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《揭秘启示录》 第583节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 583

583. And it was given authority to do so for forty-two months. This symbolizes the scope to teach and practice the evils and falsities accompanying that doctrine even to the end of that church, until the beginning of a new one.

Being given authority to do so symbolizes the ability to speak great and blasphemous things, namely, to teach and practice evils and falsities, as indicated just above in no. 582. Forty-two months mean, symbolically, to the end of the previous church, until the beginning of a new one, as said in no. 489 above, having the same symbolic meaning as three and a half days (no. 505), as time, times and half a time (no. 562), and as one thousand, two hundred and sixty days (no. 491). For forty-two months constitute three and a half years.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 583

583. 'And there was given unto him authority to act for forty-two months' signifies the opportunity for teaching and doing the evils and untruths of that doctrine up to the end of that Church, until the beginning of the New. By 'there was given unto him authority to act' is signified authority 'to speak great things and blasphemies,' that is to teach and do evils and untruths, of which just above (582). By 'forty-two months' is signified to the end of the former Church and the beginning of the New, as above (489); the same as is signified by 'three days and a half' (505), and by 'a time, times and half a time' (562), also the same as by 'a thousand two hundred and sixty' [days] (491), because forty-two months make three years and a half.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 583

583. And there was given unto him authority to work forty-two months, signifies the ability of teaching and doing the evils and falsities of that doctrine, even to the end of that church, and the beginning of the New. By "authority was given him of working" is signified the authority of speaking great things and blasphemies, that is, of teaching and doing the evils and falsities mentioned above, (582); "forty-two months" signify even to the end of the former church and beginning of the New, as above, (489[1-2]); the same as is signified by "three days and a half" (505); and by "a time and times and half a time" (562); and also by "a thousand two hundred and sixty" (491), because forty-two months make three years and a half.

Apocalypsis Revelata 583 (original Latin 1766)

583. "Et data ei potestas faciendi menses quadraginta duos," significat copiam docendi et faciendi mala et falsa Doctrinae istius usque ad finem illius Ecclesiae, dum principium Novae. - Per "data ei potestas faciendi" significatur potestas loquendi magna et blasphemias, hoc est, docendi et faciendi mala et falsa, de quibus mox supra (582); per "menses quadraginta duos" significatur ad finem prioris Ecclesiae dum principium Novae, ut supra (489); 1simile quod per "dies tres et dimidium (505); perque "tempus, tempora et dimidium temporis (562); tum simile quod per "mille ducenta et sexaginta (491); quia menses quadraginta duo faciunt tres annos et dimidium.


1. 489 pro "496"

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