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《揭秘启示录》 第339节

(一滴水译本 2019)







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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 339

339. And they said to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!" (6:16) This symbolizes affirmations of evil by falsity and of falsity springing from evil, until they did not acknowledge anything of the Lord's Divinity.

Mountains symbolize loves of evil, thus evils themselves (no. 336), and rocks symbolize falsities of faith. Falling on these people and hiding them means, symbolically, protecting them from influx from heaven. And because this is accomplished by affirmations of evil by means of falsity, and of falsity springing from evil, therefore this is the symbolic meaning. Hiding from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb means, symbolically, until they no longer acknowledge anything of the Lord's Divinity. He who sits on the throne means the Lord's Divinity from which all else springs, and the Lamb means the Lord Himself in respect to His Divine humanity. The Lord was upon the throne in both respects, as we have shown above. 1

The verse says, from His face and wrath, because all those people who live in caves and rocks do not dare to set foot out of them, or even to stick out a finger, on account of the torment and torture they experience if they do. The reason is that they hate the Lord, even so much that they cannot speak His name. And the Lord's Divine atmosphere pervades everything, which they cannot drive away from themselves except by affirmations of evil by means of falsity, and of falsity springing from evil. It is the delights of evil that cause this.

[2] Similar symbolic meanings are found in the following verse in Hosea:

They shall say to the mountains, "Cover us!" And to the hills, "Fall on us!" (Hosea 10:8)

And in Luke:

Then they will begin to say to the mountains, "Fall on us!" and to the hills, "Cover us!" (Luke 23:30)

That this is the spiritual meaning of these words cannot be seen in the letter, but it is seen in the spiritual sense from the fact that when a last judgment is being executed, then those people who are caught up in evil, but wish to be directed by good, suffer hardships to begin with, but less hard than those who confirm themselves in their evil by means of falsities. For whereas the former lay bare their evil, the latter cover their evil by falsities; and the latter cannot bear Divine influx then, as shown in the following verse.

The caves and caverns into which they cast themselves are correspondent phenomena.


1. No. 291.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 339

339. [verse 16] 'And they were saying to the mountains and the rocks, Fall upon us, and hide us away from the face of the One sitting upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb' signifies confirmations of evil by means of untruth, and of untruth derived from evils even until they should not acknowledge any Divine of the Lord. By 'the mountains' are signified the loves of evil, thus evils (336); and by 'the rocks' are signified the untruths of faith. By 'fall upon' them and 'hide' them is signified to defend against influx out of heaven; and because this is done by confirmations of evil by means of untruth, and of untruth derived from evil, therefore these are signified. By 'hide' themselves 'away from the face of the One sitting upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb' is signified until they were not acknowledging any Divine of the Lord. By 'the One sitting upon the throne' is understood the Lord's Divine from which [all things exist], and by 'the Lamb,' Himself as to the Divine Human; for the Lord as to both [the Divine and the Divine Human] was upon the throne, as has been shown above. It is said 'from His face' and 'from His wrath' because all those who are in the caves and rocks dare not set foot out of them, nor even thrust a finger forth, on account of the pain and torture if they do so. This is because they hate the Lord, even to their not being able to name Him; and because the Divine sphere of the Lord fills all things, and they are not able to remove this from themselves except by confirmations of evil by untruth, and of untruth derived from evil. The delights of the evils bring this to pass.

[2] Similar things are signified by these [words] in Hosea:

They shall say to the mountains, Cover us, and to the hills, Fall upon us, Hosea 10:8; and in Luke:

Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall upon us, and to the hills, Hide us. Luke 23:30.

