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《揭秘启示录》 第578节

(一滴水译本 2019)









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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 578

578. And all the earth went marveling after the beast. This symbolically means that then that faith was accepted with joy and made the doctrine of the whole church, because people were in that case not servants under the law, but free under faith.

That the earth went marveling symbolizes people's marveling that the "mortal injury" was healed, and their acceptance of that faith therefore with joy. All the earth symbolizes the entire Protestant Reformed Church, inasmuch as the earth is the church (no. 285). Consequently, that all the earth went marveling after the beast means symbolically that that faith was accepted with joy and made the doctrine of the whole church. People received it with joy because in that case they were not servants under the law, but free under faith - not knowing that the case is altogether the reverse, namely, that people who believe themselves to be free under faith, either because of that faith or by means of that faith, are servants to sin, that is to say, to the devil, for sin and the devil are one and the same. Indeed, they believe that in their case the law does not condemn. Thus they believe that to sin without the condemnation of the law is freedom, provided they have faith, even though this is the essence of servitude. On the other hand, when a person refrains from sin, that is, from the devil, he becomes no longer a servant but free.

[2] To this I will add the following account:

I have spoken with several church doctors in the world of spirits, asking what they mean by works of the law, and by the law under whose yoke, servitude and condemnation they say they are not.

They said they were the works of the law in the Decalogue.

At that I then said, "What does the Decalogue command? Is it not the following, 'You shall not kill, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness'? These are the works of the law that you divorce from faith, saying that faith alone apart from works of the law justifies and saves, and that they are works for which Christ made satisfaction."

They replied that they were the works. And they heard then a voice from heaven saying, "Who can be so irrational?" And immediately their faces were turned in the direction of some diabolical spirits, with Machiavelli 1among them, and many of the Jesuit order, who permitted all of these forbidden practices, provided they took precautions against the world's laws. And the church doctors would have joined their company, except that a society was interposed between them and separated them.

We are told that all the earth went marveling after the beast. That to go after it means to follow it and obey it, is apparent from the following passages:

...David... kept My commandments and... walked after Me with all his heart... (1 Kings 14:8)

The... sons of Jesse went... after Saul into battle. (1 Samuel 17:13)

You shall not go after a multitude to do evil; nor shall you testify in a dispute... after many to pervert justice. (Exodus 23:2)

...you shall not go after other gods whom you do not know. (Jeremiah 7:9)

They have gone after other gods to serve them. (Jeremiah 11:10, cf. Deuteronomy 8:19)

...Jehovah... will destroy...[every] man... who went after Baal of Peor. (Deuteronomy 4:3)


1. Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527), an Italian statesman and writer, whose political theories published in The Prince put expediency above morality, and excused the use of deceit and craft in maintaining the authority of the ruler and the execution of his policies.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 578

578. 'And the whole land went in admiration after the beast' signifies that that faith was received with joy, and became the doctrine of the whole Church, because they would not be slaves under the law but freemen under faith. 'And it went in admiration' signifies admiration that the stroke of deaths was healed,' and the consequent reception with joy. By 'the whole land' is signified the whole Church of the Reformed, for 'the land' is the Church (285). And therefore by 'the whole land went in admiration after the beast' is signified that that faith was received with joy and became the doctrine of the whole Church. The joy in which it is received is because thus they would not be slaves under the law but freemen under faith, they being unaware that [the truth] is quite the opposite, namely that they who believe themselves to be freemen under faith, or as a result of that faith or by means of that faith, are slaves under sin, that is, under the devil, for sin and the devil are one and the same. For they thus believe that the law does not impose damnation, thus they believe that to sin without the law's damnation is freedom, if only they have faith: when yet this is slavery itself. But while a man is fleeing from sin, that is, the devil, from being a slave he becomes free.

[2] To these things I will add this MEMORABLE OCCURRENCE. I spoke with some doctors of the Church in the world of spirits about what they understand by 'the works of the law,' and by 'the law,' under the yoke, servitude and damnation of which they say they are not. They were saying that they were the works of the law of the Decalogue. And I then said, 'What does the Decalogue decree? Are they not these things, Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not commit whoredom, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness? Are these the works of the law that are separated from faith by saying that faith alone without the works of the law justifies and saves, and are these what Christ made satisfaction for?' And they replied that they are. Whereupon a voice out of heaven was heard saying, 'Who can be so insane?' And instantly their faces were turned towards some diabolical spirits, among whom was Machiavelli and many of the Jesuitical order, who permitted all these things provided they were careful about the laws of the world, and they would have been conjoined with one another, had not a society been interposed which was separating them.

It is said that 'the whole land went in admiration after the beast': that 'after' it means to follow it and obey it is plains from these [words]:

David has kept My commandments and walked after Me with all his heart, 1 Kings 14:8.

The suns of Jesse 1were going after Saul to the war, 1 Samuel 17:13.

Thou shalt not go after many to evils; thou shalt not answer in a dispute after many to pervert, Exodus 23:2.

Thou shalt not go after other gods, whom thou hast not known. Jeremiah 7:9.

They went after other gods to serve them. Jeremiah 11:10; Deuteronomy 8:19.

The men who went after Baalpeor, Jehovah will destroy. Deuteronomy 4:3.


