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《揭秘启示录》 第382节

(一滴水译本 2019)

  382.启7:16.“日头和炎热也必不落到他们身上”表今后他们必没有对邪恶的欲望,也没有对邪恶之虚假的欲望。“日头必不落到他们身上”表示他们必没有对邪恶的欲望;“炎热也不落到他们身上”表示他们必没有对虚假的欲望。“日头”表示神性之爱,因而良善的情感;在反面意义上表示魔鬼的爱,因而对邪恶的欲望(参看53节)。不过,“炎热”之所以表示对邪恶之虚假的欲望,是因为虚假是由邪恶产生的,如同热由太阳产生;因为当意愿热爱邪恶时,认知就会热爱虚假,燃起确认它的欲望,在认知中被确认的邪恶就是邪恶的虚假;所以,邪恶的虚假就是在其形式中的邪恶。在以下经文中,“炎热”(Heat,或火热)和“热”(to be hot)具有类似含义:








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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 382

382. "Neither shall the sun strike them, nor any heat." This symbolically means that hereafter they will not possess lusts for evil, nor for the falsity accompanying evil.

That the sun will not strike them means, symbolically, that they will not have lusts for evil; and that no heat will strike them means, symbolically, that they will not have lusts for falsity. To be shown that the sun symbolizes Divine love and therefore affections for goodness, and in an opposite sense, diabolical love and therefore lusts for evil, see no. 53 above.

That heat, on the other hand, symbolizes lusts for the falsity accompanying evil - the reason is that evil produces falsity, as the sun does heat; for when the will loves evil, the intellect loves falsity, and it burns with a lust to justify the evil, and evil justified in the intellect is the falsity of evil. The falsity accompanying evil is therefore evil in its true expression.

Heat and burning have like symbolic meanings in the following passages:

Blessed is the man who trusts in Jehovah... He will not see when heat comes. (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

...you have been... a refuge for the needy... from flood, a shade from the heat... He will temper... heat by the shadow of a cloud... (Isaiah 25:4-5)

When they are inflamed, I will... make them drunk, until they... sleep a perpetual sleep... (Jeremiah 51:39)

They are all as hot as an oven... None among them calls upon Me. (Hosea 7:7)

They regard not the way of the vineyards. Drought and heat snatch away the snow's waters... (Job 24:18-19)

...the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was given to him to scorch men... with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God... (Revelation 16:8-9)

To say to the prisoners, "Go forth."... They shall neither hunger nor thirst, neither shall heat... strike them. (Isaiah 49:9-10)

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 382

382. 'Neither shall the sun fall upon them nor any heat' signifies that henceforth they shall not have a lusting after evil nor after the untruth of evil. 'The sun shall not fall upon them' signifies that they shall not have a lusting after evil; 'nor shall any heat fall upon them' signifies that they shall not have a lusting after untruth. That 'the sun' signifies Divine Love and the resultant affections of good therefrom, and in the opposite sense diabolical love and the resultant lustings after evil, may be seen above (53); but 'heat' signifies lustings after the untruth of evil, because untruth is produced out of evil as heat from the sun; for when the will loves evil the understanding loves untruth, and is hot from the lust of confirming it, and confirmed evil in the understanding is untruth of evil. Untruth of evil consequently is evil in its own form. 'Heat' and 'to be hot' signify similar things in the following passages:

Blessed is the man who trusts in Jehovah, he shall not see when heat comes. Jeremiah 17:7-8.

Thou hast become a refuge to the needy from inundation, shadow, and heat; He tempers the heat by the shadow of the cloud. Isaiah 25:4-5.

When they are hot, I will make them drunken, that they may sleep the sleep of an age. Jeremiah 51:39.

They are all hot as an oven, none among them calling unto Me, Hosea 7:7.

He does not behold the way of the vineyards, drought and heat shall seize the waters of the snow, Job 24:18-19.

The fourth angel poured out the phial upon the sun, and it was given unto him to scorch men with great heat, and they blasphemed the Name of God. Revelation 16:8-9.

To say to the bound, Go forth; they shall not hunger nor thirst, neither shall the heat smite them. Isaiah 49:9-10.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 382

382. Neither shall the sun fall upon them, nor any heat, signifies that hereafter they shall not have lusts to evil, nor to the falsity of evil. "The sun shall not fall upon them," signifies that they shall not have lusts to evil, "neither shall any heat fall upon them," signifies that they shall not have lusts to falsity. That "the sun" signifies the Divine love and thence the affections of good; and, in the opposite sense, diabolical love and thence lusts to evil, may be seen above, (53). But the reason why "heat" signifies lusts to the falsities of evil, is, because falsity is produced from evil, as heat is from the sun; for when the will loves evil, the understanding loves falsity, and burns with the lust of confirming it, and evil confirmed in the understanding, is the falsity of evil; consequently the falsity of evil is evil in its form. "Heat" and "to be hot" have a like signification in the following passages:

Blessed is the man that trusteth in Jehovah, he shall not see when heat cometh, (Jeremiah 17:7-8 For thou hast been a refuge to the needy from the inundation, a shade from the heat; He tempered the heat with the shadow of a cloud, (Isaiah 25:4-5).

When they are heated, I will make them drunken, that they may sleep the sleep of an age, (Jeremiah 51:39).

They are all hot as an oven, there is none among them that calleth unto Me, (Hosea 7:7).

He beholdeth not the way of the vineyards. Drought and heat seize the waters of the snow, (Job 24:18-19).

The fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and it was given unto him to scorch men with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God, (Revelation 16:8-9).

To say to the bound, Go forth; they shall not hunger nor thirst, neither shall the heat smite them, (Isaiah 49:9-10).

Apocalypsis Revelata 382 (original Latin 1766)

382. "Neque cadet super illos Sol neque ullus aestus," significat quod non posthac illis concupiscentiae ad malum, neque ad falsum mali. - "Non cadet super illos sol" significat quod non illis concupiscentiae ad malum; "neque cadet super illos ullus aestus" significat quod non illis concupiscentiae ad falsum: quod "sol" significet Divinum Amorem et inde affectiones boni, et in opposito sensu diabolicum amorem et inde concupiscentias ad malum, videatur supra (53); quod autem "aestus" significet concupiscentias ad falsum mali, est quia falsum producitur ex malo, sicut aestus a sole; dum enim voluntas amat malum, intellectus amat falsum, et aestuat a concupiscentia confirmandi illud, ac confirmatum malum in intellectu est falsum mali; falsum mali est inde malum in sua forma. "Aestus" et "aestuare" similia significant in sequentibus locis:

"Beatus vir qui confidit in Jehovah, non videbit cum venit Aestus," (Jeremias 17:7-8);

"Factus es refugium egeno ab inundatione, umbra, et Aestu; Aestum per umbram nubis reprimet," (Esaias 25:4-5);

"Cum Aestuaverint, inebriabo illos, ut dormiant somnum saeculi," (Jeremias 51:39); 1

"Omnes Aestuant sicut clibanus, non clamans inter illos ad Me," (Hoschea 7:7);

"Non respicit viam vinearum, siccitas et Aestus rapient aquas nivis," (Hiob 24:18-19);

"Quartus Angelus effudit phialam super solem, et datum est illi adurere homines Aestu magno, et blasphemarunt Nomen Dei," (Apocalypsis 16:8-9);

"Ad dicendum vinctis, Exite, non esurient neque sitient, non percutiet illos Aestus," (Esaias 49:9-10).


1. 39 pro "9"

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