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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第73节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 73

73. The angels themselves confess that they get all their wisdom through the Word, since the amount of light they enjoy depends on how focused they are on understanding the Word. Heaven’s light is divine wisdom, which is light to their eyes.

In the repository where their copy of the Word is kept, the light is flaming and brilliant, surpassing every level of light found outside it in heaven. The reason is the one already stated [57, 62]-the Lord is in the Word.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 73

73. Angels gain all their wisdom owing to the Word, as they themselves confess. For the more they understand the Word, the more light they have. The light in heaven is Divine wisdom, which to their eyes is light.

In the sacred repository where the copy of the Word is kept, the light is flaming and brilliant, surpassing any other degree of light surrounding it in heaven.

The reason is the same as that said above, that the Lord is present in the Word.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 73

73. The angels themselves confess that they derive all their wisdom from the Word, for the light in which they are varies with their understanding of the Word, light with them being Divine Wisdom, which is the light of heaven. In the sacred repository, where the copy of the Word is kept, the light is flaming and bright, surpassing every degree of light in heaven outside. The cause is the same as that stated above, that the Lord is in the Word.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 73

73. The angels acknowledge that all their wisdom comes through the Word, for they are in light in proportion to their understanding of the Word. The light of heaven is Divine wisdom, which to their eyes is light. In the sanctuary where the copy of the Word is kept, there is a flaming and bright light that surpasses every degree of light in heaven that is outside of it. The cause is the same as above mentioned; it is that the Lord is in the Word.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 73 (original Latin 1763)

73. Quod omnis sapientia sit angelis per Verbum, hoc fatentur ipsi; nam quantum in Verbi intellectu sunt, tantum in luce sunt. Lux caeli est Divina sapientia, quae coram oculis eorum est lux. In sacrario in quo exemplar Verbi repositum est, est lux flammea et candida, excedens omnem gradum lucis quae extra illud in caelo est. Causa eadem est quae supra dicta, quod Dominus sit in Verbo.

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