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《揭秘启示录》 第3节

(一滴水译本 2019)
























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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 3

3. Which God gave Him to show His servants. This symbolically means, for people who have faith arising from charity, or truths of wisdom arising from the goodness of love.

To show means, symbolically, to make evident, and servants here symbolize people who have faith arising from charity. The following things are made evident to them because they understand and accept.

Servants mean, in the spiritual sense, people who are governed by truths; and because truths spring from goodness, servants mean people who are governed by truths arising from goodness, thus also people governed by wisdom arising from love, because wisdom has to do with truth, and love with goodness. They also are people who have faith arising from charity, because faith, too, has to do with truth, and charity with goodness. And because the spiritual sense in reality is abstracted from person, therefore servants in that sense symbolize truths.

Now because truths, by teaching goodness, serve it, therefore in general, and properly speaking, by a servant in the Word is meant something serving, or someone or something that serves. In this sense not only were prophets called servants of God, but so, too, was the Lord in respect to His humanity.

That prophets were called servants of God is evident from the following passages:

Jehovah has sent to you all His servants the prophets... (Jeremiah 25:4)

...He has revealed His secret to His servants the prophets. (Amos 3:7)

...He has set before us by the hand of His servants the prophets. (Daniel 9:10)

Moses, too, is called a servant of Jehovah (Malachi 4:4). That is because a prophet, in the spiritual sense, means doctrinal truth, as discussed below.

[2] Moreover, because the Lord was the very embodiment of Divine truth, which also is the Word, and for that reason was called the prophet, and because He served in the world and serves all people to eternity by teaching, therefore He, too, is here and there called the servant of Jehovah, as in the following passages:

Of the labor of His soul He shall see; He shall be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many... (Isaiah 53:11)

Behold, My Servant shall deal prudently; He shall be exalted and extolled and be very high. (Isaiah 52:13)

Behold! My Servant on whom I rest, My Elect. My soul has good pleasure! I have put My Spirit upon Him... (Isaiah 42:1, 19)

These things are said of the Lord. David is spoken of similarly, where by him is meant the Lord, as in the following:

I, Jehovah, will be their God, and My servant David a prince among them... (Ezekiel 34:24)

David My servant shall be king over them, so that they all have one shepherd... (Ezekiel 37:24)

I will protect this city to save it, for My sake and for My servant David's sake. (Isaiah 37:35)

So, too, Psalms 78:70-72; 89:3-4, 20. (That by David in these places is meant the Lord, may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Lord, nos. 43, 44.)

The Lord Himself speaks similarly of Himself:

...whoever desires to become great among you must be your attendant, and whoever desires to be first among you must be your servant, even as the Son of Man did not come to be ministered to, but to minister... (Matthew 20:25-28. Cf. Mark 10:42-45, Luke 22:27. So, too, Luke 12:37)

The Lord says this, because by a servant and attendant are meant one who serves and ministers by teaching, and abstractly from person, Divine truth, which He embodied.

[3] Since a servant therefore means someone who teaches Divine truth, it is apparent that servants in this place in the book of Revelation mean people who possess truths arising from goodness, or faith arising from charity, because they are able to teach from the Lord, that is to say, because the Lord is able to teach and minister through them.

It is in this sense that they are called servants in Matthew:

(At the end of the age,) who... is the faithful and prudent servant, whom his lord set over his household, to give them food in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his lord, when he comes, will find so doing. (Matthew 24:45-46)

And in Luke:

Blessed are those servants whom the lord, when he comes, will find watching. Truly I say to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, and will (himself) come and attend to them. (Luke 12:37)

In heaven, all people in the Lord's spiritual kingdom are called His servants, while those in His celestial kingdom are called His ministers. That is because people in His spiritual kingdom are governed by wisdom derived from Divine truth, and those in the celestial kingdom by love derived from Divine good. And good ministers, while truth serves.

