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《揭秘启示录》 第350节

(一滴水译本 2019)

























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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 350

350. Of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand were sealed. (7:5) This symbolizes celestial love, which is love toward the Lord, and this in all those people who will be in the Lord's New Heaven and New Church.

In the highest sense Judah symbolizes the Lord in relation to celestial love; in the spiritual sense, the Lord's celestial kingdom and the Word; and in the natural sense, the doctrine of a celestial church drawn from the Word. Here, however, Judah symbolizes celestial love, which is love toward the Lord; and because it is named first in the series, it symbolizes that love in all those people who will be in the New Heaven and in the Lord's New Church. For the tribe named first is everything in the rest, being to them as though their head and serving as a universal property entering into all those that follow, tying them together, qualifying them and affecting them. This property is love toward the Lord.

To be shown that twelve thousand symbolizes all who possess that love, see no. 348 above.

[2] People know that after the death of Solomon the twelve tribes of Israel were divided into two kingdoms: the kingdom of Judah and the kingdom of Israel. The kingdom of Judah represented the celestial kingdom or the Lord's priestly kingdom, while the kingdom of Israel represented the spiritual kingdom or the Lord's royal kingdom. But the latter was destroyed when the people had nothing spiritual left in them, whereas the kingdom of Judah was preserved, for the sake of the Word, and because the Lord would be born there. However, when the people adulterated the Word completely, and thus could not recognize the Lord, then their kingdom was destroyed.

It can be seen from this that the tribe of Judah symbolizes celestial love, which is love toward the Lord. But because the people were of the character they were with respect to the Word and with respect to the Lord, the tribe of Judah symbolizes also the opposite love, which is love of self - properly speaking, a love of dominating springing from a love of self - a love which we call diabolical love.

[3] The fact that Judah and his tribe symbolize the celestial kingdom and its love, which is love toward the Lord, follows from these passages:

Judah, your brothers shall praise you... The scepter shall not be taken from Judah... until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people. Binding his donkey's foal to the vine, his donkey's colt to the choice vine, he washes his garment in wine... His eyes are redder than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk. (Genesis 49:8-12)

...David shall be their prince forever, and I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them..., and I will set My sanctuary in their midst forevermore. (Ezekiel 37:25-26)

Exult and rejoice, O daughter of Zion! ...Jehovah will make Judah an inheritance for Himself, His portion on the holy land. (Zechariah 2:10-12)

O Judah, celebrate your feasts, perform your vows. For Belial 1shall no more pass through you; he is utterly cut off. (Nahum 1:15)

The Lord... will suddenly come to His temple... Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be sweet to Jehovah as in the days of old... (Malachi 3:1, 4)

Judah shall abide forever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation. (Joel 3:20)

Behold, the days are coming..., that I will raise to David a righteous Branch... In His days Judah will be saved... (Jeremiah 23:5-6)

I will bring forth offspring from Jacob, and from Judah an heir of My mountains, that My elect may possess it... (Isaiah 65:9)

Judah became His sanctuary, and Israel His dominion. (Psalms 114:2)

Behold, the days are coming..., when I will make a new covenant... with the house of Judah... ...this will be the covenant...: I will put My law within them, and write it on their heart... (Jeremiah 31:27, 31, 33-34)

In those days ten men... shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying, "We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you." (Zechariah 8:23)

...as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remain before Me..., so shall your offspring and your name remain.

Kings (of the nations) shall be your foster fathers, their princesses your nursing mothers. They shall bow down to you, their faces to the ground, and lick the dust of your feet. (Isaiah 66:22; 49:23)

[4] From these and many other passages, which we do not have the space to cite because of their number, it can be clearly seen that Judah means not Judah but the church. We are told, for example, that the Lord would make a new and eternal covenant with that nation, that He would make it His heir and His sanctuary forevermore, and that kings of the nations and their princesses would bow down to them, licking the dust of their feet, and so on.

