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《揭秘启示录》 第328节

(一滴水译本 2019)












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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 328

328. Then white robes were given to each of them. (6:11) This symbolically means that they were given a communication and conjunction with angels who possessed Divine truths.

Garments symbolize truths (no. 166), and white garments symbolize genuine truths (no. 212). This is the symbolism of garments because all the inhabitants in heaven are clothed in accordance with the truths they possess, and every spirit has a garment in keeping with his conjunction with angelic societies. Consequently, when a conjunction exists, spirits instantly appear similarly clothed. So it is that white robes being given to each of the people here. This symbolically means that they were given a communication and conjunction with angels who possessed Divine truths.

Robes, gowns, and cloaks symbolize truths in general, because they are general coverings. Someone who knows this symbolism that these have can know the secrets that lie concealed in the following instances:

That when Elijah found Elisha, he threw his mantle on him (1 Kings 19:19).

That Elijah used his mantle to part the waters of the Jordan (2 Kings 2:8).

That Elisha did likewise (2 Kings 2:14).

That when Elijah was taken up, the mantle that was upon him fell, and Elisha picked it up (2 Kings 2:12-13)

For Elijah and Elisha represented the Lord in relation to the Word, and therefore their mantle symbolized the Word's Divine truth in general.

That same person may know, too, what was symbolized by the robe of Aaron's ephod, on whose hem were pomegranates of blue and purple, and bells of gold (Exodus 28:31-35). It symbolized Divine truth in general, as may be seen in Arcana Coelestia (The Secrets of Heaven), published in London, no. 9825.

Mantles and robes have a similar symbolism in the following passages:

...all the princes of the sea will come down from their thrones and cast aside their mantles... (Ezekiel 26:16)

(The scribes and Pharisees) to be seen by men... enlarge the borders of their mantles. (Matthew 23:5)

My people have set themselves as an enemy over a garment; you pull off the robe... from those who pass by... (Micah 2:8)

And so on elsewhere.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 328

328. [verse 11] 'And white robes were given to each one' signifies that they were given communication and conjunction with angels who were in Divine truths.

'Garments' signify truths (166), and 'white garments' genuine truths (212). These are signified by 'garments because all in heaven are clothed in accordance with the truths with them, and everyone has his garments in accordance with his conjunction with angelic societies. Therefore when conjunction is granted they immediately appear clothed in like manner. This is why by 'white robes were given to each one' is signified that they were given communication and conjunction with angels who were in Divine truths. 'Robes,' 'mantles,' and 'cloaks' signify truths in general, because they are general coverings. He who knows the signification of those things can get to know the arcana that lie hidden in the following [statements]:

That Elijah, when he found Elisha, threw [his] mantle over him, 1 Kings 19:19.

That Elijah, by means of [his] mantle divided the waters of Jordan, 2 Kings 2:8.

Likewise Elisha. 2 Kings 2:14.

That the mantle fell down from Elijah, when he was lifted up, and Elisha took it up, 2 Kings 2:12-13; for by Elijah and Elisha the Lord as to the Word was represented, and consequently their 'mantle' signified the Divine Truth of the Word in general. Again, he can get to know what the robe (pallium) of Aaron's ephod, at the fringes of which were pomegranates of blue and purple, and bells of gold, Exodus 28:31-35, signified. That it signified Divine Truth in general, see ARCANA CAELESTIA published at London (Arcana Coelestia 9825). Similar things are signified by 'cloaks' and 'mantles' in these passages:

All the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones, and cast away their cloaks. Ezekiel 26:16.

The scribes and Pharisees enlarge the fringes of their cloaks that they may be looked at by men. Matthew 23:5.

My people have set up an enemy for themselves on account of a garment, you pull off the mantle from them that pass by. Micah 2:8; and elsewhere.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 328

328. Verse 11. And white robes were given unto each of them, signifies that there was given them a communication and conjunction with the angels who were in Divine truths. "Garments" signify truths, (166), and "white garments" genuine truths, (212). "Garments" have this signification, because all in the heavens are clothed according to the truths with them; and everyone is clothed according to conjunction with angelic societies. Therefore when conjunction is granted, they immediately appear clothed in a similar manner; hence it is, that by "white robes were given to each of them," is signified that communication and conjunction was given them with angels who were in Divine truths. "Robes," "mantles," and "cloaks," signify truths in general, because they are general coverings. He who knows this signification of these things may know the arcana which lie hidden in the following passages:

That Elijah, when he found Elisha, cast his mantle upon him. (1 Kings 19:19).

That Elijah by his mantle divided the waters of Jordan, (2 Kings 2:8). And in like manner Elisha, (2 Kings 2:14).

That the mantle fell from Elijah when he was taken up, and Elisha took it up, (2 Kings 2:12-13).

For by Elijah and Elisha the Lord was represented as to the Word, and therefore their "mantle" signified the Divine truth of the Word in general. As also was signified by:

The robe of Aaron's ephod, at the border of which there were pomegranates of blue and purple, and bells of gold, (Exodus 28:31-35).

That it signifies the Divine truth in general may be seen in The Arcana Coelestia, published at London, (9825). "Cloaks" and "mantles" have a similar signification in the following passages:

All the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones and cast away their cloaks, (Ezekiel 26:16).

The scribes and Pharisees make broad the borders of their cloaks, that they may be seen of men, (Matthew 23:5).

My people have made themselves an enemy on account of a garment, ye pull off the mantle from them that pass by, (Micah 2:8).

Apocalypsis Revelata 328 (original Latin 1766)

328. (Vers. 11.) "Et datae singulis stolae albae," significat quod illis data sit Communicatio et Conjunctio cum Angelis qui in Divinis veris erant. -"Vestes" significant vera (166); ac "vestes albae" genuina vera (n, 212); quod haec significentur per "vestes," est quia omnes in Caelis sunt vestiti secundum vera apud illos, et cuique est vestis secundum conjunctionem cum Societatibus Angelicis; quare cum datur conjunctio, apparent illico similiter vestiti; inde est quod per "datae sint singulis stolae albae" significetur quod illis data sit communicatio et conjunctio cum angelis qui in Divinis veris erant. "Stolae," "togae," "pallia," significant vera in communi, quia indumenta communia erant. Qui hanc significationem illorum novit, potest nosse arcana quae in sequentibus latent:

Quod Elias, cum invenit Elisaeum, "projecerit Togam super illum," (1 Regnum 19:19);

Quod Elias per Togam suam diviserit aquas Jordanis, (2 Regnum 2:8);

Similiter Elisaeus, (2 Regnum 2:14);

Quod Toga desuper Elia, cum sublatus est, deciderit, et Elisaeus sustulerit illam, (2 Regnum 2:12-13);

per Eliam enim et Elisaeum repraesentatus est Dominus quoad Verbum, et inde "toga" illorum significabat Divinum Verum Verbi in communi: tum quid significabat Pallium Ephodi Aharonis, super cujus fimbriis malogranata hyacinthini et purpurae, et tintinnabula auri, (Exodus 28:31-35);

quod significaverit Divinum Verum in communi, videantur Arcana Caelestia Londini edita (9825). Similia per "pallia" et "togas" significantur in his locis:

"Descendent desuper thronis suis omnes principes maris, et abjicient Pallia sua," (Ezechiel 26:16);

Scribae et Pharisaei "ut spectentur ab hominibus, magnificant fimbrias Palliorum suorum," (Matthaeus 23:5);

Populus Meus pro hoste sibi statuit propter Vestem, Togam extrahitis a transeuntibus," (Micham 2:8).

(Et alibi.)

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