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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 984

984. And they blasphemed the name of God. That hereby is signified the falsification of the Lord's Word, even to the destruction of the Divine truth in the heavens is evident from the signification of blaspheming, as denoting to falsify Divine truth even to its destruction in heaven (concerning which see n. 778); and from the signification of the name of God, as denoting Divine truth proceeding from the Lord, thus the Word (concerning which see n. 962). Hence by blaspheming the name of God is signified the falsification of the Word, even to the destruction of the Divine truth in the heavens. Concerning the falsification of the Word, even to the destruction of the Divine truth in heaven, see above (n. 778, 888, 914, 916 at the end, 950).

Continuation concerning the Sixth Precept:-

[2] Man is so created that he may be a spiritual and celestial love, and thereby an image and likeness of God. Spiritual love, which is the love of truth, is the image of God; and celestial love, which is the love of good, is the likeness of God. All the angels in the third heaven are likenesses of God, and all the angels in the second heaven are images of God.

Man cannot become the love which is an image or likeness of God except by the marriage of good and truth; for good and truth intimately love each other, and ardently desire to be united that they may be one. The reason is, that Divine Good and Divine truth proceed unitedly from the Lord; consequently, they must be united in an angel of heaven, and in a man of the church.

This union is by no means possible except by the marriage of two minds into one. For, as before said, man was created that he might be an understanding of truth, consequently, a truth; and woman was so created that she might be an affection of good, thus a good. In them, therefore, the conjunction of good and truth is possible. For conjugial love, which descends from that conjunction, is the veriest medium by which a man becomes the love that is the image or likeness of God. For the married pair who are in conjugial love from the Lord, love each other mutually and reciprocally from the heart, thus from what is inmost, and, hence, although they are apparently two, yet they are actually one. They are bodily two, but one as to life. This may be compared with the eyes, which are two as to the organs, but one as to sight; similarly with the ears, which are two as to the organs, but one as to hearing. So also the arms and the feet are two as to their members, but one as to use; the arms being one in action, and the feet one in walking. It is the same with the rest of the pairs with man; they also have reference to good and truth; the organ or member which is on the right to good, and that on the left to truth. It is similar with the husband and his wife, between whom there is love truly conjugial. They are two as to their bodies, but one as to life. Therefore, also, two conjugial partners, in heaven, are not called two angels but one. From these things it is clear that by marriage a man becomes a form of that love, and therefore a form of heaven, which is an image and likeness of God.

[3] Man is born into the love of evil and falsity, which love is the love of adultery, and cannot be turned and changed into spiritual love, which is an image of God, and still less into celestial love which is a likeness of God, except by the marriage of good and truth from the Lord; and not in fulness, except by the marriage of two minds and of two bodies.

It is therefore evident why it is that marriages are heavenly and adulteries infernal. For marriage is an image of heaven, and love truly conjugial an image of the Lord; while adultery is an image of hell, and the love of adultery an image of the devil. Conjugial love also appears in the spiritual world in form as an angel, and the love of adultery in form as a devil. Reader, treasure this up within thee, and inquire whether it be true, after death, when thou livest a man-spirit, and thou wilt see.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 984

984. And they blasphemed the name of God, signifies the falsification of the Lord's Word even to the destruction of the Divine truth in the heavens. This is evident from the signification of "blaspheming," as being to falsify the Divine truth even to its destruction in heaven (See n. 778; also from the signification of "the name of God," as being the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord, thus the Word (See n. 962; therefore the words "they blasphemed the name of God" signify the falsification of the Word even to the destruction of the Divine truth in the heavens. (On the falsification of the Word even to the destruction in heaven of the Divine truth that the Word contains see above, n. 778, 888, 914, 916 at the end, and 950.)

(Continuation respecting the Sixth Commandment)

[2] Man was so created as to be spiritual and celestial love, and thus an image and likeness of God. Spiritual love, which is the love of truth, is the image of God; and celestial love, which is the love of good, is the likeness of God. All the angels in the third heaven are likenesses of God; and all the angels in the second heaven are images of God. Man can become the love which is an image or likeness of God only by a marriage of good and truth; for good and truth inmostly love one another, and ardently long to be united that they may be one; and for the reason that the Divine good and the Divine truth proceed from the Lord united, therefore they must be united in an angel of heaven and in a man of the church. This union is by no means possible except by the marriage of two minds into one, since, as has been said before, man was created to be the understanding of truth, and thus truth, and woman was created to be the affection of good, and thus good; therefore in them the conjunction of good and truth is possible. For conjugial love which descends from that conjunction is the veriest means by which man [homo] becomes the love that is the image or the likeness of God. For the two partners who are in conjugial love from the Lord love one another mutually and reciprocally from the heart, thus from inmosts; and therefore although apparently two they are actually one, two as to their bodies, but one as to life. This may be compared to the eyes, which are two as organs but one as to the sight; also to the ears, which are two as organs but one as to hearing; so, too, the arms and the feet are two as members but one as to use, the arms one as to action, and the feet one as to walking. So with the other pairs with man. All these have reference to good and truth, the organ or member on the right to good, and that on the left to truth. It is the same with a husband and wife between whom there is love truly conjugial; they are two as to their bodies but one as to life; consequently in heaven two partners are not called two angels but one. All this makes clear that through marriage man becomes a form of love, and thus a form of heaven, which is the image and likeness of God.

