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《揭秘启示录》 第11节

(一滴水译本 2019)


  对于犹太圣言之前传于亚细亚的这部古圣言,它的相关信息如下:它至今仍保存于居住在大鞑靼地区的人当中。我曾在灵界与来自那地的灵人和天使交谈,他们说,他们拥有一部圣言,并且自古时就拥有它,他们的神性敬拜都是照着这部圣言来执行的,它纯由对应构成。他们说,该圣言也包括约书亚记(10:12、13)和撒母耳记下(1:17、18)所提到的“雅煞珥书”(book of Jasher),与它们一同提及的还有摩西提到的“耶和华战记”和“预言集”(Propheticals)(民数记21:141527-30)。我在他们面前诵读摩西曾引用的经文,他们就查找这些经文是否尚存,结果找到了。我由此看出,古圣言依然保存在他们当中。交谈中,他们自称敬拜耶和华,有的视其为不可见之神,有的视其为可见之神。此外,他们告诉我,他们不许外人进入他们当中,除了与其保持和平关系的中国人,因为中国的皇帝来自他们的国家,并说中国人口如此众多,以致他们不相信全世界还有哪个地区人口更多。这话是可信的,从中国人以前为抵御外敌侵犯而修筑的万里长城即可见一斑。到中国去寻找,或许你能在鞑靼人当中找到那部古圣言。

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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 11

11. Which are in Asia. This symbolically means, to those who from the Word possess the light of truth.

Since, as we said before, all the names of persons and places in the Word mean things having to do with heaven and the church, so too does Asia, and likewise the names of the seven churches there, as will be apparent from considerations that follow.

Asia means those who possess the light of truth from the Word because the Most Ancient Church existed there, followed by the Ancient Church, and later the Israelite Church, and because the Ancient Word existed among them, and later the Israelite Word. For all light of truth comes from the Word.

To be shown that there were ancient churches in the Asiatic world, and that they had a Word which was afterward lost, and that there finally existed there the Word that we have today, see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture, nos. 101-103.

That, now, is the reason that Asia here symbolizes all those who from the Word possess the light of truth.

[2] Regarding the aforementioned Ancient Word which existed in Asia before the Israelite Word, this new information deserves to be reported, that it is still preserved there among peoples who live in Great Tartary. 1I have spoken with spirits and angels in the spiritual world who came from there, who said that they possessed a Word, that they had possessed it from ancient times, that they conduct their worship in accordance with it, and that it consists of nothing but things that correspond. They said that it also contains the book of Jasher, which is mentioned in Joshua (Joshua 10:12-13) 2and in the Second Book of Samuel (2 Samuel 1:17, 18) 3, and that they have among them as well The Wars of Jehovah and Prophecies, books which Moses mentions in Numbers (Numbers 21:14, 15, 27-30) 4.

Moreover, when I read in their presence the words that Moses took from those books, they looked to see whether they existed there, and they found them.

It was apparent to me from this that the Ancient Word still exists among them.

In the course of my conversation with them they said they worship Jehovah - some of them worshiping Him as an invisible God, some as a visible one.

Furthermore, they related that they do not allow foreigners to enter their midst, with the exception of the Chinese, with whom they cultivate a peaceful relationship, because the Chinese emperor came from them. They said, too, that their country is so populous that they do not believe any region in the whole world to be more populous - which is also believable on account of the wall extending so many miles which the Chinese once built to protect themselves from being invaded by them.

Inquire concerning the Ancient Word in China, and perhaps you will find it there among the Tartars. 5


1. A vast region controlled by Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries, extending from eastern Europe over much of Asia. After the Turkish groups known as Tatars were conquered and assimilated by the Mongols in the early 13th century, the Mongol invaders of Russia and Hungary became known to Europeans as Tatars or Tartars, and their territory was depicted in maps as Great Tartary.

2. "Then Joshua spoke to Jehovah in the day when Jehovah delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel: 'Sun, stand still over Gibeon; and Moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.' So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the people had revenge upon their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jasher?"

