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《揭秘启示录》 第575节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 575

575. And the dragon gave it its power, its throne, and great authority. This symbolically means that this heresy prevails and reigns as a result of its acceptance by the laity.

The dragon symbolizes this heresy, as explained in no. 537. The beast here symbolizes the laity (no. 567), who do not speak on their own, but quote their teachers, and because the laity constitute the populace, it is apparent that this heresy prevails and reigns owing to their acceptance of it.

This, then, is what is symbolized by the power, throne and great authority that the dragon gave this beast, and by the following statement in verse 4, "Then they worshiped the dragon which gave authority to the beast."

The dragon prevails and reigns through these people, especially through this dogma of their religion, that the intellect must be held captive in obedience to faith; that faith is something that is not understood; and that in spiritual matters, a faith in something that is understood is an intellect-oriented faith, which is not justifying.

When this faith prevails among the laity, the clergy have power, veneration, and a kind of worship on account of the Divine things which they are believed by the laity to know, and which the laity soak up on their authority.

Power symbolizes influence, a throne government, and great authority dominion.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 575

575. 'And the dragon gave him his vigour and his throne, and great authority' signifies that the heresy is prevalent and reigning through reception by the laity. By the dragon is signified the heresy of which 537 treats. By this 'beast' the laity are signified (567), who do not speak on their own account but from their teachers, and because they constitute the people it is plain that by virtue of reception by them that heresy is prevalent and reigning. It is this, therefore, that is signified by the 'vigour,' 'throne' and 'great authority' which the dragon gave to the beast, and by these following [words], 'And they adored the dragon who gave authority to the beast' (verse 4). The dragon prevails and reigns through them especially by means of this dogma of their religion: 'That the understanding is to be suppressed under obedience to faith; and that it is a faith that is not understood; and that in matters spiritual that are understood faith in a thing is an intellectual faith, which is not justifying.' When these things are prevalent with the laity, the clergy have authority, veneration, and a sort of adoration for the sake of the Divine things which [the laity] suppose that they know, and which are to be absorbed out of their mouths. By 'vigour' is signified worth, by 'throne' government, and by 'great authority' dominion.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 575

575. And the dragon gave him his power, and his throne, and great authority, signifies that this heresy prevails and reigns in consequence of its reception by the laity. By "the dragon" is signified that heretical doctrine (concerning which see, (537); by "this beast" the laity are signified, (567), who do not speak from themselves, but from their teachers; and as they are the people themselves, it is manifest that from reception by them that heresy prevails and reigns. This therefore it is, which is signified by "the power, throne, and great authority," which the dragon gave to this beast, and by these words following, "And they adored the dragon who gave authority to the beast" (verse 4). The dragon prevails and reigns through them, especially through this dogma of their religion: That the understanding is to be kept under obedience to faith; and that it is a faith which is not understood; and that, in spiritual things, faith in a thing which is understood is intellectual faith, which is not justifying. When these prevail with the laity, the clergy have authority, veneration, and a species of adoration, on account of the divine things which they believe they know, and which are to be received from their mouths. By "power" is signified prevalence; by "throne," government; and by "great authority," dominion.

Apocalypsis Revelata 575 (original Latin 1766)

575. "Et dedit illi Draco virtutem suam et thronum suum, et potestatem magnam" significat quod haereticum illud per receptionem a Laicis valeat et regnet. - Per "Draconem" significatur haereticum illud (de quo 537); per "Bestiam" hanc significantur Laici (567) 1, qui non loquuntur ex se, sed ex docentibus; qui quia sunt ipse populus, patet quod ex receptione ab illis haereticum illud valeat et regnet: hoc itaque est, quod per "virtutem, thronum, et potestatem magnam," quae Draco dedit illi Bestiae, significatur; et per haec sequentia (vers. 4) 2, "Et adoraverunt Draconem, qui dedit potestatem Bestiae." Draco valet et regnat per illos, imprimis per hoc Religionis illorum dogma: - "Quod Intellectus captandus sit sub obedientia fidei; et quod id fides sit quod non intelligitur, et quod fides rei in spiritualibus quae intelligitur sit fides intellectualis, quae non est justificans." Quando haec apud Laicos valent, Clericis est potestas, veneratio, et species adorationis propter Divina, quae credunt quod illi sciant, et quae ex ore illorum haurienda sunt. Per "virtutem" significatur valor, per "thronum" regimen, et per "potestatem magnam" dominium.


1. 567 pro "563"

2. 4 pro "5"

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