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《揭秘启示录》 第263节

(一滴水译本 2019)





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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 263

263. So I wept much, that no one was found worthy to open and read the book, or to look in it. (5:4) This symbolizes grief of heart, that if no one could do this, all would perish.

It is apparent that to weep much means to grieve at heart. The reason John grieved at heart was because all would otherwise perish. Indeed, if everything in heaven and on earth had not been put back into order by the Last Judgment, the case could not have been otherwise. For the book of Revelation has as its subject the last state of the church when it reaches its end, and what this will be like the Lord describes in these words:

...there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved. (Matthew 24:21-22)

This refers to the last period of the church, when a judgment takes place.

[2] That this is the state of the church today can be known simply from the fact that the largest part of the Christian world is occupied by people who have transferred the Lord's Divine power to themselves, wishing to be worshiped as gods, and who call on people who have died, and scarcely anyone there on the Lord. As for the rest of the church, they make God three, and the Lord two, and place salvation not in amendment of life, but in certain phrases that they utter in a devout tone. Thus they place it not in repentance, but in having confidence that they have been justified and sanctified, provided they folds their hands and look upward and pray the customary ritual phrases.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 263

263. [verse 4] 'And I was weeping much because no one [worthy] was found to open and read the book, nor to look into it' signifies grief of heart, because if there should not be any one able [to do this] all would perish. That 'to weep much' is to grieve at heart is plain. The reason why he was grieving at heart was because otherwise all would be about to perish; for if all things in the heavens and on earth (in terris) were not brought back into order, it could not [happen] otherwise; for in the Apocalypse it treats of the last state of the Church, when its end occurs, the nature of which is described by the Lord in these words:

There shall be such a great affliction as has not been from the beginning of the world up till now, nor shall be; wherefore except those days should be shortened, no flesh would be preserved. Matthew 24:21-22.

These things are concerned with the last time of the Church when the judgment occurs.

[2] That such is the state of the Church at this day can be recognised on account of these considerations only; that in the greatest part of Christendom are persons who have transferred the Lord's Divine power to themselves and want to be worshipped as gods, and who invoke dead men and scarcely anyone there invokes the Lord; and that the rest belonging to the Church make God three, and the Lord two, and place salvation not in amendment of life but in certain words uttered with a devout tone of voice; thus not in repentance but in the confidence that they are justified and sanctified if they only fold their hands and look upwards and pray in the established mode.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 263

263. Verse 4. And I wept much because no one was found 1to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon, signifies grief of heart, because if no one could do it, all must perish. That "to weep much" is to grieve at heart, is evident; the reason why he grieved at heart, was, because otherwise all would have perished; for if all things in the heavens and on the earth were not reduced to order by the Last Judgment, it could not be otherwise; for Revelation treats of the last state of the church, when it comes to its end, the nature of which state is described by the Lord in these words:

There shall be great affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the world to this time, nor shall be; therefore except those days should be shortened, no flesh would be saved, (Matthew 24:21-22).

These are concerning the last time of the church, when judgment takes place.

[2] That such is the state of the church at this day, may be known solely from these considerations, that the greatest part of the Christian world is occupied by those who have transferred to themselves the Divine power of the Lord, and wish to be worshiped as gods, and who invoke dead men, and scarce any of them the Lord; and that the rest of the church make God three, and the Lord two, and place salvation, not in amendment of life, but in certain words uttered with a devout tone; thus not in repentance, but in confidence that they are justified and sanctified, provided they do but fold their hands and look upwards, and pray in the customary form.


1. The original Latin omits "worthy."

Apocalypsis Revelata 263 (original Latin 1766)

263. (Vers. 4.) "Et ego flebam multum, quod nemo (dignus) inventus sit aperire et legere librum, nec inspicere eum" significat dolorem cordis, quod si non aliquis posset, perirent omnes. - Quod "flere multum" sit dolere corde, patet; quod doleret corde, fuit causa, quia alioquin perituri essent omnes; nam si non per Ultimum Judicium omnia in Caelis et in Terris redigerentur in ordinem, non potuisset aliter: agitur enim in Apocalypsi de statu ultimo Ecclesiae, quando ejus finis, qui qualis est describitur a Domino his verbis:

"Erit talis afflictio magna, qualis non fuit ab initio Mundi usque nunc, nec fiet; quare nisi abbreviarentur dies nisi, non conservaretur ulla caro," (Matthaeus 24:21-22);

haec de ultimo tempore Ecclesiae, quando judicium. Quod talis status Ecclesiae hodie sit, ex his solum cognosci potest, quod in maxima parte Orbis Christiani sint, qui Divinam Domini potestatem in se transtulerunt, ac volunt coli sicut dii, et qui invocant homines mortuos, et vix aliquis ibi Dominum; et quod reliqui ab Ecclesia faciant Deum Tres, ac Dominum Duos, ac salvationem ponant non in emendatione vitae, sed in certis vocibus cum halitu devoto enuntiatis; ita non in paenitentia sed in fiducia quod justificentur et sanctificentur, modo plicent manus et spectent sursum, ac solennem formulam orent.

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