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《揭秘启示录》 第373节

(一滴水译本 2019)



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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 373

373. And honor and power and might. This symbolizes the Lord's celestial Divine attributes.

We said in the preceding number that where the subject is the Lord, these three - honor, power and might - are predicated in the Word of His celestial Divinity, or of His Divine love or Divine goodness. Regarding honor, see no. 249. Regarding might, no. 22. That power is predicated of this, too, can be seen from many passages in the Word where is it mentioned.

It should be known that every particular in the Word contains a marriage of goodness and truth, and that some terms relate to goodness, and some to truth. These terms can be distinguished, however, only by someone who focuses on their spiritual meaning. This meaning makes plain what term is connected with goodness or love, and what term is connected with truth or wisdom. And I have been granted to know, on the basis of many passages, that the terms honor, power and might are used when the subject is Divine goodness. That "power" is used then as well, can be seen in Matthew 13:54; 24:30; Mark 13:25-26; Luke 1:17, 35; 9:1; 21:27; and elsewhere.

To be shown that every particular of the Word contains a marriage of the Lord and the church, and therefore a marriage of goodness and truth, see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture, nos. 80-90.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 373

373. 'And honour and vigour (virtus) and strength' signifies the Lord's celestial Divine things. In the preceding paragraph it was said that these three, 'honour, vigour and strength,' in the Word where they concern the Lord, are said of the celestial Divine or the Divine Love, or of His Divine Good. That 'honour' is, may be seen (249); that 'strength' is (22); and that 'vigour' also is can be established from the places in the Word where it is named It should be known that in all the details (in singulis) of the Word there is the marriage of good and truth, and that there are expressions that refer to good and there are expressions that refer to truth; but these expressions cannot be distinguished one from the other by anyone else but one who strives after the spiritual sense. Out of that sense it is plain what is an expression of good or love and what is an expression of truth or wisdom; and from many places it has been given to know that 'honour, vigour and strength' are said where it treats of Divine Good. That this is the case with 'vigour' can be seen in Matthew 13:54; 24:30; Mark 13:25-26; Luke 1:17, 35; 9:1; 21:27; and elsewhere. That in all the details of the Word there is the marriage of the Lord and the Church, and consequently the marriage of good and truth, may be seen in THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE 80-90.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 373

373. And honor, and power, and might, signifies the Lord's celestial Divine. In the preceding article it is said that these three, "honor, power, and might," in the Word, when applied to the Lord, are predicated of the celestial Divine, or the Divine love, or His Divine good. That "honor" is so predicated, may be seen, (249); and "might" (22); and that "power" is so likewise, may be evident from the passages in the Word where it is mentioned. It is to be known, that in all the particulars of the Word there is a marriage of good and truth, and that there are expressions which have relation to good, and expressions which have relation to truth; but these expressions can only be distinguished by those who study the spiritual sense. From that sense it appears what expressions have relation to good or love, and what to truth or wisdom; and from many passages it has been given to know, that "honor, power, and might," occur when it treats of the Divine good. That "power" also relates to the Divine good may be seen in Matthew 13:54; 24:30; Mark 13:25-26; Luke 1:17, 35; 9:1; 21:27 and elsewhere. That in the particulars of the Word there is a marriage of the Lord and the church, and thence a marriage of good and truth, may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Sacred Scripture, (80-90).

Apocalypsis Revelata 373 (original Latin 1766)

373. "Et Honor et Virtus et Robur," significat Divina Caelestia Domini. - In praecedente articulo dictum est, quod haec tria, "honor, virtus et robur," in Verbo, ubi de Domino, dicantur de Divino Caelesti, seu de Divino Amore aut de Divino Bono Ipsius; quod "honor," videatur 249: quod "robur," 22; quod etiam "virtus," constare potest ex locis in Verbo, ubi nominatur. Sciendum est, quod in singulis Verbi sit conjugium boni et veri, et quod sint voces quae se referunt ad bonum, et quod sint voces quae se referunt ad verum; sed illae voces non possunt internosci ab alio, quam qui Sensui spirituali studet; ex illo patet quae vox boni seu amoris est, et quae vox veri seu sapientiae est; et ex multis locis datum est scire, quod "honor, virtus et robur" dicantur, ubi de Divino Bono agitur; quod etiam "virtus," videri potest, (Matthaeus 13:54; 24:30; Marcus 13:25-26; Luca 1:17, 35; 9:1; 21:27; et alibi). 1

Quod in singulis Verbi sit Conjugium Domini et Ecclesiae, et inde conjugium boni et veri, videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 80-90.


1. xxi. pro "xix."

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