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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 986

986. And they repented not to give him glory. That this signifies that they were not willing to turn by living according to the Lord's precepts, is evident from the signification of repenting, as denoting to turn from evils and the falsities therefrom; in the present case, before the Last Judgment comes upon them, and also condemnation and punishment; and from the signification of giving glory to the Lord, as denoting to live according to His precepts (concerning which see above, n. 874).

Continuation concerning the Sixth Precept:-

[2] Because all the delights which a man has in the natural world are turned into corresponding delights in the spiritual world, so are the delights of the love of marriage and the delights of the love of adultery. The love of marriage is represented in the spiritual world as a virgin, whose beauty is such as to inspire the beholder with the delights of life; but the love of adultery is represented in the spiritual world by an old woman, whose hideousness is such as to inspire the beholder with coldness and torpor in every delight of life. This is why, in the heavens, the beauty of the angels is according to the quality of their conjugial love, and that, in the hells, the hideousness of the spirits is according to the quality of their love of adultery. In a word, with the angels of heaven, according to conjugial love, there is vitality in their faces, their bodily gestures, and in their speech; but with the spirits of hell, according to the love of adultery, there is deadliness in their faces. The delights of conjugial love in the spiritual world are sensibly represented by the fragrance of fruits and flowers of various kinds. But the delights of the love of adultery are there sensibly represented by the foul smells exhaling from dunghills and putrid substances of various kinds. The delights of the love of adultery are also actually turned into such things, because all the delights of adultery are spiritual filth. This is why the brothels in the hells exhale stenches that excite vomiting.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 986

986. And they repented not to give Him glory, signifies that they were unwilling to turn themselves to living according to the Lord's commandments. This is evident from the signification of "repenting," as being to turn themselves from evils and their falsities, here before the Last Judgment and condemnation and punishment come upon them; also from the signification of "giving glory to the Lord," as being to live according to His commandments (See above, n. 874).

(Continuation respecting the Sixth Commandment)

[2] As all the delights that a man has in the natural world are turned into correspondences in the spiritual world, so are the delights of the love of marriage and the delights of the love of adultery. The love of marriage is represented in the spiritual world as a virgin, whose beauty is such as to inspire the beholder with the charms of life; while the love of adultery is represented in the spiritual world by an old woman, whose deformity is such as to inspire in the beholder a coldness and death to every charm of life. Therefore in the heavens the angels are beautiful according to the quality of conjugial love with them, and in the hells the spirits are deformed according to the quality of the love of adultery with them. In a word, the angels of heaven have life in their faces, in the movements of their body, and in their speech, according to their conjugial love, while the spirits of hell have death in their faces according to their love of adultery. In the spiritual world the delights of conjugial love are represented to the sense by odors from fruits and flowers of various kinds, while the delights of the love of adultery are there represented to the sense by the stenches from excrements and putridities of various kinds. Moreover, the delights of the love of adultery are actually turned into such things, since all things pertaining to adultery are spiritual filth. Therefore from the brothels in the hells stenches pour forth that excite vomiting.

Apocalypsis Explicata 986 (original Latin 1759)

986. "Et non resipuerunt dare ipsi gloriam." - Quod significet quod non voluerint se convertere, vivendo secundum praecepta Domini, constat ex significatione "resipiscere", quod sit se a malis et inde falsis convertere, hic antequam super illos venit ultimum judicium, ac damnatio et punitio; et ex significatione "dare Domino gloriam", quod sit vivere secundum praecepta Ipsius (de qua supra, n. 874).

[2] (Continuatio de Sexto Praecepto.)

Quoniam omnia jucunda, quae sunt homini in naturali mundo, vertuntur in correspondentia in spirituali mundo, ita jucunda amoris conjugii, et jucunda amoris adulterii. Amor conjugii repraesentatur in mundo spirituali sicut virgo, cujus formositas talis est ut videnti inspiret delicias vitae; amor vero adulterii repraesentatur in mundo spirituali per anum, cujus deformitas talis est ut videnti inspiret frigus et letum omni delicio vitae: inde est quod in caelis pulchritudo sit angelis secundum quale amoris conjugialis apud illos, et quod in infernis deformitas spiritibus sit secundum quale amoris adulterii apud illos. Verbo, apud angelos caeli secundum amorem conjugialem est in faciebus, gestibus corporis et loquelis, vita; apud spiritus inferni autem secundum amorem adulterii est in faciebus mors. Jucunda amoris conjugialis in mundo spirituali sensitive repraesentantur per fragrantia ex fructibus et floribus varii generis; jucunda autem amoris adulterii ibi sensitive repraesentantur per maleolentia ex stercoribus et putroribus varii generis; jucunda amoris adulterii etiam actualiter in talia vertuntur, quia omnia adulterii sunt sordes spirituales. Inde est quod ex lupanaribus in infernis efflentur putores, qui ciunt vomitus.

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