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《揭秘启示录》 第139节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 139

139. "'I will kill her sons with death.'" (2:23) This symbolically means that truths from the Word with them will all be turned into falsities.

Sons in the Word symbolize truths, and in an opposite sense falsities. To kill sons, therefore, symbolically means to turn truths into falsities, for thus the truths perish. Nothing else is meant by "the slain of Jehovah." 1

To kill her sons with death also means, symbolically, to condemn those people's falsities.

Sons symbolize truths, and in an opposite sense falsities, because in the spiritual sense of the Word generations mean spiritual generations. The case is the same with blood relations and relations by marriage, and so with terms referring to these, such as father, mother, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, and the rest. No other sons or daughters are born of a spiritual generation than truths and goods (see nos. 542 and 543 below).


1. See Isaiah 66:16

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 139

139. [verse 23] 'And I will slay her sons with death' signifies that all the truths with them out of the Word will be turned into untruths By 'sons' in the Word are signified truths, and in the opposite sense untruths; therefore 'to slay sons' signifies to turn truths into untruths, for in that manner they perish; nor is anything else understood by 'the slain and pierced of Jehovah.' By 'to slay her sons with death' is also signified to condemn their untruths. 'Sons' signify truths, and in the opposite sense untruths, because in the spiritual sense of the Word by 'generations' spiritual generations are understood. In like manner [spiritual equivalents are understood] by blood-relationships and relationships by marriage, thus by the names of these, as by 'father,' 'mother,' 'sons,' 'daughters,' 'brothers,' 'sisters,' 'sons-in-law,' 'daughters-in-law,' and the rest; and out of spiritual generation are born no sons and daughters other than truths and goods. Let 542-543 1below be seen.


1. The Original Edition has 512, 546, probably a printer's error.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 139

139. Verse 23. And I will kill her sons with death, signifies that all the truths of the Word with them will be turned into falsities. By "sons" in the Word, are signified truths, and in the opposite sense, falsities; therefore "to kill sons" signifies to turn truths into falsities, for thus they perish; neither is anything else meant by "the slain and pierced of Jehovah;" by "killing her sons with death" is also signified to condemn their falsities. That "sons" signify truths, and in the opposite sense falsities is because in the spiritual sense of the Word by generations, are meant spiritual generations, and in like manner by consanguinities and affinities; thus by their names, as by father, mother, sons, daughters, brethren, sisters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, and the rest; neither does spiritual generation give birth to any other sons and daughters, than truths and goods. See, (542, 543), below.

Apocalypsis Revelata 139 (original Latin 1766)

139. (Vers. 23.) "Et filios ejus occidam mortem" significat quod omnia vera ex Verbo apud illos vertentur in falsa. - Per "filio" in Verbo significantur vera, et in opposito sensu falsa, quare "occidere filios" significat vertere vera in falsa, sic enim pereunt; per "occisos et confossos Jehovae" nec aliud intelligitur: per "occidere filios ejus morte" etiam significatur damnare falsa illorum. Quod "filii" significent vera, et in opposito sensu falsa, est quia in Sensu spirituali Verbi per Generationes intelliguntur Generationes spirituales; similiter per Consanguinitates et Affinitates; ita per nomina illarum, ut per Patrem, Matrem, Filios, Filias, Fratres, Sorores, Generos, Nurus, et reliquos; ex Generatione spirituales; nec alii filii et aliae filiae nascuntur, quam vera et bona: videatur infra (542, 543). 1


1. 542, 543 pro "512, 546"

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