[5] That the tribe of Judah, regarded in itself, means the diabolic kingdom, which is one of a love of dominating springing from a love of self, can be seen from the following passages:

I will hide My face from them, I will see what their posterity will be. ...they are a perverse generation, children in whom is no faith... ...they are a nation void of counsel... ...their vine is of the vine of Sodom and of the fields of Gomorrah; its grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter. Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps. Is this not laid up in store with Me, sealed up in My treasuries? (Deuteronomy 32:20-34)

(Know that) it is not because of your righteousness or the uprightness of your heart... that Jehovah... is... giving you (the land of Canaan)..., for you are a stiff-necked people. (Deuteronomy 9:5-6)

...according to the number of your cities have been your gods, O Judah... ...according to the number of the streets of Jerusalem you have set up altars... to burn incense to Baal. (Jeremiah 2:28; 11:13)

You are of your father the devil, and you choose to do the desires of your father. (John 8:44)

Jews are said to be full of hypocrisy, iniquity, and uncleanness (Matthew 23:27-28.


1. In the Old Testament, the personification of wickedness and destruction, originally conceived perhaps as some sort of spirit demon.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 350

350. [verse 5] 'Out of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand sealed' signifies celestial love, which is love directed to the Lord, and this with all who will be in the New Heaven and in the Lord's New Church. By 'Judah' in the highest sense is signified the Lord as to celestial love, in the spiritual sense the Lord's celestial kingdom, also the Word, and in the natural sense the celestial doctrine of the Church out of the Word. Here, however, by 'Judah' is signified the celestial love that is love directed to the Lord; and because it is named first in the series, it signifies that love with all who will be in the New Heaven and in the Lord's New Church; for the tribe named in the first place is everything in the rest. It is as a head to them; and, as a universal entering into all the things that follow, it gathers, qualifies and modifies (afficere) them. This is love directed to the Lord. That 'twelve thousand' signify all who are in that love may be seen above (348).

[2] It is well known that the twelve tribes of Israel were, after [the time of] Solomon, divided into two kingdoms, the Jewish and the Israelitish. The Jewish kingdom used to represent the celestial kingdom, or the Lord's Priesthood, and the Israelitish kingdom the spiritual kingdom, or the Lord's Royalty. The latter, however, was destroyed when there was not anything spiritual remaining with them; but the Jewish kingdom was preserved on account of the Word, and because the Lord would be born there. When, however, they had altogether adulterated the Word, and so were not able to get to know (cognoscere) the Lord, then their kingdom was destroyed. From these considerations it can be established that by 'the tribe of Judah' is signified the celestial love that is love directed to the Lord; but because as regards the Lord and the Word they were such [as described above], by 'the tribe of Judah' is also signified the opposite love, which is the love of self, properly the love of domineering derived from the love of self which love is called diabolical love.

[3] That by 'Judah' and his tribe is signified the celestial kingdom and its love, which is love directed to the Lord, is established from these passages:

Judah, thy brethren shall celebrate thee; the sceptre shall not be removed from Judah until Shiloh come, and there is an adhering of the peoples to him; he binds his little she-ass to the vine, and his ass's colt to the choice vine; he washes his garment in wine; with eyes red from wine, and teeth white from milk. Genesis 49:8-12.

David shall be a prince for them to eternity, and I will make a covenant of peace with them, it shall be a covenant of eternity with them, and I will set the sanctuary in the midst of them for ever. Ezekiel 37:25-26.

Shout and rejoice, O daughter of Zion; Jehovah shall make Judah an inheritance for Himself His portion upon the land of holiness, Zechariah 2:10-12 [H.B. 14-16]

O Judah, keep thy festivals, perform thy vows, because never again shall belial 1pass through thee, every one shall be cut off, Nahum 1:15 [H.B. 2:1]

The Lord shall suddenly come to His temple, then shall the minchah 2of Judah and Jerusalem be sweet according to the days of an age, Malachi 3:[1], 4.

Judah shall remain seated for ever, and Jerusalem unto generation and generation. Joel 3:18-20 [H.B 4:18-20].

