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《揭秘启示录》 第106节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 106

106. "'Shall not be hurt by the second death.'" This symbolically means that they will not later succumb to evils and falsities from hell.

The first death refers to the death of the body, and the second death to the death of the soul, which is damnation (see nos. 853, 873 below). So, because the exhortation, "Be faithful until death," means, symbolically, that they will acknowledge truths until the truths remove their falsities (no. 102), it follows that saying "they shall not be hurt by the second death" means, symbolically, that they will not later succumb to evils and falsities from hell, since as a consequence of that removal they are exempt from damnation.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 106

106. 'Shall not be hurt by the second death' signifies that they shall not thereafter yield to evils and untruths from hell. By the first death is understood the death of the body, and by 'the second death' is understood the death of the soul, which is damnation (see below 853, 873). And because by 'Be thou faithful even unto death' is signified that they are going to acknowledge truths (veritas) until by their means untruths have been removed (102), it follows that by 'shall not be hurt by the second death' is signified that they shall not thereafter yield to evils and untruths from hell, for thereby they are released from damnation.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 106

106. Shall not be hurt of the second death, signifies that afterwards they shall not succumb to the evils and falsities from hell. By the first death is meant the death of the body, and by the "second death" is meant the death of the soul, which is damnation (see below, (853), 853, 873); and because "Be thou faithful unto death," signifies that they ought to acknowledge truths till by their means falsities are removed, (102), it follows, that by "not being hurt of the second death," is signified that afterwards they shall not succumb under evils and falsities from hell, for thereby they are exempted from damnation.

Apocalypsis Revelata 106 (original Latin 1766)

106. "Non laedetur a morte secunda," significat quod postea non succumbent a malis et falsis is ad inferno. - Per mortem primam intelligitur mors corporis, et per "mortem secundam" intelligitur mors animae, quae est damnatio (videatur infra 853, 873); et quia significatur per "Esto fidelis usque ad mortem," quod agnituri sint veritates usque dum falsa per illas remota sunt (102), sequitur, quod per "non laedetur a morte secunda" significetur quod postea non succumbent a malis et falsis ab inferno; per id enim eximuntur a damnatione.

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