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《揭秘启示录》 第574节

(一滴水译本 2019)




  但以理所看到的这四个兽是先后分别从海中上来的,而约翰所看到的是合为一个身体的三一兽(first three beasts),也是从海中上来的;原因在于,在但以理书,它们描述了教会的先后状态,而在启示录,此处却描述了教会最后的状态,先前所有的状态都共存于这最后的状态中;只是这兽的身体像豹;脚像熊;口像狮子;“豹”和“熊”在各处的含义都一样;“口像狮子的口”表示源于虚假的推理,因为可推知“兽会开口说亵渎的话”(5-6节 ),并且“他的头”表示由纯粹的虚假所产生的疯狂。

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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 574

574. And its mouth like the mouth of a lion. This symbolizes their reasonings based on falsities as though on truths.

A mouth symbolizes doctrine, preaching and discourse (no. 454), here reasoning based on doctrinal falsities, because the head containing the mouth symbolizes irrationality resulting from absolute falsities (no. 568). A lion symbolizes Divine truth in its power (nos. 241, 471), but here falsities in their power appearing as truth as a result of reasonings (no. 573). Consequently its mouth like the mouth of a lion symbolizes reasonings based on falsities as though on truths.

That the symbolic meanings of a leopard, bear and lion are as stated can be seen from the similar beasts that Daniel saw, which are described as follows:

Four great beasts came up from the sea... The first was like a lion, but had eagle's wings. I watched till its wings were plucked off; and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on its feet like a man, and a man's heart was given to it. ...a second beast (was) like a bear, and it raised itself up on one side, had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth, and was told, "Arise, devour much flesh!" ...(the third beast was) like a leopard, which had on its back four wings, like those of a bird, and the beast also had four heads, and dominion was given to it. ...a fourth beast (was) dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong, which had... iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces, and trampled the residue with its feet. (Daniel 7:3-7)

[2] These four beasts describe succeeding states of the church, from its first state to its last, until it was completely desolate of any good or truth of the Word prior to the Lord's advent. The lion symbolizes the Divine truth of the Word in the first state, by which the church was established. This is what is meant by its being lifted up from the earth and made to stand on its feet like a man, and its being given a man's heart.

The bear describes the church's second state, a state in which the Word is indeed read, but not understood. The three ribs between its teeth symbolize appearances and misconceptions, and much flesh symbolizes the literal sense of the Word in its totality.

The church's third state is described by the leopard, which symbolizes the Word falsified in respect to its truths. The four wings on its back, like those of a bird, symbolize affirmations of falsities.

The fourth and last state of the church is described by the beast which was dreadful and terrible, which symbolizes the destruction of any goodness or truth. That is why we are told that it broke in pieces and devoured, and trampled the residue with its feet.

Finally the Lord's advent is described, and the destruction of the church at that time and the establishment of a new one, from verse 9 to the end of the chapter.

[3] Daniel saw these four beasts come up from the sea one after another, but John saw the aforementioned three beasts, also from the sea, united in a single body. That is because in Daniel they describe succeeding states of the church, whereas in the book of Revelation here they describe the last state, in which all the prior states are present concurrently. Moreover, because this beast was seen to have a body like a leopard, feet like a bear, and a mouth like a lion, the leopard and bear mentioned in the one place and the other have the same symbolism. However, the mouth like that of a lion symbolizes reasonings based on falsities, because we are later told that the beast used its mouth to speak blasphemies (verses 5, 6), and because its heads symbolize irrationality resulting from absolute falsities.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 574

574. 'And his mouth as the mouth of a lion' signifies reasonings derived from untruths as if from truths. By 'mouth' is signified doctrine, preaching, and discussion (452), here the reasoning derived from untruths of doctrine, because by the 'head,' where the mouth is, is signified the insanity resulting from sheer untruths (568). By 'a lion' is signified Divine Truth us power (241, 471), but here untruth in power appearing as truth by reasonings (573). Consequently by 'his mouth as the mouth of a lion' is signified reasonings derived from untruths as if from truths. That 'a leopard,' 'a bear' and 'a lion' signify such things can be established from the similar beasts seen by Daniel, of which [it is written] thus:

Four great beasts came up out of the sea, the first was like a lion, but had eagle's wings. I beheld until the wings thereof were plucked off, and it was lifted up off the ground and set upon its feet like a man, and a man's heart was given to it. The second beast was like a bear and it raised itself up on one side, [there were] three ribs in its mouth between its teeth; and it was said, Arise, devour much flesh. The third beast was like a leopard, which had upon its back four wings as of birds, the beast had also four heads, and dominion was given to it. The fourth beast was terrible and dreadful and exceedingly strong, it had great iron teeth, it devoured and pulverised, and trampled the residue with its feet. Daniel 7:3-7.

