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《揭秘启示录》 第110节

(一滴水译本 2019)




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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 110

110. "'And where you dwell, where Satan's throne is.'" This symbolizes their life in darkness.

It may be seen in no. 97 above that Satan means a hell composed of people caught up in falsities, and to be caught up in falsities is to live in darkness. Darkness and the shadow of death, spiritually speaking, describe nothing other than the states of people in hell who are caught up in the falsities of evil. Consequently these terms are used in the Word to describe falsities, and it can be seen from this that Satan's throne symbolizes nothing but darkness.

Darkness here, however, does not mean that the people are caught up in nothing but falsities, but that they lack any truths of doctrine. For doctrinal truths that are drawn from the Word bring light. To be without truths, therefore, is to be without light, and so to be in a state of darkness. (That truths appear in the light of heaven may be seen in the book Heaven and Hell, nos. 126-140 and in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture, nos. 73 104-113.)

[2] In many places the Word speaks of people in darkness or the shadow of death, people whose eyes the Lord will open, and these people mean gentiles who have engaged in good works, but did not have any truths, because they did not know the Lord or have the Word. Altogether like these are people in the Christian world who are concerned with works only and are without any doctrinal truths. Consequently they can only be called gentiles. They know the Lord, indeed, but do not turn to Him; and they have the Word, but nevertheless do not look for any truths in it.

Knowing "where you dwell" means, symbolically, knowing their character, since in the spiritual world everyone dwells there in accordance with the character of his affection.

It can be seen from this that "you dwell where Satan's throne is" symbolizes their life of doing good in a state of darkness.

[3] Satanic spirits, moreover, have power through those in the spiritual world who are concerned with works only, but without them they have no power. For satanic spirits attach such spirits to themselves if only one of the satanic spirits says, "I am your neighbor, and am therefore due the performance of kind offices." On hearing this, the spirits concerned only with works go over and render assistance, without inquiring who or of what character the satanic spirit is. That is because they are without any truths, and it is by truths alone that one person can be told apart from another. This, too, is symbolically meant by the statement, "You dwell where Satan's throne is."

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 110

110. 'And where thou dwellest, where Satan's throne is' signifies their life in dense darkness. It may be seen above (97) that by 'Satan' is understood the hell [formed] out of those who are in untruths; and to be in untruths is to be in spiritual dense darkness. 'Spiritual dense darkness' 'the shadow of death' and 'darkness' are nothing else but the states of those in hell who are in untruths of evil, and therefore in the Word by those expressions untruths are described. It can be established from these things that by 'Satan's throne' is signified sheer dense darkness. But here by 'dense darkness' is not understood that they are in sheer untruths, but that they are in no truths of doctrine, for the truths of doctrine that are derived from the Word are in light. Resulting from this, not to be in truths is not to be in light, consequently in dense darkness. That truths are in the light of heaven may be seen in the work concerning HEAVEN AND HELL 126-140, and in THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE 73, 104-113.

[2] In many places in the Word it treats of those who are in 'darkness,' 'the shadow of death' and in 'dense darkness' whose eyes the Lord is going to open; and by them are understood the Gentiles who have been in good works, but not in any truths, because they have not known of the Lord, nor had the Word. Exactly like them are those in Christendom who are in works alone and in no truths of doctrine, and they are therefore not to be called anything else but Gentiles. They indeed know of the Lord, but yet they do not approach Him; and they have the Word, but they do not search there for truths. By 'to know where thou dwellest' is signified to know what the quality is, since in the spiritual world every one has his dwelling in accordance with the quality of his affection. It can be established from these things that by 'thou dwellest where Satan's throne is' is signified the life of their good in dense darkness.

