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《揭秘启示录》 第351节

(一滴水译本 2019)










  “流便分支”(divisions of Reuben)是指与智慧有关的各种知识。





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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 351

351. Of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand were sealed. This symbolizes wisdom springing from celestial love in those people who will be in the New Heaven and in the Lord's New Church.

In the highest sense Reuben symbolizes omniscience; in the spiritual sense, wisdom, intelligence and knowledge, also faith; and in the natural sense, sight. Here, however, Reuben symbolizes wisdom, because he comes after Judah, who symbolizes celestial love, and celestial love produces wisdom. For there is no love without its partner, which is knowledge, intelligence, or wisdom. The partner of natural love is knowledge; that of spiritual love is intelligence; and that of celestial love is wisdom.

[2] Reuben symbolizes these three because his name was derived from a word meaning to look or see, and natural sight spiritually is knowledge, spiritual sight is intelligence, and celestial sight is wisdom.

Reuben was also Jacob's firstborn, and therefore Israel called him "my might, the beginning of my strength, excellent in eminence and excellent in valor" (Genesis 49:3). Of such a character also is wisdom springing from celestial love.

Moreover, because by virtue of his primogeniture Reuben represented and so symbolized the wisdom possessed by people of the church, therefore he urged his brothers not to kill Joseph, and he grieved when he found Joseph not in the pit (Genesis 37:21-22, 29-30).

For the same reason his tribe camped on the south side of the Tabernacle, and the tribes camped on that side were called the Camp of Reuben (Numbers 2:10-16). The south, too, symbolizes wisdom springing from love. Consequently people in heaven who have that wisdom dwell toward the south (see the book Heaven and Hell, 148-150nos. ).

This wisdom is symbolized by Reuben in the prophetic utterance of Deborah and Barak:

Among the divisions of Reuben were great resolves of heart... Why do you sit among the packs, (Issachar,) to hear the rustling of the flocks? To listen to the divisions of Reuben (where there are) great searchings of heart? (Judges 5:15-16)

The divisions of Reuben are concepts of every kind, which have to do with wisdom.

[3] Because the tribes all symbolize their opposites as well, so too does the tribe of Reuben; and in an opposite sense he symbolizes wisdom divorced from love, and thus also faith divorced from charity. Therefore his father Israel cursed him (Genesis 49:3-4). And therefore he was deprived of his primogeniture (1 Chronicles 5:1; see no. 17 above). For the same reason, too, the tribe was given an inheritance in the Trans-Jordan and not in the land of Canaan. And Ephraim and Manasseh, Joseph's sons, were acknowledged in the place of Reuben and Simeon (Genesis 48:5).

Nevertheless, he still retained the representation and consequent symbolism of wisdom.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 351

351. 'Out of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand sealed' signifies the wisdom out of celestial love with those who will be in the New Heaven and in the Lord's New Church. By 'Reuben' in the highest sense is signified Omniscience; in the spiritual sense wisdom, intelligence and knowledge, also faith; in the natural sense sight. Here, however, wisdom is signified by 'Reuben,' because he follows after 'Judah,' by whom celestial love is signified, and celestial love produces wisdom; for love is not bestowed without its consort, which is knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. The consort of natural love is knowledge, of spiritual love is intelligence, and of celestial love is wisdom.

[2] That these are signified by 'Reuben' is because he was named from 'sight,' and spiritual-natural sight is knowledge, spiritual sight is intelligence, and celestial sight is wisdom. Reuben also was Jacob's first-born, and therefore by Israel he was said to be:

His strength, the beginning of his forces, excelling in eminence, and excelling in worth. Genesis 49:3.

Such indeed is the wisdom derived from celestial love. And because 'Reuben,' on account of his primogeniture, used to represent and consequently to signify the wisdom of the men of the Church, therefore he exhorted his brothers not to kill Joseph, and was grieved when Joseph was not found in the pit (Genesis 37:21-22[, 29-30]). For the same reason his tribe encamped 'on the south,' and used to be called 'the camp of Reuben' (Numbers 2:10-16). The 'south' also signifies the wisdom derived from love; and therefore those who are in that wisdom dwell to the south in heaven, as may be seen in the work concerning HEAVEN AND HELL 148-150. This wisdom is signified by 'Reuben' in the prophetic utterance of Deborah and Barak, by these words:

In the divisions of Reuben are great statutes of the heart; wherefore dost thou settle Issachar among the burdens, to hear the hissings of the flocks? In the divisions of Reuben, where are great searchings of the heart, Judges 5:15-16.

The 'divisions of Reuben' are the cognitions of every kind that are of wisdom.

[3] Because all the tribes also signify opposite things, so also does the tribe of Reuben, and in the opposite sense it signifies wisdom separated from love, and consequently also faith separated from charity; and on this account he was cursed by his father Israel (Genesis 49:3-4); and therefore he was deprived of his birthright (primogenitura) (1 Chronicles 5:1). Let 17 above be seen. Therefore also an inheritance was given to Reuben beyond the Jordan and not in the land of Canaan, so that Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Joseph, were acknowledged instead of both Reuben and Simeon (Genesis 48:5). Nevertheless Reuben still retained the representation and consequently the signification of wisdom.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 351

351. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand signifies wisdom from celestial love, with those who will be in the Lord's New Heaven and New Church. By "Reuben," in the highest sense is signified omniscience; in the spiritual sense, wisdom, intelligence, and science, also faith; and, in the natural sense sight; but here by "Reuben" is signified wisdom, because it follows after "Judah," by whom is signified celestial love, and celestial love produces wisdom; for love does not exist without its consort, which is science, intelligence, and wisdom. The consort of natural love is science, that of spiritual love is intelligence, and that of celestial love is wisdom.

