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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 995

995. (Verse 12) And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates. That this signifies the state of the church manifested as to things rational, and thence as to intelligence, is evident from the signification of the angel pouring out the vial, as denoting the state of the church manifested, as has been shown frequently above. And from the signification of Euphrates, as denoting the Rational (concerning which see above, n. 569). It is called a great river, from the intelligence which man has from the Rational, for a river signifies intelligence (see n. 518).

For all the intelligence of the natural man is from his Rational, this being the medium between the Spiritual and the Natural, and, therefore, it first receives influx from the spiritual world and transmits it into the Natural. Hence it is, that before the spiritual mind, which is called the spiritual man, can be opened, and afterwards influx pass into the natural mind, the Rational must be cultivated; and this is done by means of scientifics, which are natural and moral truths, and by means of the knowledges of truth and good from the Word. The rational mind is opened from below by these; but as soon as the spiritual mind is opened, and influx thence takes place, the rational mind is opened from above, and thus the Rational, as a medium, affording a passage, the natural mind, in which are scientifics and knowledges, is thereby subordinated to the spiritual mind, thus to heaven and the Lord.

Continuation concerning the Sixth Precept:-

[2] Love truly conjugial is from the Lord alone. The reason of this is, that it descends from the love of the Lord towards heaven and the church, and, consequently, from the love of good and truth. For it is the Lord from whom good is, and it is heaven and the church in which truth is. It follows, therefore, that love truly conjugial in its primary essence is love to the Lord.

This is why no one can be in love truly conjugial, and in its pleasantness, delights, blessings, and joys, except the man who acknowledges the Lord alone, that is, the Trinity in Him. He who approaches the Father as a person by Himself, or the Holy Spirit as a person by Himself, and these not in the Lord, does not possess conjugial love.

The genuine Conjugial especially exists in the third heaven, because the angels there are in love to the Lord, acknowledge Him alone as God, and do His commandments. To do the commandments, with them, is to love Him. The commandments of the Lord are, to them, the truths in which they receive Him. There is conjunction of the Lord with them, and of them with the Lord; for they are in the Lord because in good, and the Lord is in them, because in truths. This is the heavenly marriage, from which love truly conjugial descends.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 995

995. Verse 12. And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates, signifies the state of the church manifested as to things rational, and intelligence therefrom. This is evident from the signification of "the angel pouring out the vial," as being the state of the church manifested (as often above); also from the signification of "Euphrates," as being the rational (See above, n. 569), which is called "a great river" from the intelligence that man has from the rational, for "river" signifies intelligence (See n. 518). All the intelligence of the natural man is from his rational, for the rational is the medium between the spiritual and the natural; and because it is the medium, it first receives influx from the spiritual world and transfers it into the natural. From this it follows that before the spiritual mind, which is called the spiritual man, can be opened, and through it influx into the natural mind be given, the rational must be cultivated, which is done by means of knowledges [scientifica], which are natural and moral truths, and by means of cognitions [cognitiones] of truth and good from the Word. Through these the rational mind is opened from below. But as soon as the spiritual mind has been opened, and there is influx from that, the rational mind is opened from above; and thus the rational, as an intermediate, furnishes a passage; and then through it the natural mind, which contains knowledges and cognitions [scientifica et cognitiones, is subordinated to the spiritual mind, and thus to heaven and the Lord.

(Continuation respecting the Sixth Commandment)

[2] True conjugial love is from the Lord alone. It is from the Lord alone because it descends from the Lord's love for heaven and the church, and thus from the love of good and truth; for good is from the Lord, and truth is in heaven and the church; and from this it follows that true conjugial love in its first essence is love to the Lord. And from this it is that no one can be in true conjugial love and its pleasantnesses, delights, happiness, and joys, unless he acknowledges the Lord alone, that is, that the trinity is in Him. He who approaches the Father as a person by Himself, or the Holy Spirit as a person by Himself, and these not in the Lord, can have no conjugial love. The genuine conjugial is given especially in the third heaven, because the angels there are in love to the Lord, they acknowledge Him alone as God, and they do His commandments. To them doing the commandments is loving the Lord. To them the Lord's commandments are the truths in which they receive Him. There is conjunction of the Lord with them, and of them with the Lord; for they are in the Lord because they are in good, and the Lord is in them because they are in truths. This is the heavenly marriage, from which true conjugial love descends.

Apocalypsis Explicata 995 (original Latin 1759)

995. (Vers. 12.) "Et sextus angelus effudit phialam suam super fluvium magnum Euphratem." - Quod significet statum ecclesiae manifestatum quoad rationalia, et inde quoad intelligentiam, constat ex significatione "angeli effundentis phialam", quod sit status ecclesiae manifestatus (ut supra aliquoties); et ex significatione "Euphratis", quod sit rationale (de qua supra, n. 569); qui vocatur "fluvius magnus" ab intelligentia, quae est homini ex rationali, "fluvius" enim significat intelligentiam (videatur n. 518): omnis enim intelligentia naturalis hominis est ex rationali ejus, est enim rationale medium inter spirituale et naturale; et quia est medium, excipit primo influxum ex spirituali mundo, et transfert in naturalem; inde est quod antequam spiritualis mens, quae spiritualis homo vocatur, potest aperiri, et dein in mentem naturalem per illam dari influxus, excolendumsit rationale, quod fit per scientifica, quae sunt vera naturalia et moralia, et per cognitiones veri et boni ex Verbo: per haec rationalis mens aperitur ab infra; sed ut primum mens spiritualis aperta est, et inde fit influxus, aperitur mens rationalis supra, et sic rationale ut medians praebet transitum, et tunc per illam mens naturalis, in qua sunt scientifica et cognitiones, subordinatur menti spirituali, ita caelo et Domino.

[2] (Continuatio de Sexto Praecepto.)

Amor vere conjugialis est a solo Domino. Quod a solo Domino sit, est quia descendit ex amore Domini erga caelum et ecclesiam, et inde ex amore boni et veri; Dominus enim est a quo bonum, et caelum et ecclesia sunt in quibus verum; inde sequitur quod amor vere conjugialis sit in sua prima essentia amor in Dominum. Inde est quod nemo possit in amore vere conjugiali esse, et in ejus amoenis, jucundis, beatis et gaudiis, nisi qui solum Dominum agnoscit, hoc est, Trinum in Ipso: qui adit Patrem ut Personam per Se, aut Spiritum sanctum ut Personam per Se, et illos non in Domino, non illis est amor conjugialis. Genuinum conjugiale datur imprimis in tertio caelo, quia angeli ibi in amore in Dominum sunt, agnoscunt Ipsum solum Deum, et mandata Ipsius faciunt. Facere mandata est illis amare Ipsum; mandata Domini sunt illis vera, in quibus recipiunt Ipsum: conjunctio Domini cum illis est, et illorum cum Domino, nam in Domino sunt quia in bono, et Dominus in illis est, quia in veris. Hoc est conjugium caeleste, a quo amor vere conjugialis descendit.

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