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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 966

966. And it became blood as of one dead. That this signified that all were falsified, is evident from the signification of blood, as denoting Divine truth; and, in the opposite sense, Divine truth falsified (concerning which see n. 32, 200, 254, 297). That mother signifies the Lord's kingdom, the church, and Divine truth may be seen in Arcana Coelestia 289, 2691, 2717, 3703, 5580, 8897). That length of days signifies the felicity of eternal life, n. 8898 in the same work; and that honour signifies the good of love, n. 8897 there, and above, n. 288, 345.

From these things it is now evident that the third and fourth precepts involve mysteries concerning the Lord; that is, the acknowledgment and confession of His Divine, and the worship of Him from the good of love.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 966

966. And it became blood as of one dead, signifies that these have all been falsified. This is evident from the signification of "blood," as being the Divine truth, and in the contrary sense Divine truth falsified (See n. 30, 328, 329, 476, 748); so here that all knowledges of truth from the Word have been falsified. Knowledges of truth from the Word are the truths of the sense of its letter, that is, the truths in the Word that are for the natural man, and these, too, are Divine truths. These wholly falsified are signified by the words, "the sea became blood as of one dead." The Divine truths of the sense of the letter of the Word are said to be falsified when they are perverted even to the destruction of interior Divine truth, that is, Divine truth in the heavens. In the heavens they then appear with man as the blood of one dead. It has been frequently shown above that those who separate faith from the goods of life falsify the Word; and it is of such that these things are said, as is evident from the second verse of this chapter.

(Continuation: The Fourth Commandment)

[2] The fourth commandment of the Decalogue is that parents must be honored.

This commandment was given because honor to parents represented and thus signified love to the Lord and love towards the church, for "father" in the heavenly sense, that is, the Heavenly Father, is the Lord; and "mother" in the heavenly sense, that is, the heavenly mother, is the church; "honor" signifies the good of love; and "length of days," which they will have, signifies the happiness of eternal life. So is this commandment understood in heaven, where no other father but the Lord is known, and no other mother but the kingdom of the Lord, which is also the church. For the Lord gives life from Himself, and through the church He gives nourishment. That in the heavenly sense no father in the world can be meant, and indeed, when man is in a heavenly idea, can be mentioned, the Lord teaches in Matthew:

Call no man your father on earth; for one is your Father who is in the heavens (32, 200, 254, 297).

That "mother" signifies the Lord's kingdom, the church, and the Divine truth, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 289, 2691, 2717, 3703, 5581, 8897.

That "length of days" signifies the happiness of eternal life (n. 8898); and that "honor" signifies the good of love (n. 8897, and above, n. 288, 345). All this makes clear that the third and fourth commandments involve arcana relating to the Lord, namely, the acknowledgment and confession of His Divine, and the worship of Him from the good of love.

Apocalypsis Explicata 966 (original Latin 1759)

966. "Et factus est sanguis sicut mortui", - Quod significet quod omnes falsificatae sint, constat ex significatione "sanguinis", quod sit Divinum Verum, et in opposito sensu Divinum Verum falsificatum (de qua, n. 30, 328 [a] , 329, 476, 748); hic itaque quod omnes cognitiones veri ex Verbo falsificatae sint. Cognitiones veri ex Verbo sunt vera sensus litterae ejus, seu vera in Verbo pro naturali homine, quae etiam Divina vera sunt; haec prorsus falsificata significantur per quod "mare factus sit sanguis sicut mortui." Divina vera sensus litterae Verbi dicuntur falsificata, quando perversa sunt usque ad destructionem Divini Veri interioris, seu Divini Veri in caelis; tunc etiam apparent in caelis apud hominem sicut sanguis mortui. Quod illi qui separant fidem a bonis vitae falsificent Verbum, supra aliquoties ostensum est; de his haec dicta sunt, ut patet a versu secundo hujus capitis.

[2] (Continuatio.)


Hoc praeceptum etiam datum est, quia honor parentum repraesentabat et inde significabat amorem in Dominum et amorem erga ecclesiam; "pater" enim in caelesti sensu, seu Pater caelestis, est Dominus; ac "mater" in caelesti sensu, seu Mater caelestis, est ecclesia; "honor" significat bonum amoris, ac "prolongatio dierum" quae illis, significat felicitatem vitae aeternae; ita intelligitur hoc praeceptum in caelo, ubi non alius pater cognoscitur quam Dominus, nec alia mater quam regnum Domini, quod etiam est ecclesia; Dominus enim ex Se dat vitam, et per ecclesiam dat nutritionem. Quod in caelesti sensu non aliquis pater in mundo intelligendus sit, et ne quidem nominandus, dum homo in idea caelesti est, docet Dominus apud Matthaeum,

"Patrem ne nominetis vestrum in terra, unus namque est Pater vester, qui in caelis est" (23:9).

(Quod "Pater" significet Dominum quoad Divinum Bonum, videatur supra, n. 32, 200, 254, 297.

Quod "mater" significet regnum Domini, ecclesiam, ac Divinum Verum, in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 289, 2691, 2717, 3703, 5581, 8897.

Quod "prolongatio dierum" significet felicitatem vitae aeternae, n. 8898, ibid.; et quod "honor" significet bonum amoris, n. 8897 ibi, et n. 288, 345, supra.) Ex his nunc patet quod praeceptum tertium et quartum involvant arcana de Domino; nempe agnitionem et confessionem Divini Ipsius, ac cultum Ipsius ex bono amoris.

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