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《揭秘启示录》 第107节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 107

107. "And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write." (2:12) This symbolically means, to people and concerning people who place everything having to do with the church in good works, and not anything in doctrinal truths.

That people of this character are meant by the church in Pergamum is apparent from the particulars written to it, understood in their spiritual meaning. To this, however, we must preface something in order that it may be known just who these are in the church, and what their character is.

The Christian church today consists for the most part of two kinds of people. People who are concerned only with works and have no truths constitute one kind. People who focus only on worship and are without works or truths constitute the other. The first kind is the subject here, the second the subject of the letter to the church in Sardis (nos. 154ff.).

People who are concerned only with works and have no truths are like people who act without understanding, and deeds without understanding are lifeless. Such people appear to angels as figures carved out of wood, and those who place merit in their works as those same figures naked, without a covering over their private parts. Such people appear also as sheep without any wool, and those who place merit in their works as those same sheep covered with dung. For all works are done by the will by means of the intellect, and in the intellect they receive life and at the same time clothing. That is why, as we said, such people appear to angels as lifeless figures and naked.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 107

107. [verse 12] 'And to the Angel of the Church in Pergamum write' signifies to and concerning those who place everything of the Church in good works, and not anything in the truths of doctrine. That by 'the Church in Pergamum' these are understood is plain from the things written to it understood in the spiritual sense. But about these something must be said in advance, so that it may be known who they are in the Church, and what their quality is. There are two kinds of men out of whom for the most part the Christian Church has its existence at the present day. Those who are in works alone, and in no truths, make up the one kind; and those who are in worship alone, and in neither works nor truths make up the other. It treats of the former kind here; of the latter in the things written to the Church in Sardis (154 seq.). They who are in works alone and in no truths are like those who are doing and not understanding, and deeds without understanding are lifeless. In the presence of angels they appear like carvings out of wood, and those who have placed merit in their works appear naked like those carvings without a covering upon their private parts. They appear also as sheep without wool; and those who place merit in their works, like such sheep covered with dung. For all works are done from the will by means of the understanding, and in the understanding they acquire life, and at the same time clothing. Consequently, as has been said, they appear in the presence of the angels as things lifeless and naked.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 107

107. Verse 12. And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write, signifies to those and concerning those who place the all of the church in good works, and not anything in the truths of doctrine. That these are meant by "the church in Pergamos," is evident from what is written to it, when understood in the spiritual sense. But something must be premised concerning these, that it may be known who they are in the church, and what is their quality. There are two kinds of men of whom the Christian church at this day for the most part consists; one, who are in works alone, and in no truths; the other, who are in worship alone, and neither in works nor in truths; the former are here treated of; the latter in what is written to the church in Sardis, (154). They who are in works alone and in no truths, are like those who act and do not understand, and deeds without understanding are inanimate. They appear before the angels like images carved out of wood; and they who have placed merit in their works, appear like those carved images, naked, without any covering whatever; they appear also like sheep without wool; and they who place merit in them, like such sheep covered with dung; for all works are done from the will by the understanding, and in the understanding they receive life, and at the same time clothing; hence it is, as was said, that they appear to the angels as things inanimate and naked.

Apocalypsis Revelata 107 (original Latin 1766)

107. (Vers. 12.) "Et Angelo in Pergamo Ecclesiae scribe," significat ad illos et de illis, qui omne Ecclesiae ponunt in bonis operibus, et non aliquid in veris doctrinae. - Quod illi per "Ecclesiam in Pergamo" intelligantur, patet a scriptis ad illam in Sensu spirituali intellectis. Sed de his aliquid praefandum est, ut sciatur quinam in Ecclesia, et quales, sunt. Sunt duo genera hominum, ex quibus Ecclesia Christiana hodie quoad plurimam partem consistit; unum genus faciunt illi, qui in solis operibus, et in nullis veris sunt; alterum qui in solo cultu, et non in operibus nec in veris sunt; de priori genere agitur hic, de posteriori in scriptis ad Ecclesiam in Sardibus (154, seq.). Illi qui in solis operibus et in nullis veris sunt, sunt sicut qui faciunt et non intelligunt, et facta absque intellectu sunt inanimata; apparent coram Angelis sicut sculptilia ex ligno, et illi qui meritum in suis operibus posuerunt sicut sculptilia illa nuda absque velamine super pudendis; apparent etiam sicut oves absque lana, et qui meritum in illis ponunt, sicut oves illae stercore obsitae; omnia enim opera fiunt a voluntate per intellectum, ac in intellectu accipiunt vitam, et simul vestes; inde est, quod, ut dictum est, appareant coram Angelis ut inanimata et nuda.

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