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《揭秘启示录》 第402节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 402

402. Then the second angel sounded. (8:8) This symbolizes an examination and disclosure of the state of the church and its character in people caught up externally in that faith.

To be shown that to sound a trumpet means, symbolically, to examine and disclose the state of the church and so of the life in people for whom religion is faith alone, see no. 397 above.

What is said here concerns people caught up externally in that faith because the subject now is people who are at sea, whereas previously it was people upon the earth; and those on the earth mean people concerned with the internal elements of the church, namely the clergy, while those at sea mean people concerned with the external elements of the church, namely the laity (see no. 398 above).

These people in the spiritual world are seemingly at sea (nos. 238, 290).

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 402

402. [verse 8] 'And the second angel sounded' signifies an examination and making manifest [to show] what the state of the Church is with those who are exteriorly in that faith. That 'to sound with a trumpet' signifies to examine and make manifest the state of the Church and consequently of life with those for whom religion is faith alone may be seen above (397). These things are said of those who are exteriorly in that faith because it treats here of those who are in the 'sea,' and previously of those who are upon the 'land'; and by those who are upon the land are understood those who are in the internal things of the Church, who are the 'clergy,' and by those who are in the sea are understood those who are in the external things of the Church, who are the 'laity,' [as] may be seen above (398). That they appear in the spiritual world as in a sea [may be seen] (238, 290).

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 402

402. Verse 8. And the second angel sounded, signifies the exploration and manifestation of what the state of the church is with those who are exteriorly in that faith. That "to sound with a trumpet" signifies to explore and make manifest the state of the church, and thence of the life with those whose religion is faith alone, may be seen above, (397). It is said of those who are exteriorly in that faith, because they are here treated of who are in "the sea," and previously they were treated of who were on "the earth;" and by those who were on "the earth" are meant such as are in the internals of the church, who are the clergy, and by those who are in "the sea" are meant such as are in the externals of the church, who are the laity, as may be seen above, (398), who in the spiritual world appear as it were in the sea, (238[1-5], 290).

Apocalypsis Revelata 402 (original Latin 1766)

402. (Vers. 8) "Et secundus Angelus clanxit," significat explorationem et manifestationem, qualis status Ecclesiae est apud illos qui exterius in illa fide sunt. - Quod "clangere tuba" significet explorare et manifestare statum Ecclesiae et inde vitae apud illos quibus religio est sola fides, videatur supra (397); quod haec de illis qui exterius in illa fide sunt, dicantur, est quia hic de illis qui super "terra;" et per illos qui super "terra" intelliguntur qui in internis Ecclesiae sunt, qui sunt Clerici, et per illos qui in "mari," intelliguntur qui in externis Ecclesiae sunt, qui sunt Laici, 398; quod illi appareant in mundo spirituali sicut in mari, 238, 290.

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