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《揭秘启示录》 第325节

(一滴水译本 2019)

  325.“我看见在祭坛底下,有为神的道并为作见证被杀之人的灵魂”表表那些因照着圣言真理生活并承认主的神性人而被恶者恨恶、遭到侮辱和排斥的人受到主的保护,免得他们被引入歧途。“在祭坛底下”表示他们被主保护所在的低地(lower land);“祭坛”表示出于爱之善而对主的敬拜。“被杀之人的灵魂”在此并非表示殉道者,而是表示那些在灵人界被恶者憎恶、遭到侮辱和排斥的人,他们会被龙的追随者和异端分子引入歧途。“有为神的道并为作见证”表示为遵循圣言真理的生活和对主之神性人的承认。在天上的“见证”只会赐给那些承认主的神性人之人,因为见证的是主,主才能让天使作见证(16节):








  那时,他们要把你们陷在患难里,也要杀害你们,你们又要为我的名被恨恶。(马太福音24:9 ;约翰福音16:23



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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 325

325. I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. This symbolizes people who were hated by the evil, treated with scorn and expelled because of their life in accordance with the Word's truths and their acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine humanity, and who were protected by the Lord to keep them from being led astray.

"Under the altar" symbolizes a lower earth where the inhabitants were protected by the Lord. An altar symbolizes worship of the Lord out of the goodness of love.

The souls of those who had been slain mean here, symbolically, not martyrs, but people who were hated, treated with scorn, and expelled by the evil in the world of spirits, and who could be led astray by followers of the dragon and by heretics.

"For the word of God and for the testimony which they held" means, symbolically, "because of their life in accordance with the Word's truths and their acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine humanity." Testimony in heaven is given only to people who acknowledge the Lord's Divine humanity, for it is the Lord who testifies, and who enables angels to testify (no. 16); "for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" (Revelation 19:10).

[2] Since the souls were under the altar, it is apparent that they were being protected by the Lord. For the Lord protects all people who have lived some life of charity, to keep them from being harmed by the evil; and after the Last Judgment, when the evil have been removed, they are released from their asylums and elevated into heaven. I have often seen them after the Last Judgment being let out of the lower earth and conveyed into heaven.

[3] The fact that those who are slain mean people who are expelled, treated with scorn, and hated by the evil in the world of spirits, and who can been led astray, as also people who wish to know truths, but cannot because of the falsities in the church - this can be seen from the following passages:

Thus said the Lord... God, "Feed the sheep for slaughter, whose owners slaughter them... So I fed the sheep for slaughter because of you, you poor of the flock." (Zechariah 11:4-5, 7)

...we are slain all day long; we are accounted as a flock for the slaughter... Do not forsake us, O Jehovah! (Psalms 44:22-23)

Those who are coming, Jacob will cause to take root... Has He been slain according to the slaughter of his slain? (Isaiah 27:6-7)

...I have heard... the voice of the daughter of Zion..., saying, 'Woe is me..., my soul is weary because of the murderers!" (Jeremiah 4:31)

...they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated... for My name's sake. (Matthew 24:9, cf. John 16:2-3)

The Lord said this last to His disciples, but by disciples He meant all who worship the Lord and live according to His Word's truths.

[4] The evil in the world of spirits continually wish to kill these people. But because they cannot do so physically there, they continually try to do so as regards the soul. And when they cannot do this, they burn with such hatred against these people that they feel nothing more delightful than to do them harm. The reason [they cannot kill them] is that the Lord protects them, and when the evil are cast out into hell, which happens after the Last Judgment, they are brought out of their asylums. But see the explanations to chapter 20, and no. 846 there regarding these people.

That killing or slaying in the Word symbolizes the destruction of souls, which is to kill spiritually, is apparent from many passages there, including also the following: Isaiah 14:19-21; 26:21; Jeremiah 25:33; Lamentations 2:21; Ezekiel 9:1, 6; Revelation 18:24.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 325

325. 'I saw underneath the altar the souls of those slain for the Word of God, and for the testimony that they held' signifies that those who have been hated by the evil, have suffered from insults, and have been rejected for a life in accordance with the truths of the Word and for the acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine Human, have been protected by the Lord lest they should be led astray. 'Underneath the altar' signifies the lower land where they were protected by the Lord; 'the altar' signifies worship of the Lord out of the good of love. By 'the souls of those slain' are not here signified the martyrs, but they who are hated, who suffer from insults, and are rejected by the evil in the world of spirits, and who can be led astray by dragonists and heretics. 'For the Word of God, and for the testimony that they had' signifies for a life in accordance with the truths of the Word, and for the acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine Human. 'Testimony' in heaven is not given to others than those who acknowledge the Lord's Divine Human, for it is the Lord who bears witness, and enables the angels to bear witness (16):

For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Revelation 19:10.

