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《揭秘启示录》 第380节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 380

380. "Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple. (7:15) And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them." This symbolically means that they are in the Lord's presence, and live constantly and faithfully in His church in accordance with the truths that they receive from Him, and that the Lord continually implants goodness in their truths.

Their being therefore before the throne of God means, symbolically, that they are in the Lord's presence; and their serving Him day and night means, symbolically, that they constantly and faithfully live in accordance with the truths they receive from Him, which is to say, His commandments. Serving the Lord has no other symbolic meaning. To be in His temple means, symbolically, to be in His church (no. 191). "He who sits on the throne will dwell among them" means, symbolically, that the Lord continually implants goodness in the truths that they receive from Him. Dwelling among them has this symbolic meaning because in the Word, dwelling is predicated of goodness, and serving of truth.

At this point I must now disclose the following secret, that the marriage of the Lord and the church consists in the Lord's flowing into angels and people with the goodness of love, and in the angels' and peoples' reception of Him, or of the goodness of His love, in truths. By this means a marriage of goodness and truth is formed, a marriage that is the essence of the church, and one that becomes heaven in the recipients.

Because such is the nature of the Lord's inflowing and people's reception of Him, therefore the Lord looks upon angels and people by looking at their foreheads, and people look back at the Lord through their eyes. For the forehead corresponds to the goodness of love, and the eyes correspond to truths springing from that goodness - truths which, as a result of that conjunction, thus become truths belonging to goodness.

The Lord's flowing into angels and people with truths, on the other hand, is not like the flowing in of goodness in them, for it is a mediated one emanating from goodness, as light does from fire, and they receive it intellectually, and in the will only in so far as they practice the truths.

This, then, is the marriage of love and wisdom, or of goodness and truth, from the Lord, among those who receive it in heaven and on earth.

I have disclosed this secret to make known how the statement is to be understood, that the Lord continually implants goodness in their truths.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 380

380. [verse 15] 'By reason of this they are before the throne of God, and are serving Him day and night in His temple, and the One sitting upon the throne shall remain over them' signifies that they are in the presence of the Lord, and are living constantly and faithfully in accordance with the truths that they are receiving from Him in His Church, and that the Lord is continually imparting good to their truths. 'By reason of this they are before the throne of God' signifies that they are in the presence of the Lord; 'and are serving Him day and night' signifies that they are living constantly and faithfully in accordance with the truths, that is, the commandments that they are receiving from Him; nothing else being signified by 'to serve the Lord.' 'In His temple' signifies in the Church (191); 'the One sitting upon the throne shall remain over them' signifies that the Lord is continually imparting good to the truths that they are receiving from Him. This is signified by 'to remain over them' because in the Word 'to remain' is predicated of good, and 'to serve' of truth. At this point this arcanum must be disclosed: that the marriage of the Lord with the Church consists in this, that the Lord inflows with angels and men with the good of love, and that angels and men receive Him or the good of His love in truths; that by this means the marriage of good and truth is effected, this marriage being the Church itself, and making heaven with them. Because the Lord's influx and the reception of Him is such, therefore the Lord looks at angels and men in the forehead and they look back at the Lord through the eyes; for the forehead corresponds to the good of love and the eyes correspond to the truths out of that good, which by a conjunction in this manner become truths of good. The Lord's influx with truths, however, with angels and men is not as the influx of good with them, for it is a mediated flowing forth out of good, as light out of fire, and it is received by them with the understanding, and with the will only so far as they do the truths. This then is the marriage of love and wisdom or of good and truth from the Lord with the recipients in the heavens and on earth (in terris). This arcanum has been disclosed so that it may be known how it is to be understood that the Lord is continually imparting good to their truths.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 380

380. Verse 15. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple; and He that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them, signifies that they are in the presence of the Lord, and constantly and faithfully live according to the truths which they receive from Him in His church, and that the Lord continually gives good in their truths. "Therefore are they before the throne of God," signifies that they are in the Lord's presence; "and serve Him day and night," signifies that they constantly and faithfully live according to the truths, that is, the precepts, which they receive from Him. By "serving the Lord" nothing else is signified; "in His temple" signifies in the church, (191). "He that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them," signifies that the Lord continually gives good in the truths which they receive from Him. That this is signified by "dwelling among them," is because in the Word, "to dwell" is predicted of good, and "to serve," of truth. This arcanum now is to be disclosed, that the marriage of the Lord with the church consists in this: that the Lord flows into angels and men with the good of love, and that angels and men receive Him, or the good of His love, in truths; that hereby the marriage of good and truth is effected, which marriage is the church itself, and becomes heaven with them. Such being the nature of the Lord's influx and reception of Him, therefore the Lord looks at angels and men in the forehead, and they look at the Lord through the eyes; for the forehead corresponds to the good of love, and the eyes correspond to truths from that good, which thus by conjunction become the truths of good. But the Lord's influx with truths into angels and men, is not as the influx of good into them, for it is mediate, flowing from good, as light does from fire, being received by them in the understanding, and only so far in the will as they do truths. This then is the marriage of love and wisdom, or of good and truth from the Lord, with those who receive them in the heavens and on earth. This arcanum was disclosed for the sake of making it known how it is to be understood, that the Lord continually gives good in their truths.

Apocalypsis Revelata 380 (original Latin 1766)

380. (Vers. 15.) "Propter hoc sunt coram Throno Dei, et serviunt Ipsi die et nocte in Templo Ipsius, et Sedens super Throno habitabit super illis," significat quod in praesentia Domini sint, ac constanter et fideliter vivant secundum vera quae recipiunt ab Ipso in Ecclesia Ipsius, et quod Dominus veris illorum jugiter indat bonum. - "Propter hoc 1sunt coram Throno Dei" significat quod in praesentia Domini sint; "et serviunt Ipsi die et nocte" significat quod constanter et fideliter vivant secundum vera, hoc est, praecepta, quae recipiunt ab Ipso; per "servire Domino" non aliud significatur; "in Templo Ipsius" significat in Ecclesia (191). "Sedens super Throno habitabit super illis," significat quod Dominus jugiter indat bonum veris quae recipiunt ab Ipso; quod hoc per "habitare super illis" significetur, est quia in Verbo "habitare" praedicatur de bono, et "servire" de vero. Hic nunc hoc Arcanum detegendum est; quod conjugium Domini cum Ecclesia in eo consistat, quod Dominus influat apud Angelos et Homines cum bono amoris, et quod angeli et homines recipiant Ipsum seu bonum amoris Ipsius in veris; quod per id fiat conjugium boni et veri, quod conjugium est ipsa Ecclesia, et fit Caelum apud illos: quia talis est influxus Domini et receptio Ipsius, ideo Dominus aspicit angelos et homines in fronte, et illi respiciunt Dominum per oculos: frons enim correspondet bono amoris, et oculi correspondent veris ex illo bono, quae sic per conjunctionem fiunt vera boni: influxus autem Domini cum veris apud angelos et homines, non est sicut influxus boni apud illos; est enim mediatus profluens ex bono, sicut lux ex igne, et recipitur intellectu ab illis, ac in tantum voluntate quantum faciunt vera. Hoc itaque est conjugium amoris et sapientiae, seu boni et veri a Domino, apud recipientes in Caelis et in terris. Hoc arcanum detectum est, ut sciatur quomodo intelligendum est, quod Dominus veris illorum jugiter indat bonum.


1. hoc pro "haec"

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