Behold the days shall come when I will raise up unto David a just offshoot; in His days shall Judah be saved. Jeremiah 23:5-6.

I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah the heir of My mountains, that the chosen may possess it. Isaiah 65:9.

Judah was made into His sanctuary, and Israel into His dominions. Psalms 114:2.

Behold the days shall come in which I will make a new covenant with the house of Judah; this shall be the covenant, I will give My law in the midst of them, and write it upon their heart. Jeremiah 31:27, 31, 33-34.

In those days shall ten men take hold of the skirt of a man that is a Judaean, saying, We will go with you, for we have heard God is with you, Zechariah 8:22-23.

As the new heavens and the new land that I am going to make shall stand before Me, so shall your seed and your name stand. Isaiah 66:20, 22.

The kings of the nations shall be thy nourishers (nutritii), their princes [thy] wet nurses (lactatrices); they shall bow down their faces to thee upon the land, and lick the dust of thy feet. Isaiah 49:22-23.

[4] From these and many other passages, which there is not time to quote because of their abundance, it can be manifestly established that by 'Judah' it is not Judah but the Church that is understood; as that the Lord is going to make a new and eternal covenant with that nation, to make them His heir, and His sanctuary for ever, while the kings of the nations and their princes are going to bow themselves down to them, licking the dust of the feet thereof, besides more.

[5] That by 'the tribe of Judah' regarded in itself is understood the diabolical kingdom, which is the love of domineering out of the love of self, can be established from these passages:

I will hide My faces from them, I will see what their posterity will be; they are a generation of perversity, sons in whom there is no fidelity; they are a nation devoid of counsel; their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah, its grapes are grapes of gall, clusters of bitternesses to them; their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps: is not 3this hidden with Me, sealed up in My treasures? Deuteronomy 32:20-34.

Know that not for thy justice and the uprightness of thy heart does Jehovah give thee the land of Canaan, because thou art a stiffnecked people. Deuteronomy 9:5-6.

According to the number of thy cities were thy gods, O Judah; according to the number of the streets of Jerusalem hast thou set up altars for offering incense to Baal. Jeremiah 2:28; 11:13.

You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will to do. John 8:44.

They are said to be 'full of hypocrisy, iniquity and uncleanness' (Matthew 23:27-28), 'an adulterous generation' (Matthew 12:39; Mark 8:38); and Jerusalem, their habitation, was said to be 'Sodom' (Isaiah 3:9; Jeremiah 23:14; Ezekiel 16:46, 48; Revelation 11:8); besides in other places, where it is said that that nation was altogether ruined, and Jerusalem destroyed, as Jeremiah 5:1; 6:6-7; 7:17-18 seq.; 8:6-8; 9:10-11, 13 seq.; 13:9-10, 14; 14:16; Lamentations 1:8-9, 17; Ezekiel 4; 5:5-17; 12:18-19; 15:6-8; 16:1-63; 23:1-49.


1. A Hebrew word meaning 'what is worthless.'

2. A Hebrew word meaning 'an offering.'

3. Reading nonne instead of omne (all).

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 350

350. Verse 5. (Revelation 7:5) Of the tribe of Judah were sealed twelve thousand, signifies celestial love, which is love to the Lord, and this with all who will be in the Lord's New Heaven and New Church. By "Judah," in the highest sense, is signified the Lord as to celestial love; in the spiritual sense, the Lord's celestial kingdom and the Word; and in the natural sense, the doctrine of the celestial church from the Word. But here by "Judah" is signified celestial love, which is love to the Lord; and because it is mentioned first in the series, it signifies that love with all who will be of the Lord's New Heaven and New Church; for the tribe first named is the all in the rest, it is as their head, and as a universal entering into all things that follow, collecting, qualifying, and affecting them. Such is love to the Lord. That "twelve thousand" signify all who are in that love, may be seen above, (348).