[2] By these four 'beasts' are described the successive states of the Church from its first to its last, even until every good and truth of the Word has been utterly devastated; after which [there is] the Lord's coming. By the LION is signified the Divine Truths of the Word in its first state, and thereby the setting up of the Church, which is understood by being 'lifted up off the ground and set up upon the feet like a man and a man's heart being given to it.' By the BEAR the second state of the Church is described, which is that the Word is indeed read but is not understood. By the 'three ribs between the teeth' are signified appearances and fallacies, and by 'much flesh' is signified the sense of the letter of the Word as a whole. The third state of the Church is described by the LEOPARD, by which is signified the Word falsified as to its truths; by the 'four wings upon its back as of birds' are signified confirmations of untruth. The FOURTH or last state of the Church is described by the BEAST that was 'terrible and dreadful,' by which is signified the destruction of everything good and true, and it is therefore said that 'it pulverised and devoured, and trampled the residue with its feet.' Lastly the Lord's coming is described, and the destruction then of that Church and the setting up of the New one (from verse 9 to the end).

[3] By Daniel these four beasts were seen to come up out of the sea in succession, but by John the first three beasts were seen united in one body, also 'out of the sea.' This is because in the case of Daniel the successive states of the Church are described by means of them, but here in the Apocalypse is described its last state in which all the former states exist together. And because this beast was seen like a leopard as to the body, and like a bear as to the feet, and as to the mouth like a lion, by 'leopard' and 'bear' in both cases entirely similar things are signified; and by 'a mouth like that of a lion' reasonings derived from untruths are signified, because it follows on that 'the beast spoke blasphemies out of his mouth' (verses 5-6), and by his 'heads' are signified the insanity resulting from sheer untruths.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 574

574. And his mouth as the mouth of a lion, signifies reasonings from falsities as if from truths. By "mouth" is signified doctrine, preaching and discourse, (452), here reasoning from falsities of doctrine, because by "the head," in which is the mouth, is signified insanity from mere falsities, (568); by "a lion" is signified Divine Truth in power, (241, 471), but here falsity in power appearing like truth by reasonings, (573); hence by "his mouth being as the mouth of a lion," are signified reasonings from falsities as if from truths. That "a leopard," "a bear," and "a lion," signify such things, may appear from similar beasts that were seen by Daniel, of which it is thus written:

Four great beasts came up out of the sea; the first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings; I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and erected upon its feet like a man, and a man's heart was given to it. The second beast was like a bear, and it raised up itself on one side; and it had three ribs in its mouth, between its teeth; and it was said, Arise, devour much flesh. The third beast was like a leopard, which had upon its back four wings as of birds; the beast had also four heads, and dominion was given to it. The fourth beast was terrible and dreadful, and exceedingly strong, and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces, and trampled the residue with its feet, (Daniel 7:3-7).

[2] By these four "beasts" are described the successive states of the church, from its first to its last, even to its utter devastation as to every good and truth of the Word; after which is the Lord's advent. By "the lion" is signified the Divine Truth of the Word in its first state, and the establishment of the church thereby, which is meant by "being lifted up from the earth, and erected upon the feet like man, and a man's heart being given to it." By "the bear" is described the second state of the church, when the Word is read indeed, but not understood; by "the three ribs between the teeth" are signified appearances and fallacies, and by "much flesh" is signified the sense of the letter of the Word as a whole. The third state of the church is described by "the leopard," by which is signified the Word falsified as to its truths; by "the four wings, as of birds, on his back," are signified confirmations of what is false. The fourth or last state of the church is described by "the beast terrible and dreadful," by which is signified the destruction of all truth and good, for which reason it is said that "it crushed in pieces and devoured, and trampled the residue with its feet;" lastly, the Lord's advent is described, and then the destruction of that church, and the establishment of a new one (from Verse 9-18).

