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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 987

987. Verses 10, 11. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the throne of the beast; and his kingdom became dark; and they gnawed their tongues for anguish; and they blasphemed the God of heaven by reason of their anguish, and by reason of their sores; and they repented not of their works.

"And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the throne of the beast," signifies the state of the church manifested as to the doctrine of faith; "and his kingdom became dark," signifies the church thence in absolutely dense falsities; "and they gnawed their tongues for anguish," signifies that by reason of loathing they were not willing to perceive and to know genuine goods and truths.

"And they blasphemed the God of heaven," signifies falsification of the Word; "by reason of their anguish, and by reason of their sores," signifies from the loathing and nauseating of genuine truths and goods, arising from the falsities and evils in which those are who are in faith alone; "and they repented not of their works," signifies that they were not willing to live according to the Lord's precepts.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 987

987. Verses 10, 11. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the throne of the beast; and his kingdom became dark; and they gnawed their tongues for distress. And they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their distresses and their sores; and they repented not of their works.

10. "And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the throne of the beast," signifies the state of the church manifested as to the doctrine of faith n. 988; "and his kingdom became dark" signifies the church in consequence in mere and dense falsities n. 989; "and they gnawed their tongues for distress," signifies that they were unwilling from loathing to perceive and know genuine goods and truths n. 990.

11. "And they blasphemed the God of heaven," signifies the falsification of the Word n. 991; "because of their distresses and their sores," signifies from loathing and nausea towards genuine truths and goods, arising from the falsities and evils in which those are who are in faith alone n. 992; "and they repented not of their works," signifies that they were unwilling to live according to the Lord's commandments n. 993.

Apocalypsis Explicata 987 (original Latin 1759)

987. VERSUS 10, 11.

"Et quintus angelus effudit [suam] phialam super thronum bestiae; et factum est regnum ejus tenebrosum, et mandebant linguas suas prae molestia. Et blasphemarunt Deum caeli prae molestiis suis, et non recipuerunt ex operibus suis."

10. "Et quintus angelus effudit phialam suam super thronum bestiae", significat statum ecclesiam manifestatum quoad doctrinam fidei [n. 988] ; "et factum est regnum ejus tenebrosum", significat ecclesiam inde in meris et densis falsis [n. 989] ; "et mandebant linguas suas prae molestia", significat quod prae fastidio non velint percipere et scire genuina bona et vera [n. 990] .

11. "Et blasphemarunt Deum caeli", significat falsificationem Verbi [n. 991] ; "prae molestiis suis et prae ulceribus suis", significat ex fastidiis et nauseis ad genuina vera et bona, oriundis ex falsis et malis in quibus sunt qui in sola fide [n. 992] ; "et non resipuerunt ab operibus suis", significat quod non voluerint vivere secundum praecepta Domini [n. 993] .

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