[2] It is known that the twelve tribes of Israel, after Solomon's time, were divided into two kingdoms, the Jewish and Israelitish. The Jewish kingdom represented the Lord's celestial or priestly kingdom; and the Israelitish kingdom, the Lord's spiritual kingdom or royalty; the latter, however, was destroyed when there was nothing spiritual left among them; but the Jewish kingdom was preserved, on account of the Word, and because the Lord was to be born there. But when they had wholly adulterated the Word, and thus they could not know the Lord, then their kingdom was destroyed. From hence it may appear, that by "the tribe of Judah" is signified celestial love, which is love to the Lord; but because they were such as to the Word, and as to the Lord, therefore by "the tribe of Judah" is also signified the opposite love, which is the love of self, properly the love of dominion from the love of self, which love is called diabolical love.

[3] That by "Judah" and his tribe is signified the celestial kingdom and its love, which is love to the Lord is evident from these passages:

Judah, thy brethren shall praise thee, the scepter shall not be removed from Judah until Shiloh come, and unto him is the adherence of the people; he bindeth his foal to the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice vine; he washeth his garment in wine; his eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk, (Genesis 49:8-12).

David shall be their prince forever; and I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be a covenant of eternity with them; and I will set My sanctuary in the midst of them for ever, (Ezekiel 37:26-27).

Shout and be glad, O daughter of Zion; Jehovah will make Judah an inheritance to Himself, His portion upon the land of holiness, (Zechariah 2:10-12).

O Judah, keep thy festivals, perform thy vows, because Belial shall no more pass through thee; everyone shall be cut off, (Nahum 1:15).

The Lord shall suddenly come to His temple; then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto Jehovah as in the days of old, (Matthew 3:1-4).

Judah shall sit to eternity, and Jerusalem unto generation and generation, (Joel 3:20).

Behold, the days shall come, when I will raise up unto David a just offshoot; in His days Judah shall be saved, (Jeremiah 23:5-6).

I will bring forth a seed from Jacob, and from Judah an inheritor of my mountains, that the elect may possess it, (Isaiah 65:9).

Judah was His sanctuary, and Israel His dominions, (Psalms 114:2).

Behold, the days shall come, in which I will make a new covenant with the house of Judah; this shall be the covenant, I will give My law in the midst of them, and write it upon their heart, (Jeremiah 31:31, 33).

In those days shall ten men take hold of the skirt of a man, a Jew, saying, we will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you, (Zechariah 8:23).

As the new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall stand before Me, so shall stand your seed and your name; the kings of the nations shall be thy nursing fathers, their queens thy nursing mothers; they shall bow themselves down to thee with their faces upon the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet, (Isaiah 66:22; 49:23).

[4] From these and many other passages, too numerous to be adduced, it is very evident that by "Judah" is not meant Judah, but the church; as that the Lord would enter into a new and eternal covenant with that nation, and make them His inheritance and His sanctuary to eternity; and that the "kings of the Gentiles and their princes would bow themselves down to them, licking the dust of their feet," and such like.

[5] That by "the tribe of Judah," regarded in itself is meant the diabolical kingdom which is of the love of dominion from the love of self, may appear from these passages:

I will hide My face from them, I will see what their latter end will be; it is a generation of perverseness, sons in whom there is no fidelity; a nation void of counsel are they; their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah; its grapes are grapes of gall, clusters of bitterness are theirs; their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps; is this not 1hidden with me, sealed up in my treasures, (Deuteronomy 32:20-34)?

Know that not for thy justice and the uprightness of thy heart doth Jehovah give the land of Canaan, for thou art a people of stiff neck, (Deuteronomy 9:5-6).

According to the number of thy cities were thy gods, O Judah; according to the number of the streets of Jerusalem hast thou set altars for burning incense to Baal, (Jeremiah 2:28; 11:13).

Ye are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father ye will do, (John 8:44).

They are said to be full of hypocrisy, iniquity, and uncleanness, (Matthew 23:27-28).

An adulterous generation, (Matthew 12:39; Mark 8:38).

And Jerusalem, their dwelling place, is called "Sodom" (Isaiah 3:9; Jeremiah 23:14; Ezekiel 16:46, 48; Revelation 11:8).