[3] These four beasts were seen by Daniel to come up out of the sea successively, but by John the first three beasts were seen united in one body, and also coming out of the sea; the reason is, because in Daniel the successive states of the church are described by them, but here in Revelation its last state is described, in which all the former states exist together; but as to the body this beast appeared like a leopard, and as to its feet like a bear, and as to its mouth like a lion; "the leopard" and "the bear" have everywhere a like signification; but by "a mouth like that of a lion" are signified reasonings from falsities, because it follows that "The beast out of its mouth spoke blasphemies" (verses 5-6), and by "his heads" insanity from mere falsities is signified.

Apocalypsis Revelata 574 (original Latin 1766)

574. "Et os ejus sicut os leonis," significat ratiocinia ex falsis sicut ex veris. - Per "os" significatur doctrina, praedicatio, et sermo (452) 1, hic ratiocinatio ex falsis doctrinae, quia per "caput," ubi os, significatur insania ex meris falsis (568); per "leonem," significatur Divinum Verum in potentia (241, 471), hic autem falsum in potentia apparens sicut verum per ratiocinia (573); inde per "os ejus sicut Os leonis" significantur ratiocinia ex falsis sicut ex veris. Quod "pardus," "ursus" et "leo" talia significent, constare potest ex similibus bestiis visis Danieli, de quibus ita:

"Quatuor bestiae magnae ascenderunt e Mari, prima sicut Leo, sed alae aquilae illi; videns fui donec evulsae sunt alae ejus, et sublata est e terra, et super pedes suos sicut homo erecta, et cor hominis datum ei. Altera bestia similis Urso, et ad latus unum erexit se; tres costae in ore ejus inter dentes ejus; et dicebatur, Surge, comede carnem multam. Tertia bestia sicut Pardus, cui alae quatuor, quales avibus, super tergo ejus, ut et quatuor capita bestiae, et dominium datum illi est. Quarta bestia terribilis et formidabilis et robusta valde, cui dentes ferri magni, comedit et contrivit, et reliquum pedibus suis conculcavit," (Daniel 7:3-7);

per quatuor has "bestias" describuntur successivi status Ecclesiae, a primo ejus usque ad ultimum, usque dum quoad omne bonum et verum Verbi prorsus devastata est; post quod Adventus Domini. Per "leonem" significatur Divinum Verum Verbi in primo statu, et per id instauratio Ecclesiae; quae intelligitur per quod "sublata sit e terra, et super pedes sicut homo erecta, et cor hominis datum ei." Per "ursum" describitur alter status Ecclesiae, qui est quod Verbum quidem legatur sed non intelligatur; per "tres costas inter dentes" significantur apparentiae et fallaciae, et per "carnem multam" significatur Sensus literae Verbi in summa. Tertius status Ecclesiae describitur per "pardum," per quem significatur Verbum quoad vera ejus falsificatum; per "alas quatuor, quales avibus, super tergo," significantur confirmationes falsi. Quartus seu ultimus status Ecclesiae describitur per "bestiam quae terribilis et formidabilis," per quam significatur destructio omnis veri et boni; quare dicitur quod "contriverit et comederit, et reliquum pedibus conculcaverit." Tandem describitur Adventus Domini, et tunc illius Ecclesiae destructio, et Novae instauratio (a vers. 9 ad fin.). A Daniele visae sunt quatuor illae Bestiae ex Mari ascendisse successive, sed a Johanne visae sunt tres priores Bestiae in uno corpore unitae, etiam ex Mari; causa est, quia apud Danielem per illas describuntur successivi status Ecclesiae, at in Apocalypsi hic describitur status ultimus, in quo sunt omnes priores simul: et quia Bestia haec quoad corpus visa est similis pardo, et quoad pedes sicut ursus, et quoad os sicut leo, per "pardum" et "ursum" utrobivis consimilia significantur; sed per "os sicut leonis" significantur ratiocinia ex falsis, quia sequitur quod "Bestia ex ore suo locuta sit blasphemias," (vers. 5, 6); et per "capita" ejus significatur insania ex meris falsis.


1. 452 pro "453"

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