[2] That these things are signified by "Reuben," follows from his being named from "sight," and spiritual-natural sight is science, spiritual sight is intelligence, and celestial sight is wisdom. Reuben was also the first born of Jacob, and therefore was called by Israel:

His might, the beginning of his strength, excellent in eminence, and excellent in valor, (Genesis 49:3).

Such indeed is wisdom from celestial love. And as Reuben from his primogeniture represented, and thence signified, the wisdom of the men of the church, therefore:

He exhorted his brethren not to kill Joseph, and was grieved when Joseph was not found in the pit, (Genesis 37:21-22, 29).

And on this account:

His tribe encamped on the south, and was called the camp of Reuben, (Numbers 2:10-16).

The "south" also signifies wisdom from love; therefore they who are in that wisdom dwell to the south in heaven, as may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell, (148-150). This wisdom is signified by "Reuben" in the prophecy of Deborah and Barak by these words:

For the divisions of Reuben were great statutes of heart. Why abodest thou among the sheepfolds to hear the bleatings of the flocks? In the divisions of Reuben there were great searchings of heart, (Judges 5:15-16).

"The divisions of Reuben" are the knowledges of every kind which have relation to wisdom.

[3] As all the tribes have an opposite signification also, the tribe of Reuben, in this sense, signifies wisdom separated from love, and thence also faith separated from charity; wherefore:

He was cursed by his father Israel, (Genesis 49:3-4).

And therefore he was deprived of his birthright, (1 Chronicles 5:1).

See above, (17); and therefore:

An inheritance was given him on the other side Jordan, and not in the land of Canaan; and instead of Reuben and Simeon, the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, were acknowledged, (Genesis 48:5).

Nevertheless he retained the representation and thence the signification of wisdom.

Apocalypsis Revelata 351 (original Latin 1766)

351. "Ex tribu Rubenis duodecim millia signati," significat Sapientiam ex Amore caelesti, apud illos qui in Novo Caelo et in Nova Ecclesia Domini erunt. - Per "Rubenem" in Sensu supremo significatur Omniscientia, in Sensu spirituali sapientia, intelligentia, et scientia, tum fides, in Sensu naturali visus; hic autem per "Rubenem" significatur Sapientia, quia sequitur post "Jehudam," per quem significatur Amor caelestis, et Amor caelestis producit Sapientiam: non enim datur amor absque sua conjuge, quae est scientia, intelligentia, et sapientia: conjux amoris naturalis est scientia, amoris spiritualis est intelligentia, et amoris caelestis est sapientia. Quod per "Rubenem" significentur illae, est quia nominatus est a Visu, ac visus spiritualis naturalis est scientia, visus spiritualis est intelligentia, ac visus caelestis est sapientia. Ruben etiam fuit primogenitus Jacobi, et ideo ab Israele dictus est Robur suum, principium virium suarum excellens eminentia et excellens valore, (Genesis 49:3);

talis etiam est Sapientia ex Amore caelesti. Et quia Ruben ex primogenitura sua repraesentabat et inde significabat sapientiam hominum Ecclesiae, ideo Ille exhortatus est fratres suos ne occiderent Josephum, ac doluit cum Josephus non inventus fuit in fovea, (Genesis 37:21-22 (, 29));

Et ideo Tribus ejus castrametata est ad Meridiem, et vocabantur Castra Rubenis, (Numeri 2:10-16);

"meridies" etiam significat sapientiam ex amore; quare illi qui in ea sapientia sunt, in Caelo ad meridiem habitant, videatur in Opere de Caelo et Inferno 148-150. Sapientia haec per "Rubenem" significatur in Prophetico Deborae et Baraki per haec:

"In classibus Rubenis sunt magni statuta cordis; quare sedes, Isaschar, inter sarcinas ad audiendum sibila gregum; classibus Rubenis, ubi magni pervestigationes cordis," (Judicum 5:15-16);

"classes Rubenis" sunt cognitiones omnis generis, quae sunt sapientiae. Quia omnes Tribus etiam opposita significant, ita quoque Tribus Rubenis; et in sensu opposito significat sapientiam separatam ab amore, et inde quoque fidem separatam a charitate; quare Ab Israele patre suo maledictus est, (Genesis 49:3-4);

Et ideo primogenitura sua deprivatus est, (1 Chronicles 5:1),

videatur supra (17); et ideo Data est ei haereditas extra Jordanem, et non in Terra Canaane; ut et pro Rubene et Simeone agniti sunt filii Josephi Ephraim et Menasse, (Genesis 48:5);

nihilominus tamen retinuit repraesentationem et inde significationem sapientiae.

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