Besides other places, where it is said that that nation is utterly ruined, and Jerusalem to be destroyed; as in Jeremiah 5:1; 6:6-7; 7:17-18, and following verses; 8:6-8, and following verses; 9:10-11, 13, and following verses; 13:9-10, 14; 14:16; Lamentations 1:8-9, 17; Ezekiel 4; 5:5; 12:18-19; 15:6-8; 16:1-63; 23:1-49.


1. The original Latin has "omne" for "nonne;" "all" for "is this not."

Apocalypsis Revelata 350 (original Latin 1766)

350. (Vers. 5.) "Ex Tribu Jehudae duodecim millia signati," significat amorem caelestem, qui est amor in Dominum, et hunc apud omnes qui in Novo Caelo et in Nova Ecclesia Domini erunt. -Per "Jehudam" in supremo Sensu significatur Dominus quoad amorem caelestem; in Sensu spirituali Regnum caeleste Domini, et Verbum; et in Sensu naturali Doctrina Ecclesiae caelestis e Verbo: hic autem per "Jehudam" significatur Amor caelestis, qui est Amor in Dominum; et quia primum in serie nominatur, significatur ille Amor apud omnes qui in Novo Caelo et in Nova Ecclesia Domini erunt: Tribus enim primo loco nominata est omne in reliquis; est sicut caput illis, et sicut universale intrans in omnia quae sequuntur, illa colligat, qualificat et afficit: hoc est Amor in Dominum. Quod "duodecim millia" significent omnes qui in illo Amore sunt, videatur supra (348). Notum est, quod duodecim Tribus Israelis post Salomonem divisae fuerint in duo Regna, Judaicum et Israeliticum; Regnum Judaicum repraesentabat Regnum Caeleste, seu Sacerdotale Domini, et Regnum Israeliticum Regnum Spirituale, seu Regium Domini: sed hoc destructum fuit, dum apud illos non aliquod spirituale superesset; at Regnum Judaicum conservatum est, propter Verbum, et quia Dominus ibi nasceretur: sed cum Verbum prorsus adulteraverunt, et sic Dominum non potuerunt cognoscere, tunc Regnum illorum destructum fuit. Ex his constare potest, quod per "Tribum Jehudae" significetur Amor caelestis, qui est Amor in Dominum; sed quia tales fuerunt quoad Verbum et quoad Dominum, per "Tribum Jehudae" etiam significatur amor oppositus, qui est amor sui, proprie amor dominandi ex amore sui, qui amor vocatur amor diabolicus. Quod per "Jehudam" et ejus Tribum significetur Regnum caeleste et ejus Amor, qui est Amor in Dominum, constat ex his locis:

"Jehudah, te celebrabunt fratres tu; non removebitur sceptrum a Jehudah, usque dum venit Schilo, et ei adhaesio populorum: alligat ad vitem asellum suum, ad vitem praestantem filium asinae suae; lavat in vino vestimentum suum; ruber oculis a vino, et albus dentibus a lacte," (Genesis 49:8-12);

"David erit princeps illis in aeternum; et pangam illis foedus pacis, foedus aeternitatis erit cum illis, et ponam Sanctuarium in medio eorum in aeternum," (Ezechiel 37:25-26); 1

"Jubila et laetare, filia Sionis: Jehovah haereditatem Sibi faciet Jehudam, portionem Suam super terra sanctitatis," (Sacharias 2:14, 16 (B.A. 10, 12)); 2

"Feriare Jehudah festa tua, redde vota tua, quia non addet amplius per te transire belial, omnis exscindetur," (Nahum 2:1 (B.A. 1:10, 12));

"Subito veniet ad Templum Suum Dominus; tunc suavis erit Jehovae minchah Jehudae et Hierosolymae juxta dies saeculi," (Malachias 3:1, 4);

"Jehudah in aeternum sedebit, et Hierosolyma In generationem et generationem," (Joel 4:20 (B.A. 3:20)); 3