In an opposite sense, however, by servants are meant people who serve the devil. These are in a real state of servitude, whereas people who serve the Lord are in a state of freedom - as the Lord also teaches in John 8:31-36. 1


1. Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." They answered Him, "We are Abraham's descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can you say, 'You will be made free'?" Jesus answered them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. (John 8:31-36)

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 3

3. 'Which God gave unto Him to show unto His servants' signifies for those who are in a faith derived from charity, or in the truths of wisdom derived from the good of love. By 'to show' is signified to make manifest, and by servants here are signified those who are in a faith derived from charity. These things are made manifest to them because they understand and receive. By 'servants' are understood in the spiritual sense those who are in truths, and since truths are derived from good, by 'servants' are understood those who are in truths derived from good, thus also those who are in wisdom derived from love, because wisdom is of truth, and love is of good. Then again those who are in a faith derived from charity are understood, because faith also is of truth and charity is of good; and since the genuine spiritual sense is abstracted from personality, therefore in it truths are signified by 'servants.' Now since truths are of service to good by teaching it, therefore in general, and properly, by 'a servant' in the Word is understood being of service, or the person or thing that is of service. In this sense not only are the prophets called servants of God, but the Lord also as to His Human. That the prophets have been called servants of God is established from these passages:

Jehovah has sent unto you all His servants the prophets. Jeremiah 25:4.

He has revealed His secret unto His servants the prophets. Amos 3:7.

He set before us by the hand of His servants the prophets. Daniel 9:10.

And Moses is called a servant of Jehovah. (Malachi 4:4). This is because by a prophet in the spiritual sense is understood the truth of doctrine, concerning which [see] below.

[2] And because the Lord was the Divine Truth itself which also is the Word, and on account of this He has Himself been declared the Prophet, and because He was of service in the world, and to eternity is of service to all by teaching, therefore also in certain passages He is called the Servant of Jehovah, as in the following places:

Out of the travail of His soul He shall see, He shall be satisfied; by His knowledge shall My righteous Servant justify many. Isaiah 53:11.

Behold My Servant shall deal prudently; He shall be extolled and exalted and shall lead forth strongly. Isaiah 52:13.

Behold My Servant upon Whom I lean, Mine Elect; My Soul has good pleasure; I have put the Spirit upon Him. Isaiah 42:1, 19.

These things are concerning the Lord. In like manner David [is called a servant] where by him is understood the Lord, as in these passages:

I Jehovah will be their God, and My Servant David a Prince in the midst of them. Ezekiel 34:24.

My Servant David shall be King over them so that there may be One Shepherd for them all. Ezekiel 37:24.

I will protect this city to preserve it, for the sake of Me and My Servant David. Isaiah 37:35.

Likewise. Psalms 78:70-72; 89:3-4, 20 [H.B. 4-5, 21]. That by 'David' in these places is understood the Lord may be seen in THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE LORD 43-44. The Lord Himself says in like manner concerning Himself:

Whosoever wishes to become great among you ought to be your minister, and whosoever wishes to be first ought to be your servant, as the Son of Man came not to be Himself ministered unto, but to minister. Matthew 20:25-28; Mark 10:42-44; Luke 22:27; likewise. Luke 12:37.

The Lord says this because by 'servant' and 'minister' is understood one who is of service and ministers by teaching, and abstractly from personality, the Divine Truth, which He Himself was.

[3] Since, therefore, by 'servant' is understood one who teaches Divine Truth, it is clear that by 'servants' in this part of the Apocalypse are understood those who are in truths derived from good, or in a faith derived from charity, because they are able to teach from the Lord, that is, the Lord can teach and minister through them. They are termed 'servants' in this sense in Matthew:

In the consummation of the age, who is a faithful and prudent servant, whom his Lord shall set over His household, to give them food in its season? Blessed is that servant whom the Lord shall find so doing. Matthew 24:45 [46].

And in Luke:

Blessed are those servants whom the Lord having come shall find watchful. Verily I say unto you that He shall gird Himself and make them to recline, and Himself coming near shall minister unto them. Luke 12:37.

In heaven all who are in His spiritual kingdom are called servants of the Lord, while they who are in His celestial kingdom are called His ministers. This is because those who are in His spiritual kingdom are in Wisdom derived from Divine Truth, and those who are in His celestial kingdom are in Love derived from Divine Good; moreover Good ministers and Truth is of service. In the opposite sense, however, by 'servants' are understood those who serve the Devil. These are in a state of real servitude; but those who serve the Lord are in a state of liberty, as also the Lord teaches (John 8:32-36).