[2] Since they were 'under the altar,' it is plain that they were protected by the Lord; for all who have led any life of charity are protected by the Lord lest they be injured by the evil, and after the last judgment, when the evil have been removed, they are released from their protectors and lifted up into heaven. After the last judgment I often saw them sent forth from the lower land and transferred into heaven.

[3] That by 'those slain' are understood those who are being rejected, suffering insults, and being hated by the evil in the world of spirits, and who can be led astray, also those who are desirous of knowing truths but are not able on account of the untruths in the Church, can be established from these passages:

Jehovah God says, Feed the sheep of the slaughter, which their possessors slay: and I have fed the sheep of the slaughter on account of you, O miserable of the flock, Zechariah 11:4-5, 7.

We have been slain every day, we have been counted as a flock of the slaughter, O Jehovah, forsake us not. Psalms 44:22-23 [H.B. 23-24].

Jacob shall fix the root of those who are going to come, has he been slain along with his cutting down of the slain? Isaiah 27:6-7.

I have heard the voice of the daughter of Zion, woe is me, my soul has been wearied by the slayers. Jeremiah 4:31.

They shall deliver you into the affliction, and shall slay you, and you shall be hated for My Name's sake. Matthew 24:9; John 16:2-3.

The Lord said these things to the disciples, but by 'the disciples' are understood all who worship the Lord and live in accordance with the truths of His Word.

[4] The evil in the world of spirits continually want to slay these; but because they are not able to do this as to the body they continually want to do it as to the soul; and since they are not able to do this, they are inflamed with such hatred against them that they feel nothing more delightful than to do evil to them. This is why they are protected by the Lord, and when the evil are cast out into hell which takes place after the last judgment, they are led forth from their protectors; but let the expositions on the twentieth chapter be seen, and 846 there, concerning these things. That 'to slay' in the Word signifies to destroy souls, which is to slay spiritually, is plain from many places there, as also from these: Isaiah 14:19-21; 26:21; Jeremiah 25:33; Lamentations 2:21; Ezekiel 9:1, 6; Revelation 18:24.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 325

325. I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God, and for the testimony which they held, signifies those who were hated, reproached and rejected by the evil on account of their life according to the truths of the Word, and their acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine Human, and who were guarded by the Lord lest they be seduced. "Under the altar" signifies the lower earth, where they were guarded by the Lord; "an altar" signifies the worship of the Lord from the good of love; by "the souls of the slain," are not here signified the martyrs, but they who are hated, reproached, and rejected by the evil in the world of spirits, and who could be seduced by the dragonists and heretics. "For the Word of God and for the testimony which they held" signifies for living according to the truths of the Word, and acknowledging the Lord's Divine Human. "Testimony" in heaven is not given to any but to those who acknowledge the Lord's Divine Human, for it is the Lord who testifies, and gives the angels to testify, (16):

For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, (Revelation 19:10).

[2] Since they were "under the altar," it is evident they were guarded by the Lord; for they who have led any life of charity are all guarded by the Lord lest they be injured by the evil; and after the Last Judgment, when the evil have been removed, they are released from the guards and elevated into heaven. I have frequently seen them, since the Last Judgment, liberated from the lower earth and taken up into heaven.

[3] That by "the slain" are meant they who are rejected, reproached and hated by the evil in the world of spirits, and who could be seduced, and also who desire to know truths, but cannot, by reason of falsities in the church, may appear from these passages:

Jehovah God saith, Feed the sheep of the slaughter, whose possessors slay them; and I will feed the sheep of slaughter, on account of you, O poor of the flock, (Zechariah 11:4-5, 7).

We are killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter; O Jehovah forsake us not, (Psalms 44:22-23).

Jacob shall cause them which are to come to take root, or is he slain according to the slaughter of them that were slain by him? (Isaiah 27:6-7 For I have heard the voice of the daughter of Zion, woe is me, now; my soul is wearied by the slayers, (Jeremiah 4:31).

