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《揭秘启示录》 第577节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 577

577. And its mortal injury was healed. This symbolizes a remedy for that chief point of doctrine by saying that no one can do any good work of himself and fulfill the law, and that another means of salvation has therefore been provided instead, which is a faith in the righteousness and merit of Christ, who suffered for mankind and thereby bore the condemnation of the law.

People see that this is the remedy for the "wounded head," and also was the remedy given, when they understand the wounded head to be as said above in no. 576. Therefore we have no need to explain it further.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 577

577. 'And the stroke of his death was healed' signifies the healing of that head of doctrine by these [reasonings], that no one can do a good work from himself and fulfil the law, and that on account of this there has been another means of salvation provided in place of it, which is faith in the justice and merit of Christ, who suffered for men and thereby lay under the damnation of the law. That this is a healing of 'the wounded head,' and has also been applied, is known, when by 'the wounded head' is understood that which precedes (576); and therefore there is no need for it to be expounded further.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 577

577. And the stroke of his death was healed, signifies the healing of that head of the doctrine by this reasoning, that no one can do a good work of himself, and fulfil the law, and that there is on that account provided another means of salvation instead, which is faith in the justice and merit of Christ, who suffered for man, and thereby took away the condemnation of the law. That this is the healing for "the wounded head," and is also applied, is known, when by the wounded head is meant that which precedes, (576); and therefore there is no need to explain it further.

Apocalypsis Revelata 577 (original Latin 1766)

577. "Et plaga mortis ejus sanata est," significat medelam capitis illius doctrinae per haec, quod nemo possit facere bonum opus a se, ac implere Legem; et quod propterea provisum sit loco "ejus aliud medium salutis, quod est Fides in justitiam et meritum Christi, Qui passus est pro homine, et per id damnationem Legis sustulit. - Quod haec medela "capitis sauciati" sit, et quoque data, dum per "caput sauciatum" intelligitur id quod praecedit (576), notum est; quare non opus est ut ulterius explicetur.

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