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《揭秘启示录》 第272节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 272

272. Which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. This symbolically means that from that omniscience and wisdom emanates Divine truth throughout the whole world, wherever religion is found.

The seven spirits of God are the Divine truth emanating from the Lord, as shown in nos. 14 and 155 above. Their being sent out into all the earth clearly means throughout the world, wherever religion is found. For wherever religion is found, the people are taught that God exists and that the devil exists, that God is goodness itself and the source of good, and that the devil is evil itself and the source of evil, and that because these are opposed to each other, evil, being from the devil, must be shunned, and good, being from God, must be practiced. The people are taught accordingly that to the extent someone does evil, to the same extent he loves the devil and acts contrary to God. Such is the Divine truth that exists throughout the whole world, wherever any religion is found.

Therefore one need know only what evil is. This, too, is something all who have any religion know. For the precepts of all religions are like those of the Ten Commandments - that one must not kill, behave licentiously, steal, or bear false witness. These are in general the Divine truths sent out from the Lord into all the earth, as may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture, nos. 101-118.

Consequently whoever lives according to these, on the ground that they are Divine truths or the commandments of God and so of religion, is saved. But someone who lives according to them only because they are civil and moral truths, is not saved; for one who rejects God may also live in the same way, but not one who believes in God.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 272

272. 'Which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into every land' signifies that out of that [Divine Wisdom] there is Divine Truth throughout all the lands where there is religion. 'The seven spirits of God' are the Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord, as above (14, 155). It is plain that 'sent forth into every land' is into the whole region (orbem) where there is religion. For where there is religion, it is taught that God exists and that the devil exists, and that God is Good Itself and that good is from Him, and that the devil is evil itself and that evil is from him; and, because they are opposed, that evil, which is from the devil, is to be shunned, and that good, because it is from God, is to be done; and therefore that in so far as anyone does evil, so far he is loving the devil, and acting against God. Such Divine Truth exists throughout all the lands where there is any religion; and therefore there is need of no more than to know what is evil. Indeed, all who have a religion know this, for the precepts of all religions are such as are in the Decalogue, that there must not be killing, whoredom, stealing, nor bearing false witness. These are in general the Divine Truths 'sent forth' by the Lord 'into every land': see THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE 101-118. He, therefore, who lives in accordance with them because they are Divine Truths, or the precepts of God and consequently of religion, is saved; but he who lives in accordance with them only because they are civil and moral truths is not saved, for an atheist also can live in such a manner, but not one who acknowledges God.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 272

272. Which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth, signifies that from the Divine wisdom is derived Divine truth into the whole world, where there is religion. "The seven spirits of God" are the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord as above, (14, 155). "To be sent forth into all the earth," is into the whole world where there is religion, is evident; for where there is religion, it is taught that there is a God, and that there is a devil, and that God is good itself, and that all good is from Him, and that the devil is evil itself, and that all evil is from him; and, as they are opposites, so evil, because it is from the devil, is to be shunned, and good, because it is from God, is to be done; consequently, in proportion as anyone does evil, so far he loves the devil, and acts against God. Such Divine truth is in the whole world where there is any religion; so that it is only necessary to know what evil is, and this also is known by all who have any religion; for the precepts of all religions are similar to those contained in the Decalogue, that one must not kill, nor commit whoredom, nor steal, nor bear false witness. These are in general Divine truths from the Lord "sent forth into all the earth," see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Sacred Scripture, (101-118). Therefore he who lives according to them because they are Divine truths, or the commandments of God, and thence of religion, is saved. But he who only lives according to them because they are civil and moral truths, is not saved, for he that denies God may also so live, but not he that confesses God.

Apocalypsis Revelata 272 (original Latin 1766)

272. "Qui sunt septem Dei Spiritus emissi in omnem terram," significat quod ex illa sit Divinum Verum in universo terrarum Orbe ubi Religioso.- "Septem spiritus Dei" sunt Divinum Verum procedens a Domino, ut supra (14, 155); quod "emissi in omnem terram" sit in universum Orbem ubi Religio, patet; ubi enim est Religio, docetur quod Deus sit, et quod diabolus sit, et quod Deus sit Ipsum Bonum, et a Quo bonum, et quod diabolus sit ipsum malum, et a quo malum; et quia oppositi sunt, quod malum, quia est a diabolo, fugiendum sit, et quod bonum, quia est a Deo, faciendum sit: proinde quod quantum quis facit malum, tantum amet diabolum, et facit contra Deum; tale Divinum Verum est in universo terrarum Orbe, ubi est aliqua Religio: quare non plus opus est, quam scire quid malum: hoc etiam sciunt omnes quibus Religio est; praecepta enim omnium Religionum sunt qualia in Decalogo, quod non sit occidendum, non scortandum, non furandum, non false testandum: haec sunt in genere Divina Vera a Domino "emissa in omnem terram, videatur Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra (101-118); quare qui vivit secundum illa quia sunt Divina Vera, seu praecepta Dei, et inde Religionis, salvatur; sed qui solum modo vivit secundum illa quia sunt civilia et moralia vera, ille non salvatur, nam negator Dei ita etiam potest vivere, non autem confessor Dei.

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