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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 985

985. Who hath power over these plagues. That this signifies, no fear of the Last Judgment from the Lord, and of the consequent condemnation and punishment of evils and the falsities therefrom that have devastated the church, is evident from the signification of having power, when said of God, whose name they blasphemed, as denoting the Lord as to the Last Judgment; and from the signification of plagues, as denoting evils and the falsities therefrom, and falsities and the evils therefrom that have devastated the church (concerning which see n. 949). The reason why it is the Lord as to judgment who is signified by Him that hath power over the seven plagues treated of in this chapter is, that the subject here treated of is the end of the church, when those plagues exist, that is, those evils and falsities, after which judgment takes place from the Lord. By the Last Judgment, also, all those who are in those plagues, that is, in the evils and falsities that have devastated the church, are cast into hell. Thus the New Church, which is then to be established, is purified of these. From these things it is evident what is signified by having power over these plagues.

Continuation concerning the Sixth Precept:-

[2] How profane and hence how much to be detested adulteries are, is evident from the sanctity of marriages. All things in the human body, from the head to the sole of the foot, as well interior as exterior, correspond to the heavens. Hence it is that man is a heaven in its least form, and also that angels and spirits are, in form, perfectly human, for they are forms of heaven. All the members consecrated to generation, in each sex, especially the uterus, correspond to the societies of the third or inmost heaven. The reason is, that love truly conjugial is derived from the Lord's love towards the church, and from the love of good and truth, which love is the love of the angels of the third heaven. Wherefore, conjugial love which descends therefrom, as the love of that heaven, is innocence, which is the very esse of every good in the heavens. Hence embryos in the uterus are in a state of peace; and infants, after they are born, are in a state of innocence; the mother also being similarly affected towards them.

[3] Such being the correspondence of the genital organs in both sexes, it is evident that from creation they are holy, and, therefore, are solely consecrated to chaste and pure conjugial love, and are not to be profaned by the unchaste and impure love of adultery, by which a man converts heaven with him into hell; for as the love of marriage corresponds to the love of the highest heaven, which is love to the Lord from the Lord, so the love of adultery corresponds to the love of the lowest hell. The reason why the love of marriage is so holy and heavenly is, that it has its commencement from the Lord Himself in the inmost parts of man, and descends, according to order, even to the ultimates of the body, and thereby fills the whole man with heavenly love, and induces in him a form of the Divine love, which form is the form of heaven, and is an image of the Lord, as said above. But the love of adultery commences from the ultimates of man, and from an impure lascivious fire there; and, therefore, contrary to order, it penetrates towards the interiors, always into the things of man's proprium, which are nothing but evil, and induces in them a form of hell, which is an image of the devil. Therefore the man who loves adultery and turns away from marriage is in form a devil.

[4] Because the organs of generation, in both sexes, correspond to the societies of the third heaven, and the love of a married pair to the love of good and truth, therefore also those members and that love correspond to the Word. The reason is, that the Word is Divine truth, united to the Divine Good proceeding from the Lord. Hence it is that the Lord is called the Word; and also that in every part of the Word there is the marriage of good and truth, or the heavenly marriage. That there is this correspondence is a mystery not yet known in the world, but it has been made known and proved to me by much experience. From this consideration, also, it is evident how holy and heavenly in themselves marriages are, and how profane and diabolical adulteries are. Hence also it is that adulterers make no account of Divine truths, nor, consequently, of the Word. Indeed, were they to speak from the heart, they would blaspheme the holy things that are in the Word. This is done by them when they become spirits after death, for every spirit is compelled to speak from the heart so that his interior thoughts may be revealed.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 985

985. Who hath authority over these plagues, signifies no fear of the Last Judgment by the Lord, and of the condemnation and punishment at that time of the evils and consequent falsities that have devastated the church. This is evident from the signification of "having authority," as being, in reference to God whose name they blasphemed, the Lord as to the Last Judgment; also from the signification of "plagues," as being the evils and consequent falsities, and the falsities and the consequent evils that have devastated the church (See n. 949). It is the Lord in regard to judgment that is signified by "who hath authority over the seven plagues" that are treated of in this chapter, because the end of the church, when these plagues, that is, these evils and falsities exist, is what is here treated of; and after that the judgment is wrought by the Lord. By the Last Judgment all that are in these plagues, that is, in the evils and falsities that have devastated the church, are cast into hell, and thus the New Church which is then to be established is cleansed of them. This makes clear the signification of "having authority over these plagues."

(Continuation respecting the Sixth Commandment)

[2] How profane and thus how much to be detested adulteries are can be seen from the holiness of marriage. All things in the human body, from the head to the heel of the foot, both interior and exterior, correspond to the heavens, and in consequence man is a heaven in its least form, and also angels and spirits are in form perfectly human, for they are forms of heaven. All the members devoted to generation in both sexes, especially the womb, correspond to societies of the third or inmost heaven, and for the reason that love truly conjugial is derived from the Lord's love for the church, and from the love of good and truth which is the love of the angels of the third heaven; therefore conjugial love, which descends therefrom as the love of the heavens, is innocence, which is the very being [esse] of every good in the heavens. And for this reason embryos in the womb are in a state of peace, and after birth infants are in a state of innocence; so, too, is the mother in relation to them.