That this is the spiritual sense of those words cannot appear in the letter, but it does appear in the spiritual sense in consequence of the fact that while the last judgment is being carried through, then those who are in evil and want to be in good suffer hard things to begin with, whereas they suffer less severely who confirm themselves in their evils by means of untruths; for the latter cover the evil over with the untruths, but the former lay their evil bare, and then [the latter] do not endure the Divine influx, as follows [in the exposition]. The caves and caverns into which they rush are correspondences.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 339

339. Verse 16. And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall upon us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth upon the throne, and from the anger of the Lamb, signifies confirmation of evil by falsity, and of falsity from evil, until they did not acknowledge anything Divine in the Lord. "Mountains" signify the loves of evil, thus evils, (336[1-4]), and "rocks" signify the falsities of faith; by "falling upon them and hiding them," is signified to be defended against influx from heaven; and as this is done by confirmations of evils by falsity, and of falsity from evil, therefore these are signified; by "hiding themselves from the face of Him that sitteth upon the throne, and from the anger of the Lamb," is signified until they do not acknowledge anything Divine in the Lord; by "Him that sitteth on the throne" is meant the Divine of the Lord, from whence are all things; and by "the Lamb" is meant Himself as to the Divine Human; the Lord as to both was upon the throne, as has been shown above. It is said "from His face and from His anger," because all they who are in caves and rocks, dare not set foot out of them, nor even put forth a finger, by reason of the pain and torment consequent on doing so; this is owing to the hatred which they bear against the Lord, even to their not being able to name Him; and the Divine sphere of the Lord fills all things, which they cannot remove from themselves, except by confirmations of evil by falsity, and of falsity from evil; the delights of evils do this.

[2] Similar is the signification of this passage in Hosea:

And they shall say to the mountains, Cover us, and to the hills, Fall upon us, (Hosea 10:8).

And in Luke:

Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall upon us; and to the hills, Hide us, (Luke 23:30).

That this is the spiritual sense of these words, cannot appear in the letter, but it appears in the spiritual sense from this, that when the Last Judgment is executed, they who are in evil, and desire to be in good, suffer hard things in the beginning; whereas they suffer less on such an occasion who confirm themselves in their evil by falsities, for these last cover their evil by falsities, but the former lay bare their evil, and in this case cannot endure the Divine influx, as is seen in what follows. The caves and caverns into which they cast themselves, are correspondences.

Apocalypsis Revelata 339 (original Latin 1766)

339. (Vers. 16.) "Et dicebant montibus et petris, Cadite super nos, et abscondite nos a facie Sedentis super Throno et ab illa Agni," significat confirmationes mali per falsum ac falsi ex malo, usque ut non agnoscerent aliquod Divinum Domini. - Per "montes significantur amores mali, ita mala (336), et per "petras" significantur falsa fidei; per "cadere super illos et abscondere illos" significatur tutari contra influxum e Caelo; et quia hoc fit per confirmationes mali per falsum, ac falsi ex malo, ideo haec significantur; per "abscondere se a facie Sedentis super Throno et ab ira Agni" significatur usque dum non agnoscerent aliquod Divinum Domini per "Sedentem super Throno" intelligitur Divinum Domini a Quo, et per "Agnum" Ipse quoad Divinum Humanum; Dominus quoad utrumque erat super Throno, ut supra ostensum est. Quod dicatur "a facie et ab ira Ipsius," est quia omnes illi qui in speluncis et in petris sunt, non audent pedem ex illis efferre, ne quidem digitum exsertare, propter tormentum et cruciatum, si hoc faciunt; causa est, quia odio habent Dominum, usque ut non possint nominare Ipsum; et sphaera Divina Domini implet omnia, quam a se non possunt removere, quam per confirmationes mali per falsum, et falsi ex malo; jucunda malorum faciunt id. Similia significantur per haec apud Hoscheam:

"Dicent montibus, Operite nos, et collibus cadite super nos," (10:8);

et apud Lucam:

"Tunc incipient dicere montibus, Cadite super nos, et collibus Occultate nos," (23:30).

Quod hic Sensus spiritualis illorum verborum sit, non potest apparere in litera, sed apparet in Sensu spirituali ex eo, quod dum Ultimum Judicium peragitur, tunc qui in malo sunt et volunt in bono esse, dura in principio patiantur, at minus dura tunc qui se in suo malo per falsa confirmant nam hi suum malum operiunt per falsa, illi autem suum malum nudant, et tunc influxum Divinum non sustinent, ut sequitur. Speluncae et cavernae, in quas se conjiciunt, sunt correspondentiae.

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