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《揭秘启示录》 第362节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 362

362. In this list of the tribes of Israel, no mention is made of Dan or Ephraim. The reason is that Dan was the last of the tribes, 1and its tribe dwelled in the most remote part of the land of Canaan. Thus it could not symbolize anything in the New Heaven or in the Lord's New Church, where there would be only celestial and spiritual people. Therefore Manasseh is substituted for Dan. That Joseph is substituted for Ephraim may be seen in no. 360 above.


1. I.e., the last to be allotted an inheritance (land) in Israel (Joshua 19:40-49

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 362

362. In the enumeration of the tribes of Israel Dan is not named, nor is Ephraim. This is because Dan was the last of the tribes, and his tribe used to dwell farthest off in the land of Canaan, and so could not signify anything in the New Heaven and the Lord's New Church, where only the celestial and the spiritual will be. Consequently Manasseh is instead of Dan. That Joseph is instead of Ephraim may be seen above (360).

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 362

362. In the enumeration of the tribes of Israel neither Dan nor Ephraim is named; the reason is, because Dan was the last of the tribes, and his tribe dwelt in the most remote part of the land of Canaan, and thus could not signify anything in the Lord's New Heaven and New Church, where there will be only celestial and spiritual things; wherefore Manasseh is put in the place of Dan, while Joseph is put in the place of Ephraim; see above, (360).

Apocalypsis Revelata 362 (original Latin 1766)

362. In recensione Tribuum Israelis non nominatur Dan, nec Ephraim; causa est, quia Dan erat ultima tribuum, et tribus ejus remotissime in Terra Canaane habitabat; et sic non aliquid in Novo Caelo et Nova Ecclesia Domini, ubi solum caelestes et spirituales erunt, significare potuit; inde pro Dane est Menasse; quod pro Ephraimo sit Josephus, videatur supra (360).

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