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《揭秘启示录》 第361节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 361

361. Of the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand were sealed. This symbolizes a life of truth springing from goodness in accord with doctrine in those people who will be in the New Heaven and in the Lord's New Church.

Since Zebulun symbolizes the conjugal love of goodness and truth, and Joseph symbolizes a doctrine of goodness and truth, Benjamin, being third in the series, symbolizes a life of truth springing from goodness.

Benjamin bears this symbolic meaning because he was the last-born. Moreover, his father Jacob called him "Son-of-the-Right-Hand" 1(Genesis 35:18), and a son of the right hand symbolizes truth springing from goodness.

This tribe also dwelled, therefore, in the vicinity of Jerusalem, which was in the territory of Judah, the city of Jerusalem symbolizing the church in respect to doctrine, and the places around it such matters as proceed from doctrine. (See Joshua 18:11-28, Jeremiah 17:26; 32:8, 44; 33:13, and elsewhere.)


1. The meaning in Hebrew of the name Benjamin.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 361

361. 'Out of the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand sealed' signifies the life of truth out of good in accordance with the doctrine with those who will be in the New Heaven and the Lord's New Church. When by 'Zebulon' is signified the conjugial love of good and truth, and by 'Joseph' the doctrine of good and truth, by 'Benjamin,' because he is the third in the series, is signified the life of truth out of good. 'Benjamin' bears this signification because he was born last and was called by the father Jacob son of the right hand (Genesis 35:18), and by 'son of the right hand' is signified truth out of good. Therefore also his tribe used to dwell around Jerusalem, where the tribe of Judah was, and the city of Jerusalem used to signify the Church as to doctrine, and by its surroundings the things that are derived from doctrine. See, Joshua 18:11-28; Jeremiah 17:26; 32:8, 44; 33:13, and elsewhere.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 361

361. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand, signifies the life of truth from good according to doctrine, with those who will be in the Lord's New Heaven and New Church. When by "Zebulon" is signified the conjugial love of good and truth; and by "Joseph," the doctrine of good and truth; then by "Benjamin" because he is third in the series, is signified the life of truth from good. Benjamin has this signification, because he was born last, and was called by his father Jacob, "the son of his right hand" (Genesis 35:18), and by the son of the right hand is signified truth from good; therefore also his tribe dwelt round about Jerusalem, where the tribe of Judah was, and the city of Jerusalem signified the church as to doctrine, and its environs the things which are from doctrine (see Joshua 18:11-28; Jeremiah 17:26; 32:8, 44; 33:13).

Apocalypsis Revelata 361 (original Latin 1766)

361. "Ex tribu Benjaminis duodecim millia signati significat Vitam veri ex bono secundum doctrinam, apud illos qui in Novo Caelo et in Nova Ecclesia Domini erunt. - Cum per "Sebulonem" significatur Amor conjugialis boni et veri, et per "Josephum" Doctrina boni et veri, per "Benjaminem," quia tertius est in serie, significatur Vita veri ex bono: Benjamin hanc significationem tulit, quia ultimo natus est, et a Patre Jacobo vocatus est Filius dextrae, (Genesis 35:18);

et per "filium dextrae" significatur verum ex bono: quare etiam tribus ejus habitabat circum Hierosolymam, ubi tribus Jehudae; ac urbs Hierosolyma significabat Ecclesiam quoad doctrinam, et per circuitus ejus illa quae sunt ex doctrina (Videatur Josua 18:11-28; Jeremias 17:26; 32:8, 44; 33:13; et alibi).

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