3. "Then David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son, and he told them to teach the children of Judah the Song of the Bow; indeed it is written in the Book of Jasher."

4. "Therefore it is said in the Book of the Wars of the Jehovah: 'Waheb in Suphah, the brooks of the Arnon, and the slope of the brooks that reaches to the dwelling of Ar, and lies on the border of Moab.'" "...Therefore the Prophecies say: 'Come to Heshbon, let it be built; let the city of Sihon be repaired. For fire went out from Heshbon, a flame from the city of Sihon; it consumed Ar of Moab, the lords of the heights of the Arnon. Woe to you, Moab! You have perished, O people of Chemosh! He has given his sons as fugitives, and his daughters into captivity, to Sihon king of the Amorites. But we have shot at them; Heshbon has perished as far as Dibon. Then we laid waste as far as Nophah, which reaches to Medeba.'"

5. I.e., among the descendants of the Mongols.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 11

11. 'Which are in Asia' signifies to those who are in the light of the truth (veritas) out of the Word. Since by all the names of persons and places in the Word are understood things of heaven and the Church, as was said before, so are they also understood by 'Asia' and similarly by the names of the seven Churches there, as will be plain from the things following. By 'Asia' are understood those who are in the light of the truth (veritas) out of the Word because the Most Ancient, and after it the Ancient, and then the Israelitish Church, was in Asia; also, because with them there was an olden Word and afterwards the Israelitish Word; and all the light of the truth (veritas) is out of the Word. That there have been Ancient Churches in the Asiatic world, and that they had a Word that was afterwards lost, and eventually the Word that [we have] at this day, may be seen in THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE 101-103. It is, then, in consequence of this that by 'Asia' here are signified all who are in the light of the truth (veritas) out of the Word.

[2] 'Concerning the Olden Word that used to be in Asia before the Israelitish Word, this new thing deserves to be mentioned: It has till now been preserved among the peoples who dwell in Great Tartary. I have spoken with spirits and angels who were from there in the spiritual world, and they said that they possess a Word, that they have had it in their possession from ancient times, that they perform their Divine worship in accordance with that Word, and that it consists of nothing but correspondences. They said that even the Book of JASHER that is mentioned in Joshua 10:12-13, and in 1 Samuel 1:17-18, is in it; also, that with them are the books, THE WARS OF JEHOVAH and THE PROPHETICAL [ENUNCIATIONS], 1mentioned by Moses (Numbers 21:14-15, 27-30); and when in their presence I read the words that Moses had quoted therefrom, they searched to see if they appeared there, and found them. From these things it was plain to me that the Olden Word is still with them. In the course of the conversation they said that they worship Jehovah, some as an invisible, and some as a visible God. Afterwards they told me that they do not suffer foreigners to enter among them, except the Chinese, with whom they cultivate peace, because the emperor of China is from there. Then they also told me that they are so densely populated that they do not believe any region in the entire world is more densely populated; which is indeed credible on account of the wall so many miles long which the Chinese built up a long time ago for their own protection against invasion by them. Ask about it in China, and perchance you will find that [Word] there among the Tartars.'


1. See the explanation of this title in Doctrine of Sacred Scripture 103 and the True Christian Religion 265.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 11

11. Which are in Asia, signifies to those who are in the light of truth from the Word. Since, by all the names of persons and places in the Word, the things of heaven and the church are meant, as was said before; thus also they are meant by "Asia" and by the names of the seven churches therein, as will appear from what follows. The reason why they who are in the light of truth from the Word, are meant by "Asia," is, because the Most Ancient Church, and, after it, the Ancient, and then the Israelitish church, were in Asia; also, because the ancient Word, and, afterwards the Israelitish, were with them; and all the light of truth is from the Word. That there were ancient churches in the Asiatic world and that they had a Word which was afterwards lost, and, lastly, the Word which is extant at this day, may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Sacred Scripture, (101-103). On this account it is, that by "Asia" are here signified all who are in the light of truth from the Word.