1. The Original Edition has Israelis (Israel).

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 578

578. And the whole earth wondered after the beast, signifies that then that faith was received with joy, and became the doctrine of the whole church, because they thus would not be servants under the law, but free under faith. And "it wondered," signifies astonishment that the stroke of death was healed, and thence reception with joy. By "the whole earth" is signified the whole church of the Reformed, for the earth is the church, (285); therefore by "the whole earth wondered after the beast" is signified that this faith was received with joy, and became the doctrine of the whole church. It is received with joy because they thus are not bondmen under the law, but free under faith; not knowing that the very reverse is true, namely, that they who believe themselves to be free under faith, or from that faith, or through that faith, are slaves under sin, that is, under the devil, for sin and the devil are one and the same; for thus they believe that the law does not condemn, and therefore that to sin without the condemnation of the law is freedom, provided they have faith; when nevertheless this is slavery itself; but man when he shuns sin, that is, the devil, from being a slave becomes free.

[2] Here I will add this Relation: I spoke in the world of spirits with some doctors of the church, about what they meant by "works of the law," and what by "the law" under whose yoke, servitude, and condemnation, they say they are not. They said they meant the works of the law of the Decalogue. And I then said, "What are the things decreed in the Decalogue? Are they not these: Thou shalt not kill;' thou shalt not commit whoredom;' thou shalt not steal;' thou shalt not bear false witness'? Are these the works of the law, which you separate from faith, saying, that faith alone, without the works of the law, justifies and saves,' and are these what Christ made satisfaction for?" And they replied, "They are." And then there was heard a voice from heaven, saying, "Who can be so insane?" And immediately their faces were turned towards some diabolical spirits, among whom was Machiavelli, and several from the order of Jesuits, who permit all these things provided they guard themselves from the laws of the world; and they would have associated themselves with these, had not a society interposed which separated them.

It is said that "all the earth wondered after the beast;" that "after" the beast means to follow and obey it, appears from these passages:

David hath kept My commandments, and hath walked after Me with the whole heart, (1 Kings 14:8).

The sons of Jesse went after Saul to the war, (1 Samuel 17:13).

Thou shalt not go after many to do evil. Thou shalt not answer in a cause after many, to pervert, (Exodus 23:2).

Go not after other gods, whom ye know not, (Jeremiah 7:9).

They went after other gods to serve them, (Jeremiah 11:10; Deuteronomy 8:19).

The men that went after Baalpeor Jehovah will destroy, (Deuteronomy 4:3).

Apocalypsis Revelata 578 (original Latin 1766)

578. "Et admirata est tota terra post Bestiam," significat quod tunc Fides illa cum gaudio recepta sit, et facta Doctrina totius Ecclesiae, quia sic non essent Servi sub Lege, sed Liberi sub Fide. - "Et admirata est" significat admirationem quod plaga mortis sanata sit, et inde receptionem cum gaudio; per "totam terram" significatur tota Ecclesia Reformatorum, "terra" enim est Ecclesia (285); quare per "admirata est tota terra post Bestiam" significatur quod fides illa cum gaudio recepta sit, et facta doctrina totius Ecclesiae; gaudium in quo recepta, est quia sic non essent servi sub lege, sed liberi sub fide; non scientes, quod prorsus contrarium sit; nempe, quod qui credunt se liberos esse sub fide, aut ex fide illa, aut per fidem illam, sint servi sub peccato, hoc est, sub Diabolo (peccatum enim et Diabolus unum et idem sunt); nam credunt sic legem non damnare; ita credunt quod peccare absque damnatione legis sit liberum, modo fidem habeant; cum tamen hoc est ipsum servum: at homo dum fugit peccatum, hoc est, Diabolum, a servo fit liber.

His adjiciam hoc MEMORABILE: -

Locutus sum cum quibusdam Doctoribus Ecclesiae in Mundo spirituum, quid intelligunt per "Opera Legis," et quid per "Legem," sub cujus jugo, servitute et damnatione dicunt se non esse.

Dicebant quod essent Opera legis Decalogi.

Et tunc dixi, "Quid sancita Decalogus; annon haec, 'Non occides,' 'Non scortaberis,' 'Non furaberis,' 'Non false testaberis;' sunt haec Opera Legis, quae separatis a Fide, dicendo quod 'Sola Fides absque Operibus Legis justificet et salvet;' et sunt haec, pro quibus Christus satis fecit.

Et responderunt quod haec sint.

Et tunc audita est vox e Caelo; dicens, "Quis potest ita insanire.

Et illico versae sunt facies illorum ad spiritus diabolicos, inter quos fuit Machiavellus, et plures ex ordine Jesuitico, qui permiserunt omnia illa, modo caverent sibi a legibus mundi; et cum illis conjunxissent se, nisi interposita esset societas, quae separabat.

Dicitur quod "admirata sit tota terra post Bestiam;" quod "post" illam sit sequi illam et obedire illi, patet ex his locis:

"David servavit praecepta Mea, et ambulavit post Me toto corde" (1 Regnum 14:8); 1

"Ibant filii Jischaji 2post Saulem in bellum," (1 Samuelis 17:13);

"Non eris post multos ad mala; non respondebis super lite post multos ad pervertendum," (Exodus 23:2);

Non ibis "post Deos alios, quos non novistis," 3(Jeremias 7:9);

"Illi iverunt post deos alios ad serviendum illis," (Jeremias 11:10; Deuteronomius 8:19);

"Virum, qui iverit post Baalpeorem, perdet Jehovah," (Deuteronomius 4:3).


1. 1 Reg. pro "ii. Reg."

2. Jischaji pro "Israelis"

3. novistis pro "novisti"

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