertus est, qui aperitur a Domino dum homo regeneratur; et tunc per spiritualem hominem apertum influit spirituale e caelo in cognitiones veri et boni quae ex Verbo in naturali homine, et illas vivificat: vivificat eo modo, quod cognitiones veri et boni in naturali homine fiant correspondentiae spiritualium quae in interno spirituali homine sunt; et quando correspondentiae sunt, vivunt, tunc enim in singulis cognitionibus seu veris est inclusum spirituale, sicut anima in suo corpore: inde fit quod homo post mortem veniat in spiritualia illa, et quod cognitiones quibus corresponderunt inserviant illis pro basi; aliter vero apud quos cognitiones ex Verbo non vivificatae sunt. Spirituale quod in cognitiones e caelo influit est affectio veri, affectio boni, et affectio fructificandi; est enim calor spiritualis, qui est amor seu affectio boni, et lux spiritualis quae est affectio veri; haec sunt spiritualia quae influunt et vivificant cognitiones veri ex Verbo apud illos qui in vita charitatis et inde fide sunt; at eaedem illae cognitiones apud illos qui in fide separata a vita charitatis sunt, mortuae sunt; hoc itaque est, quod significatur per quod "omnis anima vivens mortua sit in mari."

[3] (Continuatio.)


Per "furta" non solum intelliguntur furta manifesta, sed etiam furta non manifesta; sicut faenerationes et lucrationes illicitae, quae fiunt per fraudes et astus, sub varia specie ut vel appareant sicut licitae, vel clandestine ut prorsus non appareant. Tales lucrationes communiter dantur apud administratores bonorum aliorum, superiores et inferiores, apud negotiatores, tum etiam apud judices qui judicia vendunt et sic justitiam mercenariam faciunt. Haec et plura alia sunt furta, a quibus abstinendum, et quae fugienda, et tandem aversanda sicut peccata contra Deum, quia contra leges Divinas quae in Verbo, et contra hanc legem, quae est una inter fundamentales leges omnium religionum in universo terrarum orbe; decem enim illa praecepta sunt universalia, data propter finem ut homo ex religione vivat, dum ex illis; per vitam enim ex religione homo conjungitur caelo, at per vitam illorum ex obedientia legis civilis et moralis conjungitur mundo et non caelo; ac conjungi mundo et non caelo est conjungi inferno.

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