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 3

3. Which God gave unto Him to show unto His servants, signifies for those who are in faith from charity, or in truths of wisdom from the good of love. By "showing" is signified to manifest, and by "servants" are here signified those who are in faith from charity; to them these things are manifested, because they understand and receive them. By servants, in the spiritual sense, are meant those who are in truths; and because truths are from good, by servants are meant those who are in truths from good, thus also, those who are in wisdom from love, because wisdom is of truth, and love is of good; also those who are in faith derived from charity, because faith also is of truth and charity is of good; and as the genuine spiritual sense is abstracted from person, therefore in it by servants are signified truths. Now as truths are serviceable to good by teaching it, therefore, in general, and properly, by "servant" in the Word is meant what is serviceable, or he or that which serves; in this sense not only the prophets are called the servants of God, but also the Lord as to His Human; that the prophets are called the servants of God is evident from the following passages:

Jehovah hath sent unto you all His servants the prophets, (Jeremiah 25:4).

He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets, (Amos 3:7).

He set before you 1by the hand of His servants the prophets, (Daniel 9:10);

And Moses is called "The servant of Jehovah" (Malachi 4:4).

The reason is that by a prophet in the spiritual sense is meant the truth of doctrine, as explained below.

[2] And because the Lord was the Divine truth itself, which also is the Word, and from this was Himself called the Prophet; and served in the world, and serves all to eternity by teaching, therefore, He also, in many places, is called the servant of Jehovah; as in the following passages:

He shall see of the labor of His soul, and shall be satisfied; by His knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many, (Isaiah 53:11).

Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, He shall be extolled and exalted and be lifted up greatly, (Isaiah 52:13).

Behold, my servant, on whom I lean, mine elect, in whom my soul hath good pleasure, I have put my spirit upon Him, (Isaiah 42:1, 19);

this is spoken of the Lord: in like manner David is called a servant, where, by him, the Lord is meant; as in the following passages:

And I Jehovah will be their God, and My servant David a prince in the midst of them, (Ezekiel 34:24).

My servant, David, shall be king over them, that there may be one shepherd to them all, (Ezekiel 37:24).

I will protect this city to preserve it, for My sake and My servant David's, (Isaiah 37:35).

So also in Psalms 78:70-72; 89:3-4, 20. That by David in these places is meant the Lord, may be seen in Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Lord 43-44. The Lord Himself says the same of Himself:

Whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister, and whosoever will be first let him be your servant, as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, (Matthew 20:25-28; Mark 10:42-44; Luke 22:27; likewise Luke 12:37).

This the Lord says, because by servant and minister is meant one who serves and ministers by teaching, and abstractly from person, the Divine truth, which was Himself.

[3] Since, therefore, by servant is meant he who teaches Divine truth, it is evident that by servants in this place in Revelation are meant those who are in truths from good, or in faith from charity, because these can teach from the Lord, that is, the Lord can teach and minister through them. In this sense they are called servants in Matthew:

In the consummation of the age, who is the faithful and prudent servant, whom his Lord shall set over his household, to give them their food in its season; blessed is that servant whom the Lord when He cometh, shall find so doing, (Matthew 24:45-46).

And in Luke:

Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord when He cometh, shall find watching: verily, I say unto you, that He shall gird Himself, and make them to recline, and shall Himself come near and minister unto them, (Luke 12:37).

In heaven all are called servants of the Lord who are in his spiritual kingdom; but they who are in his celestial kingdom are called ministers; the reason is, that they who are in his spiritual kingdom, are in wisdom from Divine truth; and they who are in his celestial kingdom are in love from Divine good; and good ministers and truth serves. But in the opposite sense, by servants are meant those who serve the devil; these are in a state of servitude itself; but they who serve the Lord are in a state of liberty; as the Lord also teaches, (John 8:32-36).


1. The Hebrew has "us." In Apocalypse Explained 409, we also read "you."

Apocalypsis Revelata 3 (original Latin 1766)

3. "Quam dedit illi Deus indicare servis Suis," significat pro illis qui in fide ex charitate sunt, seu in veris sapientiae ex bono amoris. - Per "indicare" significatur manifestare, et per "servos" significantur hic qui in fide ex charitate sunt; illis haec manifestantur, quia intelligunt et recipiunt: per servos in spirituali sensu intelliguntur qui in veris sunt, et quia vera Sunt ex bono, per servos intelliguntur qui in veris ex bono sunt, ita quoque qui in Sapientia ex amore, quia sapientia est veri et amor est boni; tum qui in fide ex charitate, quia fides etiam est veri et charitas est boni; et quia genuinus sensus spiritualis est abstractus a persona, ideo in illo per servos significantur vera; nunc quia vera inserviunt bono, docendo illud, ideo in genere et proprie per servum in Verbo intelligitur inserviens, seu qui aut quod inservit; in hoc Sensu non modo Prophetae vocabantur servi Dei, sed etiam Dominus quoad Humanum Suum: quod Prophetae vocati sint servi Dei, constat ex his locis:

"Misit Jehovah ad vos omnes Servos Suos Prophetas," (Jeremias 25:4). 1

"Revelavit arcanum Suum Servis Suis Prophetis," (Amos 3:7).

