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《揭秘启示录》 第370节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 370

370. And they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God. This symbolizes a humbling of their heart, and in their humility an adoration of the Lord.

To fall on their faces and worship is plainly a humbling of their heart and consequent worship. Humility before the Lord and worship of Him is symbolically meant by falling before the throne and adoring God because God means His Divinity - the Divine from which all else springs - and at the same time His Divine humanity (no. 368); for the two constitute one God, being one Person.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 370

370. 'And they fell before the throne on their faces, and adored God' signifies the humiliation of their hearts and, as a result of the humiliation, adoration of the Lord. That 'to fall upon [their] faces and adore' is humiliation of heart and the adoration resulting, is plain. Humiliation before the Lord and adoration of Him is signified by 'to fall before the throne and adore God,' because by 'God' is understood His Divine, which is the Divine from Which [are all things] and at the same time the Divine Human (368), for each Divine is the One God, because one Person.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 370

370. And fell before the throne on their faces and adored God, signifies the humiliation of their heart, and, from humiliation, adoration of the Lord. That "to fall upon their faces and adore," is humiliation of heart, and thence adoration, is evident. Humiliation before the Lord and adoration of Him, is signified by "falling before the throne and adoring God," because by "God" is meant His Divine, which is the Divine from which all things are, and at the same time, His Divine Human, (368); for both together are one God, because they are one Person.

Apocalypsis Revelata 370 (original Latin 1766)

370. "Et ceciderunt coram Throno Super facies Suas, et adoraverunt Deum," significat Humiliationem Cordis eorum, et ex humiliatione Adorationem Domini. - Quod "cadere super facies et adorare" sit humiliatio cordis et inde adoratio, patet; quod humiliatio coram Domino et adoratio Ipsius significetur per "cadere coram Throno et adorare Deum," est quia per "Deum" intelligitur Divinum Ipsius, quod est Divinum a Quo, et simul Divinum Humanum (368); utrumque enim est unus Deus, quia una Persona.

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