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《揭秘启示录》 第372节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 372

372. Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving. This symbolizes the Lord's spiritual Divine attributes.

All acknowledgment and confession of the Lord in general includes these two affirmations, that He is Divine love itself and Divine wisdom itself, and therefore that the love possessed by people in heaven and in the church, and everything connected with it, comes from Him, and likewise their wisdom and everything connected with it.

Whatever emanates from the Lord's Divine love, this we call His celestial Divinity; and whatever emanates from His Divine wisdom, this we call his spiritual Divinity.

The Lord's spiritual Divinity is meant by glory, wisdom and thanksgiving, and His celestial Divinity by honor, power and might, which follow next. Blessing, which is mentioned first, symbolizes both of these (see no. 289 above).

Glory is predicated of Divine truth, thus of spiritual Divinity (no. 249). Wisdom is predicated of it also, plainly. Thanksgiving too, because it is prompted by Divine truth; for a person gives thanks because of it and by expressions of it.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 372

372. 'Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving' signifies the Lord's spiritual Divine things. All acknowledgment and confession of the Lord in general comprehends these two, that He is the Divine Love Itself and the Divine Wisdom Itself; and consequently that love and everything thereof with those who are in heaven and in the Church is from Him; in like manner wisdom and everything thereof. Whatever proceeds out of the Lord's Divine Love is called the celestial Divine, and what proceeds out of His Divine Wisdom is called the spiritual Divine. The Lord's spiritual Divine is understood by 'glory, wisdom and thanksgiving'; and the celestial Divine by 'honour, vigour (virtus) and strength,' which follow. The 'blessing' that precedes signifies both, as may be seen above (289). 'Glory' is said of Divine Truth, thus of the spiritual Divine (249). That 'wisdom' is said of the same, is plain. 'Thanksgiving' also is [said of it] because it is rendered out of Divine Truth, for a man gives thanks therefrom and thereby.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 372

372. Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, signifies the Divine spiritual things of the Lord. All acknowledgment and confession of the Lord in general, comprehends these two, that He is the Divine love itself and the Divine wisdom itself, and consequently that love, and all that is of it, with those who are in heaven and in the church, is from Him; in like manner wisdom, and all that is of it. Whatsoever proceeds from the Lord's Divine love, is called the celestial Divine, and what from His Divine wisdom, is called the spiritual Divine. The Lord's spiritual Divine is meant by "glory, wisdom, and thanksgiving;" and His celestial Divine, by "honor, power, and might," which follow. "The blessing" which precedes, signifies both, as may be seen above, (289). That "glory" is predicated of the Divine truth, thus of the spiritual Divine (see 249). That "wisdom" has relation to the same, is evident. That "thanksgiving" has also a like reference, is, because it is performed from the Divine truth; for man gives thanks from it and by it.

Apocalypsis Revelata 372 (original Latin 1766)

372. "Benedictio et gloria et sapientia et gratiarum actio," significat Divina Spiritualia Domini. - Omnis agnitio et confessio Domini in genere comprehendit haec duo, quod sit Ipse Divinus Amor et Ipsa Divina Sapientia, et inde quod amor et omne ejus, illis qui in Caelo et in Ecclesia sunt, sit ab Ipso: similiter sapientia et omne ejus. Quicquid ex Divino Amore Domini procedit, vocatur Divinum Caeleste, et quod ex Divina Sapientia Ipsius, vocatur Divinum Spirituale. Divinum Spirituale Domini intelligitur per "gloriam, sapientiam et gratiarum actionem;" et Divinum Caeleste, per "honorem, virtutem et robur," quae sequuntur. "Benedictio" quae praecedit, significat utrumque; 289. Quod "gloria" dicatur de Divino Vero, ita de Divino Spirituali, 249; quod "sapientia" de eodem, patet; quod etiam "gratiarum actio," est quia illa fit ex Divino Vero, homo enim gratias agit ex illo et per illud.

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