They shall deliver you into affliction, and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated for My name's sake, (Matthew 24:9; John 16:2-3).

This the Lord said to the disciples; but by disciples are meant all who worship the Lord and live according to the truths of His Word.

[4] The evil in the world of spirits continually desire to kill; but because there they cannot do this as to the body, they continually desire to do it as to the soul; and since they are not able to do this, they burn with such hatred against them, that nothing delights them more than to do evil to them. This is the reason why they are guarded by the Lord, and when the evil are cast into hell, which takes place after the Last Judgment, they are led forth from their guards; but see the explanation of chapter 20, (846) which treats of this subject. That "to kill" in the Word signifies to destroy souls, which is to kill spiritually, is evident from many passages there, as also from the following:Isaiah 14:19-21; 26:21; Jeremiah 25:33; Lamentations 2:21; Ezekiel 9:1, 6; Revelation 18:24.

Apocalypsis Revelata 325 (original Latin 1766)

325. "Vidi subter Altari animas occisorum propter Verbum Dei, et propter testimonium quod habebant," significat illos qui a malis odio habiti sunt, contumeliis affecti, et rejecti propter vitam secundum vera Verbi, et agnitionem Divini Humani Domini, ne seducerentur a Domino custoditi sunt. -"Subter altari" significat inferiorem terram, ubi custoditi a Domino; "altare" significat cultum Domini ex bono amoris; per "animas occisorum" non hic significantur martyres, sed qui odio habentur, contumeliis afficiuntur et rejiciuntur a malis in mundo spirituum, et qui a draconicis et haereticis possunt seduci; "propter Verbum Dei, et propter testimonium quod habebant" significat propter vitam secundum vera Verbi, et propter agnitionem Divini Humani Domini; "testimonium" in Caelo non datur aliis quam qui agnoscunt Divinum Humanum Domini, Dominus enim est Qui testatur, et dat Angelis testari (16),

"Est enim testimonium Jesu spiritus prophetiae," (Apocalypsis 19:10).

Quoniam erant "sub altari" patet quod a Domino custoditi sint; custodiuntur enim omnes a Domino, ne laedantur a malis, qui aliquam vitam charitatis egerunt; et post Ultimum Judicium, quando remoti sunt mali, eximuntur e custodiis, et elevantur in Caelum; vidi post Ultimum Judicium saepius ex inferiore terra emissos et translatos in Caelum. Quod per "occisos" intelligantur, qui rejiciuntur, contumeliis afficiuntur, odio habentur a malis in mundo spirituum, et qui seduci possunt, -tum qui desiderant scire vera, sed propter falsa in Ecclesia non possunt, -constare potest ex his locis:

"Dixit Jehovah Deus, Pasce oves Occisionis quas possessores earum occidunt: et pavi oves Occisionis propter vos, miseri gregis," (Sacharias 11:4-5, 7);

"Occisi sumus omni die, reputati sumus sicut grex mactationis; ne desere Jehovah," (Psalm 44:23-24 (B.A. 22-23))

"Venturos radicabit Jacobus; num juxta caedem Occisorum ejus Occisus est," (Esaias 27:6-7);

"Audivi vocem filiae Sionis. Vae mihi, delassata est anima mea ab Occisoribus," (Jeremias 4:31);

"Tradent vos in afflictionem, et occident vos, et eritis odio habiti propter Nomen Meum," (Matthaeus 24:9; Johannes 16:2-3); 1

haec dicit Dominus ad discipulos, sed per discipulos intelliguntur omnes qui colunt Dominum, et vivunt secundum vera Verbi Ipsius. Hos mali in mundo spirituum continue volunt occidere; verum quia hoc ibi non possunt quoad corpus, continue volunt quoad animam; et cum hoc non possunt, flagrant tali odio contra illos, ut nihil jucundius sentiant quam illis malefacere; quae causa est, quod a Domino custodiantur, et dum mali ejecti sunt in Infernum, quod fit post Ultimum Judicium, ex custodiis suis educantur; sed videantur explicationes super cap. 20, et de his, 846 ibi. Quod "occidere" in Verbo significet perdere animas, quod est spiritualiter occidere, patet a multis locis ibi, ut quoque ab his, (Esaias 14:19-21; 26:21; Jeremias 25:33; Threni 2:21; Ezechiel 9:1, 6; Apocalypsis 18:24).


1. 2, 3 pro "23"

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