[3] Man is born into the love of evil and falsity, which love is the love of adultery; and this love cannot be converted and changed into spiritual love, which is the image of God, and still less into celestial love, which is the likeness of God, except by the marriage of good and truth from the Lord, and not fully except by the marriage of two minds and two bodies. From this it is clear why marriages are heavenly and adulteries infernal; for marriage is an image of heaven, and love truly conjugial is an image of the Lord, while adultery is an image of hell, and love of adultery is an image of the devil. Moreover, conjugial love appears in the spiritual world in form like an angel, and the love of adultery in form like a devil. Reader, treasure this up within you, and after death, when you are living as a spirit-man, inquire whether this is true, and you will see.

Apocalypsis Explicata 984 (original Latin 1759)

984. "Et blasphemarunt nomen Dei." Quod significet falsificationem Verbi Domini usque ad destruxionem Divini Veri in caelis, constat ex significatione "blasphemare", quod sit falsificare Divinum Verum usque ad destruxionem ejus in caelo (de qua [supra] , n. 778); et ex significatione "nominis Dei", quod sit Divinum Verum procedens a Domino, ita Verbum (de qua, n. 962): inde per "blasphemarunt nomen Dei", significatur falsificatio Verbi usque ad destructionem Divini Veri in caelis. (De falsificatione Verbi usque ad destructionem Divini Veri, quod ibi, in caelo, videatur [supra,] n. 778, 888, 914, 916 fin. , 950.)

[2] (Continuatio de Sexto Praecepto.)

Homo ita creatus est ut sit spiritualis et caelestis amor, et sic imago Dei et similitudo Dei: amor spiritualis, qui est amor veri, est imago Dei; et amor caelestis, qui est amor boni, est similitudo Dei: omnes angeli in tertio caelo sunt similitudines Dei, et omnes angeli in secundo caelo sunt imagines Dei. Homo non potest fieri amor, qui est imago aut similitudo Dei, nisi per conjugium veri et boni, verum enim et bonum se intime amant, et flagrant uniri ut sint unum: causa est, quia Divinum Bonum et Divinum Verum unita procedunt a Domino, proinde unita erunt in angelo caeli et in homine ecclesiae. Haec unitio nequaquam dari potest nisi per conjugium duarum mentium in unum; nam, ut prius dictum, est, vir creatus est ut sit intellectus veri, proinde verum, et femina ita creata est ut sit affectio boni, ita bonum; in illis itaque datur conjunctio boni et veri: est enim amor conjugialis, qui ex conjunctione illa descendit, ipsissimum medium ut homo fiat amor, qui est imago aut similitudo Dei: duo enim conjuges, qui in amore conjugiali ex Domino sunt, se mutuo et vicissim ex corde, ita ex intimis, amant, et inde quamvis apparenter sunt duo, usque actualiter unum sunt; duo sunt quoad corpora, at unum quoad vitam: quod comparari potest cum oculis quod duo sint quoad organa, sed unum quoad visum; similiter cum auribus, quae duae sunt quoad organa, sed unum quoad auditum; sic etiam brachia et pedes duo sunt quoad membra, sed unum quoad usus, brachia unum quoad actus, et pedes unum quoad gressus: similiter reliqua paria apud hominem; etiam illa se referunt ad bonum et verum, organum aut membrum quod a dextro est, ad bonum, et quod a sinistro ad verum: simile est cum marito et ejus uxore, inter quos est amor vere conjugialis; sunt duo quoad corpora, sed unum quoad vitam; quare etiam duo conjuges in caelo non dicuntur duo angeli sed unus. Ex his patet quod homo fiat forma amoris, et inde forma caeli, quae est imago et similitudo Domini, per conjugium.

[3] Homo nascitur in amorem mali et falsi; ille amor est amor adulterii; hic amor non converti et mutari potest in amorem spiritualem qui est imago Dei, et minus in amorem caelestem qui est similitudo Dei, nisi per conjugium boni et veri a Domino, et non plene nisi per conjugium duarum mentium et duorum corporum. Inde patet unde est quod conjugia sint caelestia, et adulteria infernalia; est enim conjugium imago caeli, et amor vere conjugialis imago Domini; et est adulterium imago inferni, et amor adulterii imago diaboli. Apparet etiam amor conjugialis in mundo spirituali in forma sicut angelus, et amor adulterii in forma sicut diabolus. Reconde hoc apud te, Lector, et inquire num verum sit, post mortem dum vivis homo spiritus, et videbis.

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