[2] "Concerning this Ancient Word, which was in Asia before the Israelitish Word, it is fitting to relate this news: That it is still reserved there among the people who are in Great Tartary; I have spoken with spirits and angels in the spiritual world who came thence, who said that they possess a Word, and have possessed it from ancient times; and that their Divine worship is performed according to this Word; and that it consists of mere correspondences. They said that it also contains the book of Jasher, which is mentioned in Joshua 10:12-13, and 2 Samuel 1:17-18, and also, that with them are the books mentioned by Moses, as The Wars of Jehovah and the Propheticals, (Numbers 21:14-15, 27-30); and when I read to them the words quoted thence by Moses, they examined whether they were extant there, and found them. From these things it was manifest to me that the Ancient Word is still with them. While speaking with them they said that they worship Jehovah, some as an invisible, and some as a visible God. Moreover they related that they do not suffer foreigners to come among them, except the Chinese, with whom they cultivate peace, because the emperor of China is from their country. And further, that they are so populous, that they do not believe any region in the whole world to be more populous; which is very credible from the wall so many miles long, which the Chinese formerly constructed as a safeguard against invasion from them. Seek for it in China, and peradventure you will find it there among the Tartars.

Apocalypsis Revelata 11 (original Latin 1766)

11. "Quae in Asia," significat ad illos qui ex Verbo in luce veritatis sunt. - Quoniam per omnia Nomina personarum et locorum in Verbo intelliguntur res Caeli et Ecclesiae, ut prius dictum est, ita quoque per "Asiam," similiter per Nomina septem Ecclesiarum ibi, ut ex sequentibus patebit. Quod per "Asiam" illi qui in luce veritatis ex Verbo sunt, intelligantur, est quia Antiquissima Ecclesia, et post illam Antiqua, et postea Israelitica, in Asia fuit; tum quia apud illos Verbum vetustum, et postea Israeliticum et ex Verbo est omnis Lux veritatis. Quod Ecclesiae Antiquae in Asiatico Orbe fuerint, et quod illis fuerit Verbum, quod postea deperditum est, et demum Verbum quod hodie, videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 101-103. Inde nunc est, quod per "Asiam" hic significentur omnes qui ex Verbo in luce veritatis sunt.

De hoc Verbo Vetusto, quod ante Verbum Israeliticum in Asia fuerat, referre meretur hoc novum, quod hoc ibi adhuc reservatum sit apud populos qui in Magna Tartaria habitant; locutus sum cum Spiritibus et Angelis, qui in Mundo Spirituali inde erant, qui dixerunt quod possideant Verbum, et quod id ab antiquis temporibus possederint, et quod secundum hoc Verbum Divinum suum cultum obeant, et quod id ex meris correspondentiis consistat; dixerunt quod in illo etiam Liber Jaschar sit, qui memoratur apud Josuam 10:12-13, et in Libro 2 Samuelis 1:17-18, tum etiam quod apud illos sint Libri, Bella Jehovae et Prophetica, qui memorantur a Mose, (Numeri 21:14-15, 27-30); et cum legi coram illis verba quae Moses inde desumserat, inquisiverunt num illa ibi exstent, et invenerunt: ex his patuit mihi, quod Verbum Vetustum adhuc apud illos sit: inter loquendum cum illis dixerunt, quod Jehovam colant, quidam ut Deum invisibilem, quidam ut visibilem. Porro retulerunt, quod non patiantur ut Extranei ad illos intrent, praeter Chinenses, cum quibus pacem colunt, quia Imperator Chinensis est inde; tum etiam, quod tam populosi sint, ut non credant aliquam regionem in universo mundo populosiorem esse; quod etiam credibile est ex Muro tot milliarium, quem Chinenses pro tutela sua contra invasionem ab illis olim exstruxerant Quaerite de eo in China, et forte invenietis illud ibi apud Tartaros.

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