[3] As this is the correspondence of the genital organs of both sexes, it is evident that from creation they are holy, and therefore they are devoted solely to chaste and pure conjugial love, and are not to be profaned by the unchaste and impure love of adultery, by which man converts the heaven with himself into hell; for as the love of marriage corresponds to the love of the highest heaven, which is love to the Lord from the Lord, so the love of adultery corresponds to the love of the lowest hell. The love of marriage is so holy and heavenly because it has its beginning in the inmosts of man from the Lord Himself, and it descends according to order to the ultimates of the body, and thus fills the whole man with heavenly love and brings him into a form of the Divine love, which is the form of heaven, and is an image of the Lord, as has been said above. But the love of adultery has its beginning in the ultimates of man from an impure lascivious fire there, and thus, contrary to order, penetrates towards the interiors, always into the things that are man's own [proprium], which are nothing but evil, and brings these into a form of hell, which is an image of the devil. Therefore a man who loves adultery and turns away from marriage is in form a devil.

[4] As the organs of generation in each sex correspond to the societies of the third heaven, and the love of a marriage pair corresponds to the love of good and truth, so those organs and that love correspond to the Word. The reason is that the Word is the Divine truth united to the Divine good proceeding from the Lord; and this is why the Lord is called "the Word," also why in every particular of the Word there is a marriage of good and truth, or a heavenly marriage. That there is such a correspondence is an arcanum not yet known in the world, but it has been made evident and proved to me by much experience. From this also it is clear how holy and heavenly marriages are in themselves, and how profane and diabolical adulteries are. And for this reason adulterers make no account of Divine truths and thus of the Word, and if they were to speak from the heart they would even blaspheme the holy things that are in the Word. This they do when they have become spirits after death, for every spirit is compelled to speak from the heart that his interior thoughts may be revealed.

Apocalypsis Explicata 985 (original Latin 1759)

985. "Habentis potestatem super plagas has." - Quod significet non timorem pro ultimo judicio a Domino, et tunc pro damnatione et punitione malorum et inde falsorum quae devastaverunt ecclesiam, constat ex significatione "habere potestatem", cum de Deo, cujus nomen blasphemarunt, quod sit Dominus quoad ultimum judicium; et ex significatione "plagarum", quod sint mala et inde falsa, ac falsa et inde mala, quae devastaverunt ecclesiam (de qua [supra] , n. 949); quod sit Dominus quoad judicium, qui significatur per "habentem potestatem super septem plagas", de quibus in hoc capite, est quia de fine ecclesiae, quando illae plagae sunt, hoc est, illa mala et illa falsa, hic agitur; post quem fit judicium a Domino: per ultimum judicium etiam omnes illi qui in plagis illis sunt, hoc est, in malis et falsis quae devastaverunt ecclesiam, conjiciuntur in infernum; ita ecclesia nova, quae tunc instauranda est, ab illis purificatur. Ex his patet quid per "habentem potestatem super plagas has" significatur.

[2] (Continuatio de Sexto Praecepto.)

Quam profana et inde detestanda sunt adulteria, constare potest a sanctitate conjugiorum. Omnia quae in corpore humano sunt a capite ad calcem pedis, tam interiora quam exteriora, correspondent caelis. Inde est quod homo sit caelum in minima forma, et quoque quod angeli et spiritus in forma perfecte humana sint, sunt enim formae caeli. Omnia membra generationi dicata, in utroque sexu, imprimis uterus, correspondent societatibus tertii seu intimi caeli: causa est, quia amor vere conjugialis derivatur ex amore Domini erga ecclesiam, et ex amore boni et veri, qui amor est amor angelorum tertii caeli; quare amor conjugialis, qui inde descendit, sicut amor illius caeli, est innocentia, quae est ipsum esse omnis boni in caelis; inde sunt embryones in utero in statu pacis, et postquam nati sunt infantes in statu innocentiae, similiter mater erga illos.

[3] Quoniam talis correspondentia est membrorum genitalium utriusque sexus, patet quod a creatione sancta sint, ac ideo unice dicata casto et puro amori conjugiali, et non profananda ab incasto et impuro amore adulterii; per id convertit homo caelum apud se in infernum; nam sicut amor conjugii correspondet amori supremi caeli, qui est amor in Dominum a Domino, ita amor adulterii correspondet amori infimi inferni. Quod amor conjugii tam sanctus et caelestis sit, est quia ab Ipso Domino in intimis hominis incohat, ac secundum ordinem ad ultima corporis descendit, et sic implet totum hominem amore caelesti, ac inducit illi Divini Amoris formam; quae forma est forma caeli, et est imago Domini, ut supra dictum est. Amor autem adulterii ab ultimis hominis incohat, et ibi ex igne lascivo impuro, et inde contra ordinem penetrat versus interiora, semper in propria hominis, quae non nisi quam mala sunt, ac illis inducit formam inferni, quae est imago diaboli: quapropter homo qui amat adulterium, et aversatur conjugium, est in forma diabolus.

[4] Quoniam membra generationis in utroque sexu correspondent societatibus tertii caeli, et amor conjugum amori boni et veri, ideo etiam illa membra et ille amor correspondent Verbo. Causa est quia Verbum est Divinum Verum unitum Divino Bono procedens a Domino, inde est quod Dominus dicatur Verbum; ex hoc quoque est in singulis Verbi conjugium boni et veri, seu conjugium caeleste: quod haec correspondentia sit, est arcanum nondum in orbe notum; mihi per multam experientiam manifestatum et confirmatum. Ex hoc quoque patet quam sancta et caelestia in se sunt conjugia, et quam profana et diabolica sunt adulteria. Inde etiam est quod adulteri Divina vera, proinde Verbum, nihili faciant; immo si ex corde loquerentur, sancta quae in Verbo sunt, blasphemarent: hoc fit ab illis dum facti sunt spiritus post mortem; nam omnis spiritus adigitur ex corde loqui, ut interiores ejus cogitationes revelentur.

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