[3] Satanic spirits also are powerful by means of those who are in works alone, but apart from them they are of no avail, for in the spiritual world they adjoin them to themselves, if only one of them says, I am your neighbour, and on this account I must get preferential treatment. On hearing this they approach and are helpful, and they do not inquire who and what he is, because they do not have truths, and only by truths is the difference of one from the other known. This also is signified by 'Thou dwellest where Satan's throne is.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 110

110. And where thou dwellest, where Satan's throne is, signifies their life in thick darkness. That by "Satan" is meant the hell of those who are in falsities may be seen above, (97); and to be in falsities is to be in spiritual thick darkness. "Spiritual thick darkness," "the shadow of death," and "darkness" are nothing else but the states of those in hell, who are in the falsities of evil; therefore, in the Word, falsities are described by them; from which it may appear, that by "Satan's throne" is signified mere thick darkness. But by thick darkness here is not meant that they are in mere falsities, but that they are in no truths of doctrine; for truths of the doctrine, which are from the Word, are in light, therefore not to be in truths is not to be in light, consequently to be in thick darkness. That truths are in the light of heaven, may be seen in Heaven and Hell, (126-140); and in Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning Sacred Scripture, (73, 104-113).

[2] The Word in many places treats of those who are in "darkness," in "the shadow of death," and in "thick darkness," whose eyes the Lord will open; and by them are meant the Gentiles, who were in good works, but not in any truths, because they did not know the Lord, nor did they have the Word. Exactly similar to these are they in the Christian world, who are in works alone and in no truths of doctrine, therefore they cannot be called anything else than Gentiles; they know the Lord indeed, but yet do not approach Him, and they have the Word, but yet do not search for the truths therein. By "I know where thou dwellest" is signified to know their quality, because in the spiritual world everyone dwells according to the quality of his affection. Hence it may appear, that by "thou dwellest where Satan's throne is" is signified the life of their good in thick darkness.

[3] Satanic spirits also have power through those in the spiritual world who are in works alone, but without them they have none; for they adjoin them to themselves, provided one of them says, I am thy neighbor, and on this account good offices ought to be extended to me; on hearing this they approach, and give aid; nor do they inquire who and what he is, because they do not have truths, by which alone one can be distinguished from another. This also is signified by "thou dwellest where satan's throne is."

Apocalypsis Revelata 110 (original Latin 1766)

110. "Et ubi habitas, ubi thronus satanae est," significat vitam eorum in caligine. Quod per "satanam" intelligatur infernum ex illis qui in falsis sunt, videatur supra (97); ac in falsis esse, est in caligine spirituali esse; "caligo spiritualis," "umbra mortis," ac "tenebrae," non aliud sunt, quam status illorum in inferno, qui in falsis mali sunt, quare falsa in Verbo per illa describuntur; ex quibus constare potest, quod per "thronum satanae" significetur mera caligo. Sed hic per caliginem non intelligitur quod in meris falsis, sed quod in nullis veris doctrinae sint; vera enim doctrinae, quae ex Verbo sunt, in luce sunt; inde non in veris esse, est non in luce esse, consequenter in caligine: quod vera sint in luce Caeli, videatur in Opere de Caelo et Inferno 126-140, et in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 73, 104-113. In Verbo multis in locis agitur de illis qui in "tenebris," "umbra mortis," et in "caligine" sunt, quorum "oculos Dominus aperiturus est," et per illos intelliguntur Gentes, qui in bonis operibus fuerunt, sed non in aliquibus veris, quia non noverunt Dominum, nec habuerunt Verbum; illis plane similes sunt illi in Christiano Orbe, qui in solis operibus et in nullis veris doctrinae sunt, quare non aliter vocandi sunt quam Gentes; norunt quidem Dominum, sed usque Ipsum non adeunt, ac habent Verbum, sed usque non vera ibi inquirunt. Per nosse "ubi habitas" significatur scire qualis est, quoniam in Mundo spirituali quisque habitat secundum quale suae affectionis. Ex his constare potest, quod per quod "habites 1ubi thronus satanae" significetur vita boni illorum in caligine. Valent etiam spiritus satanici per illos qui in solis operibus sunt, at absque illis nihil, in Mundo spirituali; adjungunt enim illos sibi, modo aliquis ex illis dicat, Sum proximus tuus, et quod ideo praestanda mihi sint bona officia; quibus auditis accedunt, et opitulantur, nec inquirunt quis et qualis est, quia illis vera non sunt, et per vera solum dignoscitur unus ab altero: hoc quoque significatur per "habitas ubi thronus satanae."


1. habites pro "habitas"

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