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《揭秘启示录》 第376节

(一滴水译本 2019)

  376.启7:13,14.“长老中有一位回应我说,这些披着白袍的是谁?是从哪里来的?我对他说,我主,你知道”表知道的渴望和求问的意愿,以及回复和得知。约翰之所以被问及这些问题,是因为在一切神性敬拜中,人通常先意愿、渴望并祷告,然后主回复、告知并行出;要不然,人不会接受任何神性事物。由于约翰看见“这些披着白袍的”,渴望知道并求问他们是谁,还由于这一切在天上被察觉,所以他首先被问及,然后得知。当先知撒迦利亚看到许多事物呈现给他时,同样的事发生在他身上。这一点从撒迦利亚书(1:919214:2511-125:2. 6,106:4)明显看出来。此外,我们经常在圣言中读到,当他们求告和呼求时,主就会应允(如诗篇4:117:620:934:491:15120:1);当他们祈求时,祂就给予(马太福音7:7821:22;约翰福音14:131415:716:23-27)。然而,是主让他们去祈求,以及当祈求什么,所以主事先知道他的祈求;但主仍愿意人首先要祈求,以便他能貌似出于自己这样做,因而要靠近祂;否则,若祈求本身并非来自主,经上就不会在这些地方说“凡祈求的,就得着”。

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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 376

376. Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, "Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from?" And I said to him, "Lord, you know." (7:13-14)

This symbolizes their desire to know and wish to inquire, and the reply and instruction given.

John was asked these questions because it is common in all Divine worship for a person to first wish, desire, and pray, and for the Lord then to reply, instruct, and effect. A person does not otherwise accept anything Divine.

Now because John saw those who were arrayed in white robes, and desired to know and ask who they were, and because this was perceived in heaven, therefore he was first asked about them, and afterward informed.

The case was similar with the prophet Zechariah when he saw the many representations displayed before him, as can be seen from Zechariah 1:9, 19, 21; 4:2, 5, 11-12; 5:2, 6, 10; 6:4.

Moreover in the Word we frequently read that the Lord answers when people call on Him or cry out to Him (as in Psalms 4:1; 17:6; 20:9; 34:4; 91:15; 120:1), and that He gives to people when they ask (Matthew 7:7-8; 21:22). Yet, even so, it is the Lord who gives people to ask and what they should ask for, and the Lord knows it, therefore, beforehand. But still it is the Lord's will that a person first ask, in order that the person may do so as though on his own, and that the petition may thus be assigned to him. Otherwise, if the petition itself did not emanate from the Lord, it would not have been said in those passages that people would receive whatever they ask.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 376

376. [verse 13] 'And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, These [people] clothed with white robes, who are they, and whence have they come? [verse 14] And I said unto him, Sir (Domine), thou knowest' signifies a longing to know, and a will to ask, and the answer and information. The reason why John was questioned about these is because it is a general thing in all Divine worship that a man should first will, desire and pray, and that the Lord should then answer, inform and do; otherwise the man does not receive anything Divine. Now because John saw those who were clothed with white robes, and desired to know and to ask who they were, and this was perceived in heaven, therefore he was first asked and then informed. The prophet Zechariah was treated similarly when he saw many things represented to him, as can be established from chapters, Zechariah 1:9, 19, 21 [H.B. 2:2, 4]; 4:2, 5, 11-12; 5:2, 6, 10; 6:4. Moreover in the Word very often it is read that the Lord answers when they call and cry, as in Psalms 4:1; [H.B. 2]; 17:6; 20:9 [H.B. 10]; 34:4 [H.B. 5]; 91:15; 120:1; also, that He gives when they ask (Matthew 7:7-8; 21:22; John 14:13-14; 15:7; 16:23-27). Nevertheless the Lord gives them to ask, and what to ask, and the Lord therefore knows this beforehand, but still the Lord wills that a man should ask first to the end that it maybe as from himself, and thus be appropriated to him; otherwise, if the asking itself were not from the Lord, it would not have been said in those places that they would get whatever they were asking.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 376

376. Verse 13. And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, Who are these that are arrayed in white robes, and whence came they? Verse 14. And I said unto him, Lord, thou knowest, signifies the desire of knowing, and the will of interrogating, and the answer and information. The reason why John was questioned concerning these things, is, because it is common in all Divine worship, that man should first will, desire, and pray, and the Lord then answer, inform, and do; otherwise man does not receive anything Divine. Now as John saw "those who were arrayed in white robes," and was desirous to know and to ask who they were, and as this was perceived in heaven, therefore he was first asked and then informed. The same occurred to the prophet Zechariah, when he saw several things represented to him, as may appear from Zechariah 1:9, 19, 21; 4:2, 5, 11-12; 5:2, (6,) 10; 6:4. Besides, we frequently read in the Word, that the Lord answers when they call and cry; as in Psalms 4:1; 17:6; 20:9; 34:4; 91:15; 120:1; also, that he gives when they ask, (Matthew 7:7-8; 21:22; John 14:13-14; 15:7; 16:23-27). But yet the Lord gives them to ask, and what to ask; therefore the Lord knows it beforehand; but still the Lord wills that man should ask first, to the end that he may do it as from himself, and thus that it should be appropriated to him; otherwise, if the petition itself were not from the Lord, it would not be said in those places, that "they should receive whatsoever they asked."

Apocalypsis Revelata 376 (original Latin 1766)

376. (Vers. 13.) "Et respondit unus ex senioribus, dicens mihi, Hi induti stolis albis, quinam sunt et unde venerunt;" (Vers. 14.) "et dixi illi, Domine, tu nosti," significat desiderium sciendi et voluntatem interrogandi, ac responsum et informationem. - Causa quod Johannes interrogatur sit de his, est, quia commune est in omni cultu Divino, ut homo primum velit, desideret, et oret, ac Dominus tunc respondeat, informet, ac faciat; aliter homo non recipit aliquod Divinum. Nunc quia Johannes vidit illos qui "induti stolis albis erant," et desideravit scire et interrogare quinam essent, et hoc perceptum In Caelo, ideo primum interrogatus est, et dein informatus. Similiter factum est cum Sacharias Propheta, cum plura sibi repraesentata vidit, ut constare potest ex (Sacharias) 1:9; 2:2, 4 (B.A. 1:19, 21); 4:2, 5, 11-12; 5:2, 6, 10; 6:4.

Praeterea in Verbo saepissime legitur, quod Dominus respondeat cum invocant et clamant (ut Psalm 4:2 (B.A. 1); Psalm 17:6; Psalm 20:10 (B.A. 9); Psalm 34:5 (B.A. 4); Psalm 91:15; Psalm 120:1);

Tum quod det cum petunt, (Matthaeus 7:7-8; 21:22; Johannes 14:13-14; 15:7; 16:23-27). 1

Sed usque Dominus dat ut petant et quid petent; quare Dominus id scit prius; sed usque Dominus vult ut homo petat prius, ob causam ut sicut a se, et sic approprietur ei; alioquin si non ipsa petitio foret a Domino, non in illis locis dictum fuisset, quod "accepturi essent quicquid peterent."


1. xiv. pro "iv."

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