"Ecce dies venient, cum suscitabo Davidi Germen justum; in diebus Ipsius salvabitur Jehudah," (Jeremias 23:5-6);

"Producam ex Jacobo semen, et ex Jehudah haeredem montium Meorum, ut possideant electi," (Esajas 65:9); 4

"Factus est Jehudah in sanctuarium, et Israel in dominia Ipsius," (Psalm 114:2);

"Ecce dies venient, quibus pangam cum domo Jehudae foedus novum; hoc foedus erit, dabo Legem Meam in medio eorum, et super cor illorum scribam illam," (Jeremias 31:31, 33); 5

"In diebus illis apprehendent decem viri alam viri Jehudaei, dicentes Ibimus vobiscum, quia audivimus Deum vobiscum," (Sacharias 8:23); 6

"Quemadmodum Caeli novi et Terra nova, quae facturus sum, stabunt coram Me, sic stabunt semen vestrum et nomen vestrum: erunt Reges gentium nutritii tui, principes eorum lactatrices, facies super terram incurvabunt se tibi, et pulverem pedum tuorum lingent," (Esaias 66:22; 749:23); 8

ex his et pluribus aliis locis, quae ob copiam non adducere vacat, manifeste constare potest, quod per "Jehudam" non intelligatur Jehuda, sed Ecclesia; ut quod Dominus pacturus sit cum illa gente foedus novum et aeternum, facturus illam haereditatem Suam, et sanctuarium Suum in aeternum, ac quod "reges gentium ac principes eorum incurvaturi se illi, pulverem pedum ejus lingentes," praeter plura. Quod per "Tribum Jehudae" in se spectatam intelligatur Regnum diabolicum, quod est amoris dominandi ex amore sui, constare potest ex his locis:

"Occultabo facies Meas ab illis, videbo quid posteritas eorum; generatio perversitatis illi, 9filii in quibus fidelitas non; gens perdita consiliis illi, de vite Sodomae vitis eorum et de agris Gomorrhae; uvae ejus uvae fellis, botri amaritudinum illis; venenum draconum vinum eorum, et fel aspidum crudele: nonne 10illud absconditum apud Me, obsignatum in thesauris Meis," (Deuteronomius 32:20-34); 11

"Scito quod non propter justitiam tuam et rectitudinem cordis tui Jehovah dat tibi terram Canaanem, quia populus durus cervice tu," (Deuteronomius 9:5-6);

"Juxta numerum urbium tuarum fuerunt dii tui, Jehuda, juxta numerum platearum Hierosolymae posuisti altaria ad suffiendum Baali," (Jeremias 2:28; 11:13);

"Vos ex patre diabolo estis, et desideria patris vestri vultis facere," (Johannes 8:44).

Dicuntur "Pleni hypocrisi, iniquitate et immunditia," (Matthaeus 23:27-28);

"Generatio adultera," (Matthaeus 12:39; Marcus 8:38);

ac Hierosolyma, habitatio illorum, dicta est "Sodoma," (Esaias 3:9; Jeremias 23:14; Ezechiel 16:46, 48; Apocalypsis 11:8);

praeter aliis in locis, ubi dicitur quod Gens illa prorsus de perdita sit, ac Hierosolyma destruenda (Ut Jeremias 5:1; 6:6-7; 7:17-18, seq.; 8:6-8, seq.; 9:10-11, 13, seq.; 13:9-10, 14; 14:16; Threni 1:8-9, 17; Ezechiel 4; 5:5 ad fin.; 1212:18-19; 15:6-8; 16:13; 23:1-49).


1. 37:25, 26 pro "38:26, 27"

2. 14, 16 pro "14, 15, 16"

3. 20 pro "18, 19, 20"

4. Esaj. pro "Jerem."

5. 31, 33 pro "27, 31, 33, 34"

6. 23 pro "22, 23"

7. 22 pro "20, 22"

8. 23 pro "22, 23"

9. illi pro "illa"

10. nonne pro "omne"

11. 34 pro "35"

12. 5:5 ad fin. pro "4:9 ad fin."

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