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《揭秘启示录》 第324节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 324

324. When He opened the fifth seal. (6:9) This symbolizes an examination by the Lord of the states of life of people who would be saved on the day of the Last Judgment, and who in the meantime were sequestered.

That these people are the subject here is apparent from what now follows. But it should be known that these and others like them are the subject throughout chapter 20ff., an explanation of which chapter may be seen in nos. 840-874, which makes apparent just who they were and why they were sequestered.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 324

324. [verse 9] 'And when He had opened the fifth seal' signifies examination by the Lord of the states of life of those who were to be saved at the day of judgment, and were reserved in the meantime. That it treats of these things is plain from the things now following. But it is to be known that it treats fully of these and similar things in chapter 20 and onwards, the exposition of which may be seen from 840-874, from which it is plain who they are and why they were reserved .

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 324

324. Verse 9. And when He had opened the fifth seal, signifies exploration by the Lord of their states of life, who were to be saved at the day of the Last Judgment, and in the meantime were reserved. That these are here treated of, is evident from what now follows. But it is to be known that these, and the like, are treated of throughout the twentieth chapter, the explanation of which may be seen, 840-874, manifesting who they are, and why reserved.

Apocalypsis Revelata 324 (original Latin 1766)

324. (Vers. 9.) "Et cum aperuisset quintum sigillum," significat a Domino explorationem status vitae illorum, qui die Ultimi Judicii salvandi erant, 1ac interea reservati. -Quod de illis hic agatur, patet a nunc sequentibus. At sciendum est, quod de his et similibus agatur in toto cap. 20 seq.; cujus explicatio videatur a 840-874, 2ex qua patet quinam sunt, et cur reservati.


1. erant pro "erunt"

2. 840 pro "839"

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