"Dedit coram nobis 2per manum Servorum Suorum Prophetarum," (Daniel 9:10).

Et Moses vocatur "Servus Jehovae," (Malachias 3:22 (Bibl. Angl. 4:4));

causa est, quia per "Prophetam" in sensu spirituali intelligitur Verum doctrinae, de quo infra. Et quia Dominus erat ipsum Divinum Verum, quod etiam eSt Verbum, et ex eo dictus est Ipse Propheta, et in mundo inserviebat, ac in aeternum inservit omnibus docendo, ideo etiam Ipse passim vocatur "Servus Jehovae," ut in sequentibus locis:

"Ex labore animae Suae videbit, saturabitur; per scientiam Suam justificabit justus Servus Meus multos," (Esaias 53:11).

"Ecce prudenter aget Servus Meus; extolletur et exaltabitur et evehetur valde," (Esaias 52:13).

"Ecce Servus Meus, in Quem incumbo, Electus Meus, beneplacitum habet anima Mea, dedi Spiritum super Ipsum," (Esaias 42:1, 19);

haec de Domino. Similiter David, ubi per illum intelligitur Dominus, ut in his:

"Ego Jehovah ero illis in Deum, et Servus Meus David Princeps in medio illorum," (Ezechiel 34:24).

"Servus Meus David erit Rex super illos, ut Pastor unus sit omnibus illis," (Ezechiel 37:24).

"Protegam urbem hanc ad servandum eam, propter Me et Davidem Servum Meum," (Esaias 37:35);

pariter Psalm 78:70, 71, 72; 89:4-5, 21 (B.A. 3-4, 20));

quod per "Davidem" in his locis intelligatur Dominus, videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino 43, 44. Ipse Dominus de Se similiter dicit,

"Quisquis voluerit inter vos magnus fieri, esse debebit vester Minister; et quisquis voluerit esse primus, debebit esse vester Servus, sicut Filius Hominis non venit ut Ipsi ministretur, sed ut ministret," (Matthaeus 20:25-28; Marcus 10:42-44; Luca 22:27; pariter Luca 12:37);

hoc dicit Dominus, quia per servum et ministrum intelligitur qui inservit et ministrat docendo, et abstracte a persona Divinum Verum, quod fuit Ipse. Cum itaque per servum intelligitur qui docet Divinum Verum, patet quod per "servos" in hoc loco Apocalypseos intelligantur qui in veris ex bono sunt, seu in fide ex charitate, quia hi possunt docere ex Domino, hoc est, potest Dominus docere et ministrare per illos: in hoc sensu dicuntur servi apud Matthaeum:

In consummatione saeculi, "qui est fidelis Servus et prudens, quem constituet Dominus ejus super famulitium Suum, ut det illis cibum in tempore suo: beatus Servus hic quem invenerit Dominus facientem ita," (24:45-46); 3

et apud Lucam:

"Beati Servi hi, quos veniens Dominus invenerit vigilantes: amen dico vobis, quod cincturus sit Se, et accumbere facturus eos, Ipseque accedens ministraturus illis," (12:37).

In Caelo vocantur omnes servi Domini, qui in Regno spirituali Ipsius sunt, at Ministri, qui in Regno Caelesti Ipsius sunt; causa est, quia illi qui in Regno Ipsius spirituali sunt, in Sapientia ex Divino Vero sunt, et qui in Regno Caelesti in Amore ex Divino Bono; ac Bonum ministrat, et Verum inservit. In opposito autem sensu per servos intelliguntur qui serviunt Diabolo; hi in ipso statu servitutis sunt; illi autem qui serviunt Domino, in statu libertatis sunt; ut quoque docet Dominus, (Johannes 8:32-36).


1. xxv. pro "xv."

2. nobis pro "vobis"

3. 45, 46 pro "45"

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